
Friday, December 26, 2014

Toasting 3d Stem Glass Assembly Guide

This 3d stemware replica is created from card stock,
clear acrylic shapes (on the inside of open panels),
and jewel embellishments.
Measuring life size, it is approximately
10" tall x 2.5" diameter (bowl) x 3" diameter (foot), 
and can be used as a display element,
a way to toast the New Year, to hold a wedding or engagement favor,
and for decor at many other special occasion celebrations.

Cut file is available (soon) to be purchased
and downloaded from,
SVG Attic, and Silhouette America's online store.

1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A bowl
B stem tube
C bowl support collar
D stem support
E rim decor strips (6)
F foot upper circle
G foot assembly circles (5 graduated)
H foot lower circle

Not shown:
I clear acrylic 'pane' shapes for upper and middle bowl sections
J inner bowl hole cover shape

2. Prepare the bowl shape by folding all tabs, side sections, mini tabs, rim tabs, etc, back as "mountain" folds, EXCEPT bottom long tabs found outward as "valley" folds.

3. Form bowl by overlapping straight section edges over adjacent tabs exactly at perforation lines and gluing in place.

Here the middle sections seam is being aligned and then . . .

. . . joined, using pane frame openings for finger access to apply pressure to complete the seam.

Also position, adjust and join the upper sections the same way.

Complete all the side-by-side section seams in this fashion, including the lower sections which have not been pictured here yet.

4. To attach the clear acryllic panes behind the bowl section cutout frames, apply clear permanent adhesive strips at section edges for upper rectangular sections and middle trapezoid sections.

The sample project is using "KOOL TAK" 1/8" wide strips which have a red liner to assist with tape application. Strips are positioned then cut to size. Strips are applied around each opening EXCEPT the straight edges (shown on the right of the assembly here) where the final seam tab will be joined. Once that seam is complete, the final adhesive strips will be applied.

5. Remove the red strip liners, then position the cut pane shapes into the sections.

(The final upper and middle panes will not be positioned until after the final bowl seam is joined.)

6. Form the bowl into a tube to align the lower, middle and upper straight edges at the corresponding tab perforation lines and join.

7. Add final adhesive strips and attach panes into final section.

8. Fold back and glue each rim tab in place. 

NOTE: since the tabs will fold to enclose the tops of the upper clear acryllic panes, it may be helpful to use more of the clear adhesive strips here.

9. Fold the optional rim accent strips at each end, then position even with upper fold edge and section side perforation lines and attach in place.

Rounded tab end will overlap the preceeding strip. TIP: attach only half of the first strip on the opposite side of the rounded tab to allow the positioning of the final strip, then complete the unattached end so that rounded tab can overlap.

10. Fold the stem strip on the long perforations. Form a tube with the straight edge overlapping the long tab (tab section has angled ends) and glue the seam. Use a standard pencil inserted inside the tube as a pressure surface to help complete the seam. 

Apply pressure continually all along the seam until it is completely joined.

11. Fold the bottom end tabs outward.

12. Insert the stem tube through the bottom of the top foot circle (includes the support slots).

Slide the circle down completely until it is seated at the bottom tab perforations.

Apply glue and attach the tabs in place securely.

13. Fold the stem support shape on the vertical perforation lines. Overlap the straight edge to the opposite tab perforation line and complete the seam.

14. Insert the stem through the support tube and slide the support down . . .

. . . until the tabs can be inserted into the foot circle slots.

15. Fold the tabs outward and glue in place on the backside of the top foot circle.

16. Identify and dry fit the five foot circles for the foot assembly. They are slightly offset to give the completed foot a slightly beveled edge appearance, so take care that the top circle is the smallest (slightly larger than the upper foot circle from step 15 above), and that each successive circle is slightly larger.

Position and glue each of the five circles together, taking care to line up the center hexagon openings exactly and otherwise center each circle that is added to the stack.

17. Position and attach the stem assembly over the foot circle assembly, taking care to align the center hexagon opening as before.

(Keeping the hex openings aligned will allow for the optional insertion of a pencil or rod to provide strength and rigidity. See step 23.)

Lower foot circle will be attached at the end of the assembly, if a support rod will be inserted. See step 24. If you are NOT using a support rod, the lower circle may be attached at this point.

18. Fold the bowl support collar on the vertical perforation lines as "mountain" folds, and also fold the tiny bottom tabs outward (valley folds).

Form a bowl shape to bring the straight end to overlap the end tab, adjust and glue the seam.

19. Slide the collar onto the stem as shown.

20. Apply adhesive to the outer surfaces of the bowl bottom tabs, then insert these tabs into the top of the stem and glue in place.

To assist with this gluing . . .

. . . insert a pencil through the top of the bowl into the stem, then apply pressure at the tabs position. 

Take care as this gluing is being completed that the bowl is positioned in vertical alignment with the stem. It may be helpful, while the pencil is still in place, to stand the assembly upright on a flat table surface, then use a tall book or other perpendicular guide to check the verticality and make adjustments before glue is completely dried.

21. Apply glue near the base of the bowl, then slide the collar up into place and hold with pressure until joint is secure.

22. Fold the side sections of the hole cover slightly upward, apply adhesive then drop into position on the bottom of the bowl. Use a rod tool, tweezers, etc., to make sure the positioning is as exact as you can get it before glue grabs, then apply pressure to side sections to assist with joining in place.

23. OPTIONAL: Insert a cut-to-size pencil or rod into the bottom of the stem tube and glue in place.

24. Position, center and glue the lower foot circle in place.

25. OPTIONAL: Add jewel strips to the outside of the bowl sections for extra glamour.

For this sample, Gemstone strips were cut from the larger sections of the original product, then positioned at center of each vertical side margin of all six faces of the goblet bowl.

Here is the complete stemware glass replica
with tiny decor balls acting as the "bubbly" drink contents.

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