
Monday, July 14, 2014

Flip Flop Accordion Fold Mini Album

This flip-flop shaped accordion folded mini album
will be a fun way to document and display
some of the moments of a fun summer.
Adorn the seven (or as many as you choose) page surfaces
with small photos or cutouts, ticket stubs, and other momentos,
then set it on a shelf or the mantle to share with all.

1. Identify and cut the shapes:
Top row: strap layers, flower decor

Middle row: face base shape with overlay & rim

Middle row & bottom rows: page base shapes with overlays and rims with hinges between

2. Center and attach the strap layers.

3. Before the straps glue is set, add some curl to the ends for dimension and realism. This operation is similar to curling ribbon: apply pressure between thumb and finger, then draw the straps between and across the lower finger in a curving motion.

4. Shape the flower layers by overlapping the end petals and gluing together, creating a slight cupping of each petal shape.

5. Overlap the straps over the front decor overlay matching punch holes. Thread the flower shapes onto a regular size contrast brad, then insert the prongs through punch holes, bend back on the backside to secure.

6. Insert the strap end into the corresponding edge slot until perforation guide mark is even with the slot.

7. Fold the ends under and glue in place securely.

8. Position the overlap assembly over the front base shape, with edges offset slightly at all edges. Glue in place completely and securely.

9. Prepare the self-box by positioning each of the rim shapes and gluing, one by one, at the edge of the back base shape. This will build up the edge and create a recessed center portion at the curved edges. Bottom straight edge area will remain "open". NOTE: if you would like this rim to be equal to or greater than the middle accordion layers, you will need to cut additional layers (for example, one extra for each "page" of the accordion album).

Take care for accurate alignment.

10. Lay out the page shapes in their alternating forward and mirror image order. Separate the layout into the left and right pairs (with face side up) as shown here, with the long hinge shapes between. (Separate the front shaped edge hinge, and the short hinges for later use.)

11. Begin to join inner base page shapes in place, starting at the back page.  Fold one of remaining hinge shapes in half. Center it at the straight cut edge of the page, with perforation edge even with the page edge, and glue in place. 

12. Fold the hinge into its "closed" position, apply glue to the underneath surface, then position the shape within the rim so that the hinge will touch the back base shape. Press in place and hold until the hinge is attached securely.

13. Also join the other left and right pairs with long hinges between in similar fashion.

14. Fold shorter hinges in half, then attach in same process to join the left/right pairs into one long accordion shape.

15. Finally, position the assembled album front page over the front of multi-page assembly. Prepare shaped front hinge in similar fashion, then position it at approximately the same height as short hinges on underneath layers. Apply adhesive and join hinge surface to backside of front page, then join remaining edge to second page backside edge.

16. Fold the album pages in order, folding pages into their "rim" frame, with front in position. Apply pressure at the left and right hinge areas to ensure that the accordion folding will function properly.

Here is what the album assembly looks like at this point of construction.

17. Position and attach the offset decorative overlay shapes onto each page, and within rim of back.

Here is the finished album, closed . . .

and opened, standing on its own!

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