
Friday, August 8, 2014

Apple "Delicious" Flat Box Gift Card Holder

"Delicious" could be a creative way to say
"Well done!" or "Isn't that cool!" to your favorite
educator or student.
Or to celebrate the hectic home canning season.
This lid and box with dimensional stem assembly
and 2d lid decoration
opens to show a platform insert that can hold a gift card.
Or leave the insert out and fill with goodies,
or even the dried "preserves" (a.k.a. apple rings or trail mix)
from your home orchard.

This cut file design will soon be available from SnapDragon Snippets
through the Silhouette America online store,
SVG Attic, and SnapDragon Snippets online store.

1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A base apple shape
B base lower boxing strip
C base upper boxing strip
D lid apple shape
E lid lower boxing strip
F lid upper boxing strip
G dimensional stem shape
H stem lid base shape with slots
I insert shape
J 2d lid decor shapes
K "delicious" word and welding word/swoosh

2. Compare the lid (larger) and base apple shapes to make sure you are joining the correct center shape to the appropriate boxing/flange strips.

Base flange boxing strips are wider. 
Lid flange boxing strips are narrower.

3. Prepare the base lower boxing (flange) strip by folding inward on all vertical perforation lines, EXCEPT the center line, which is the bottom center of the box and in an outward or "valley" fold. Also fold the upper rim edge inward, and the bottom tabs inward.

4. Prepare the base upper boxing strip by folding the pair of center vertical folds as outward (valley) folds, and the rest as inward folds. Also fold the rim tabs and bottom tabs inward.

5. Apply adhesive and attach the first lower strip bottom tab to the corresponding edge of the base apple shape. I like to begin at the center and do one half, then the other half. For me, this is easier to identify which edges should be joined.

Here I am lining up the short tab and edge for the upper (in this picture) half that begins at the center angle and runs to the apple's "standing" lowest edge.

6. Continue joining the tabs and edges in sequence for the first half of the lower portion of the apple. Here, the second tab and edge are being joined . . .

. . . and here the final edge in that lower half is being joined.

7. Complete the other half of the lower portion in the same manner.

8. Join the upper base boxing strip to the assembly by overlapping the strip's end edge over tab to perforation line.

9. Continue to join the upper base boxing strip to the base apple shape by aligning the tabs and the straight edges, until all edges are joined.

10. Join the upper end edge to lower strip by overlapping edge and tab perforation line.

11. Apply adhesive to the upper edge "rim" tabs, then fold these down into the inside of the box and apply pressure until all are securely in place.

12. Repeat the process for the lid section, preparing the upper and lower boxing strip shaping as in Steps 3 & 4, joining to lower and then upper edges as in Steps 5-9, and joining final seam (shown here) as in Step 10.

13. Fold the rim tabs and glue in place for lid as for base as shown in Step 11.

14. Prepare the dimensional stem by folding the shape at perforation lines as shown. All folds are inward.

15. Fold the front upward from the end, then fold one side upward so that straight edges align with the front's side perforation line, and glue in place. Repeat for the opposite front side.

16. Fold the back tabs inward, then slide tabs behind the side edges to align edges with perforations lines and glue in place.

It may be easier to get these seams in the narrow space to attach if you . . .

. . . use a narrow dowel or skewer inserted into the stem box and placed behind the seam area to press against with fingers from the outside.

17. Insert the stem's end tabs into the slots on the stem lid base shape.

18. Fold both tabs flat, toward the outer edge (away from the center perf fold line) and glue in place.

19. Apply adhesive to the under side of the base shape. Position the stem portion of the stem base shape over the outer center top edge of lid boxing. Center fold line should line up with rim edge, then fold backside flange around edge to lid's inside, and glue both front and back surfaces in place.

Apply pressure at stem top, and behind stem bottom from inside of lid to secure attachment.

20. Prepare the insert shape. Fold the edge boxing strip extensions downward away from platform, Fold segments and tabs of boxing inward.

Fold top center boxing strip "tab" downward.

21. Form platform by aligning corresponding boxing straight edges and tab perf lines and gluing edges in place.

22. Place gift card under the semicircle tabs.

23. Use side finger cutouts to assist as the insert is placed inside the box's base.

24. Layer the apple and other decorative shapes. Apply/attach the mini eyelet on the lower leaf, if desired. Glue leaf in place at apple upper center (if preferred, this attachment can wait until apple shapes are attached to lid front, if it will assist with positioning). 

25. Attach apple decorative shape to lid front, centering it side to side and top to bottom.

NOTE: it may be easier to get the shapes to attach securely if the lid is turned over (once shapes are positioned accurately) and placed on a flat surface so that pressure can be applied uniformly over the entire backside of the lid.

26. Position and attach the layered (or individual shapes) for "delicious" and swoosh.

Complete box by placing lid over base.

Here is the assembled box from the front . . . 

. . . and from the back.


  1. Another awesome creation Jodi! ...and tutorial!

  2. So cool!!! Can't wait to make one :)

  3. so cute! thanks for some fun, fresh back to school teacher gift ideas!!
