
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Bunny Upright 3d Box Assembly Guide

Perky little bunny box for Easter display or gifting
is built as a lid with dimensional ears and nose
that fits over a narrowed-top box base.
Embellish as you choose with provided layered carrot,
whisker shapes, nose with highlight, eye cutouts with back panel.
Measures approx. 4.5" tall x 3" wide.
Build one for a shelf, fill it up to give in an Easter basket,
of create a whole bundle of bunnies on your Easter buffet!

1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A lid body front
B nose dimensional shape and overlay
C backing for eye cut outs
D ears and inner ears
E carrot assembly (base, top contour, 2 green tops)
F lid body back
G boxing strip for lid
H base box

2. Apply glue around the eye cut outs on the backside of the lid front. Position and attach the backing rectangle above the nose cutout and so that it surrounds the eye cut outs completely.

3. Prepare the dimensional nose hex mini box by folding on the hex perf lines, on the side tab lines, and fold the top tabs outward.

Build the mini box by bringing the short straight side edges overlapping and in line with the corresponding perf side line of the adjacent shape, and glue tab behind edge. Repeat for all 6 seams.

(Do your best to align edge and tab perf line for accuracy. If it is difficult to fit a finger tip inside the box to assist as the seams are joined, use the end of a narrow tool such as the spatula tool, a bamboo skewer or knitting needle, etc.)

4. Attach the accent (pink) nose shape to the front of the hex mini box.

5. Insert the nose through the hex opening on the body front from back to front. Slide it all the way in so that the front opening edges seat fully at the box tab perf lines. Then . . .

 . . . glue the tabs in place on the body back side.

6. Glue the left and right whisker shapes to the body front, with inner edges abutted to the nose box side. 

(If you plan to add a little cheek color, apply that before the whiskers are glued in place.

7. Prepare the boxing strip by folding tabs on both edges inward, also bending the strip on the cross perforation lines.

8. Align and join the center top tab to the top of the body front, with straight body edge overlapped to the tab perforation line and adjusted so that the ends of each match up.

9. Bend the left and right sides, one at a time, into position to align and join each of the edge segments to the corresponding tab perforation line all along each side.

10. Attach the inner ear (pink) to the front of the corresponding left or right main ear shape. NOTE that the bottom tab shapes of each will align on three sides to help with centering the inner ear correctly.

11. Before the each assemblies dry completely, add some curl to each ear by running the ear between a tool such as the spatula handle shown here and thumb (think curling ribbon). 

12. Insert the first each tab into the slot on the top section of the boxing strip.

On the inside, bend the tab forward and glue in place to the backside of the boxing strip.

13. Insert the second ear behind the previous ear, bend the tab back, and glue in place.

14. Bend the back body tabs inward to be perpendicular to the boxing strip.

15. Position the body back over the back tabs, align the top segment straight edge with the top tab perf line as was done for the box front and attach. Work along each side to join the remaining boxing tabs to the corresponding edges of the body back until all are attached. 

16. Fold the opening edge tabs/flaps back into the body cavity and glue in place.

17. If desired, wrap twine around body below nose and face area several times and tie into knot and bow.

18. Assembly the carrot decoration by beginning with silhouette base shape (includes carrot and stems top shape) with carrot contour shape on top, darker center top stems then outer brighter stems shape.

19. For added dimension, attach foam squares to the backside of the carrot.
(NOTE: experience showed that the tip end foam square showed too much, so leave it off. Only use the top two squares.)

Attach carrot decoration at an angle to the box front.

20. Prepare the box base by folding as shown, with all sides, front and back and tabs bending back.

21. Form the shape into a box by bringing the side tab perf lines to line up with the corresponding straight edges of the front and back panels (front and back overlap tabs) and glue in place.

Repeat the edge to tab joining for all four sides.

It may be helpful to use a tool to reach into the base box interior to provide a surface to apply pressure against as the tabs are joined to the box front or back.

22. Fold the top tabs/flaps into the base box interior and glue in place to form the rim.

23. Insert the base into the bottom of the lid. NOTE that this is a very tight fit.

Slide the base all the way in so that it is not visible at the bottom of the lid.

To get the base out again, use the finger tab/hole. (It may be necessary to insert a narrow rod tool to assist with the retraction of the base.

Here is the finished bunny box.