
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Pumpkin A7 Card with Pull Tab Teeth

Here's a unique Halloween card to create and give!
Save your pop can pull tabs (six of them)
and glue, then lace them in place on the constructed card front.
Fits in a 5x7 (a7 size) envelope.
Punched holes in the cut file make the lacing af tabs in place a cinch.
Get the kids involved to complete lacing with a blunt tapestry needle
and embroidery floss.

1. Identify and cut the shapes. From L to R, card base with top fold, card front, pumpkin echo rims (to provide margin for bulk of lacing thread between layers), pumpkin "show thru" with lacing holes, pumpkin decor panels and eyes.

2. Complete the pre-assembly by centering card front over base with even offset side shapes and lower center edges even.

Position and attach pumpkin decor panels to show thru layer.

Cut and layer extra 1-3 stem base shapes to create a stem that has a thickness that will correspond well to the eventual layering build up of the pumpkin face with lacings and echo rims.

3. Position and lightly glue the six pull tabs in place over the mouth shape, aligning so that the pairs of punch holes peek out slightly at tab interior openings, as shown here.

(NOTE that lacing beginning is shown in this image, but start prep is shown in next step.)

4. Thread 6-strand floss (or equiv. twine, etc.) onto a blunt tapestry needle (check that needle gauge will fit easily through holes). Use a length approx. 30-36".

Tape the floss end to base shape backside, near and above the end of lacing sequence where you plan to start the "stitching".

5. Insert the needle through the first top hole, then over and down into the corresponding hole on the inside of the tab being laced in place. Repeat the process for this set of holes so that there are two courses of floss or twine crossing the tab.

6. Move the needle insertion point to the lower set of punch holes for this end tab, and repeat the stitching process of two courses for this position.

7. At the backside of the pumpkin, move the needle insertion point laterally to the adjacent pair of holes, and repeat the stitching process for that pair of holes.

Continue in this fashion, moving upward, then sideways, then downward, then sideways, etc., to work across the sequence of tabs and holes.

Here you can see one way that the lacing can be completed.

8. After the final holes and tab are laced, keep the needle and floss on the backside of the assembly, tie off if you choose, then trim the floss end to 1-2" long and tape in place securely.

9. This optional step is to provide a buffer between the pumpkin shape and the card front for the bulk or thickness of the lacing.

Position and glue one echo rim (or two, if you used more bulky twine) at the backside of the pumpkin base shape.

10. Apply glue to the pumpkin backside (or perhaps the rim and center portions only), then position centered with offset at edges over the card front shape.

11.  Position and attach the stem assembly at the card front upper center edge.

Here is the completed pumpkin card!

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