
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Bunny, Chick & Lamb Easter Treat Totes

Dress up your Easter treating with any of these
three new designs. Tote shapes in two parts
are folded and joined, then decor front shapes
of bunny, chick or lamb added.
Tote back panel includes an inward-folded flange
to allow a 3.5" cello bag or pre-packaged treat
to be stapled, taped or glued in place.

TOTE assembly is covered in steps 2-5, 9 & 10.
Individual designs (Bunny, Chick, Lamby) decorations
are covered in that order within the body of the instructions.

1. Identify and cut the shapes:

For Bunny tote
cut front and back tote base shapes, body front, inner ears, eye liner (black) rectangle, nose overlay, nose liner (red contrast), whiskers

For chick tote
cut front and back tote base shapes, body, wings, dimensional beak diamond shape, eye white circles, black pupils, lid semi circles, legs shape

For Lamb
cut front and back tote base shapes, body base, body overlay with woolly swirls, head, head woolly, eye liner rectangle, nose/mouth detail

TOTE body assembly is the same 
for all 3 designs (Steps 1-5, 9 & 10).

2. Prepare the front and back tote panel shapes by bending at the perforations as shown. Back panel is on top in this image.

NOTE how the staple flange bends into the interior space of the tote.

Here are some additional notes to help with the folding of the back panel.

3. Bring the folded sections of the back panel together in preparation to glue them to create the stapling flange, then separate again in order to apply the adhesive from the front (outside) of the panel.

(NOTE that this image shows the inside surface of the tote, with the flange extending into the interior of the tote when completed.)

Apply glue to the front of the top flange section around the cutout connector tab. Then bring the two sections together, taking care to direct the connector tab to the "outside" so that it bridges the seam gap, and press along flange length until joined.

4. Apply glue to the underside of the connector tab and press it into place to join to the lower portion of the back panel.

5. Apply glue to the face side of the bottom front tab. Overlap the straight edge of the back panel to the tab perforation line on the bottom front tab, adjust so side edges match exactly, and join.

Make sure that the face sides of both panels face "out", with the stapling flange on the back facing "in".

6. Apply glue around the eye hole cutouts on the back of the bunny body main shape. Place the eye liner rectangle so that it covers the hole cutout; glue in place.

7. Position and attach the inner ear shapes with more or less even offset margins at rounded edges, with bottom curve on the imagined top curve of the body.

Layer the nose contrast liner shape and the top nose overlay.

Estimate where the nose will be placed, below eye cutouts, then center the whiskers and attach, then the nose over the whiskers.

8. Apply adhesive to the body area ONLY of the bunny, leaving the ears unattached.

 Position and attach the assembled bunny on the front panel of the assembled tote, bottom edge of bunny at the tab perforation/seam, and centered side to side.

9. Prepare, if necessary, your packet of goodies to attach at the flange. 

(The sample uses a 3.5" gusseted cellophane bag with approx. 3 oz. of jelly bellies candies inside. Excess top cellophane is trimmed away, leaving approx. an extra 1" to fold down in two 1/2" fold to make a header.)

Slide the package header under the stapling flange and center from side to side. Hold bag in place (use a small piece of cello tape if necessary) until . . .

. . . you can position the stapler and fasten it at each end of the flange.

For the sample, it was necessary to allow the candy to adjust to opposite left) (side of bag to give stapler to get into stapling position. Candy was then readjusted to right side to staple the other upper end.

Strong dry adhesive or tape are other attachment options.

Here is the candy bag in place with both staples holding it to the flange.

10. Finish the tote by bringing the handles together at the top, threading a short length of ribbon through the slots.

The model has the ribbon ends also brought together and wrapped with a short length of twine or cord and knotted.

Here is the completed Bunny tote.

11. Add the top knot embellishment, if you wish, before the body shape is attached to tote front.

(Sample uses a length of 6-ply embroidery floss wrapped 4 times and tied and a bow, ends trimmed.)

12. Position and attach the feet shape just above the tote front panel tab perforation/seam line, centered from side to side.

Position (center) and attach the body shape above the feet so that only the toes show (see next image).

13. Place the eye white circles inside the body eye hole cutouts and glue in place.

Position and attach the semi-circle lids at slight angle so that the curved lid edges cover and extend slightly past eye socket cut edges (see next image for detail).

Position and attach the pupil (black) shapes below the lids shapes with straight edges flush.

14. Position and attach the wings on each side of the body.

Bend the beak shape, face side outward, then position and attach below the eyes. (There is a dash cut into the body to provide top edge positioning.)

Complete the tote by referring to steps 9 & 10, above.

Here is the completed Chick tote.

15. Apply glue to the lower portion of the head woolly shape and attach to upper head front (see following image for detail).

On the backside apply glue around the eye hole cutouts, then position and attach the eye liner rectangle so that it covers the cutouts.

16. Position and attach the nose/mouth "Y" shape at the lower, center of head.

Line up and attach the body overlay on top of the contrast body base shape (shown at left here). Bottom straight edge and lower side shaped edges will line up.

17. Position and attach the head shape over the body assembly.

18. Position (centered side to side) lamby decoration with the bottom straight edge aligned at the front panel tab perforation/seam line, and attach.

Finish tote assembly by referring to steps 9 & 10 above.

Here is the completed lamby tote.

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