
Friday, April 10, 2015

Eiffel Tower 3d Realistic Model Tutorial

If you've been to Paris,
or even if you just dream of walking around the City of Lights,
building this detailed model will create or bring back memories.

1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A cap tip box
B cap platform box
C cap base box
D top tower cone with overlays
E top platform with rail sections
F mid tower legs with overlays
G mid legs platform square
H lower platform with rail sections
I lower legs section with overlays
J lower legs platform square

2. Prepare the top cap tip by bending the three tabs attached to the center square downward, wrapping the boxing sides around to join into an open-bottom box. Glue tabs to sides and boxing end.

Here is the finished cap tip box.

(Please overlook my gluey fingers!)

3. Bend the bottom tabs outward.

4. Insert the cap tip tabs into the opening of the cap platform shape.

Fold the tabs outward and glue in place to the underside of the platform square.

5. Bend the three platform tabs downward, wrap the boxing strip around and glue in place in a manner similar to what was done for the cap tip in step 2. 

6. Form the cap base shape into an open-top box in similar fashion.

7. Place the cap box assembly over the base box and glue the two together.

This is the completed cap assembly.

8. With accent (black ironwork) overlays already attached to each cone panel, prepare the top tower by folding back on the vertical perforations and top end tabs and perforation.Bend the bottom tabs outward.

9. Form the tower shape into a "tube" or pyramid. Bring the straight side edge to overlap the side tab at perforation, adjust so that top and bottom of each is aligned properly, then glue the tab in place behind the opposite straight edge.

At the same time, tuck the top tabs down behind the tube edges and glue in place

It may be helpful to insert a long rod tool such as a new pencil shaft into the tube to provide a "press-against" surface to help attach the top tabs and long side tab securely.

10. Apply glue to the top surface of the upper tower assembly, then place the cap assembly on top of tower, adjust so that it is centered, and hold in place until secure.

11. Prepare the upper platform shape by folding it as shown (viewing from face side).

Larger square cutout is the upper surface. Working outward from that cutout, the folds should be: valley, mountain, mountain. This creates a short "fence" ridge around platform, then a taller outer edge, then a tab (or square cover) that folds under the platform.

Fold end tabs back.

12. Insert the top tower assembly through the larger square window from the bottom. Push into place until the tower bottom tabs seat against the underside of the platform center square.

13. Apply glue to the underside of the tabs, then re-position and glue in place.

It may be helpful to place the platform portion of the assembly on a flat surface and finger-press around the bottom of the tower to secure the tabs attachment.

(NOTE: according to the order of this assembly guide, the top tip should already be in place, though it is not in this image.)

14. Form the platform into it's finished "box" shape by folding the sides down into position, inserting the end tabs under the adjacent side end and gluing it in place. 

Repeat for all four corners and tabs.

It may be helpful to use a thin tool such as this spatula, inserted between the "fence" layer and the outer side layer to provide a press-against surface to securely attach each tab.

15. Bend the bottom platform tabs toward the center. Fold the bottom "square" into place and glue edges to the tabs.

Take care to "square up" the box and sides so that the platform is square before the seam is secure.

Use the cutout opening as a finger hole to reach inside and apply pressure to the areas being joined.

16. With accent iron work overlays already attached to each panel, bend the mid tower legs shape into a ring. Attach the side tab behind the opposite straight edge.

17. Fold the tabs of the mid tower platform square back. Insert the square into the top opening of the legs ring and glue tabs to the backside of legs. Take care that the platform center area is exactly flush with the top edges of the legs ring while adjustments can still be made.

It may be helpful to turn the legs assembly over on a flat surface and press both shapes to help align top surface and edges.

Flip the assembly so that each legs surface is flat on tabletop to apply pressure along the tab for a secure, flat join.

(NOTE this is the lower legs assembly. The same process may help for both.)

18. Prepare the lower platform in a similar fashion as was done for the upper platform in step 11.

The square with the slots is the top surface. This shape is shown with the face side toward the viewer.

19. Fold the each side with "fence" portion extending upward from center slotted square, then fold sides back. Bring corners together, slide the end tab behind the adjacent side end edge and glue in place.

(This is the same process as was completed for upper platform, step 14.)

20. Bend the leg end tabs back. Insert into the slots on the lower platform, bend them inward toward the center . . . 

. . . and glue each in place on the backside of the platform.

21. Fold the platform tabs inward, fold the bottom of the platform over the tabs and glue in place.

Use the square opening as a finger hole to reach in and apply pressure to tab and frame.

Take care to square up the platform before seams are secure.

22. Apply glue to the top of the mid legs assembly, then position and attach the top tower assembly. 

Take care to center the upper platform over the mid legs assembly before the glue is set and adjustments can be made.

23. With the accent overlays in place, prepare the bottom legs by bending at the vertical perforations and tab edge.

24. Form the bottom legs into a ring, and join the side tab behind the opposite straight leg edge. Make sure the top and bottom of the edges being joined line up properly.

25. Prepare the lower legs platform square by bending the tabs downward. Insert the square in the upper opening of the lower legs, and glue in place. 

Take care that the square surface and legs top edges are aligned exactly.

26. Apply glue to the platform square of the lower legs assembly, then attach the upper assembly in place.

NOTE that the lower legs edges and lower platform edges should line up well, as opposed to the previous tower joining which was offset.

27. Prepare the lower platform "railing" overlay accents by folding the top portion back so that the rounded arch edges line up on each side of the fold.

28. Prepare the upper platform "railing" overlay accents by folding just above the first horizontal "rail" portion.

29. Apply glue to the backside of each overlay. Slide overlay over the platform "fence" fold until the two seat completely at the top folds. Adjust for side-to-side centering, then press in place to secure.

Repeat for all four sides.

This is the lower platform and overlay.

Follow the same process for the upper platform overlays. 

Here you can see both lower and upper platform overlays in place.

And here is the completed Eiffel Tower model.


  1. WOW! The details on the black are simply amazing! Another work of art!

  2. This is Kenzie's creation. She just asked me to do the tutorial. Want her to get the credit she deserves!

  3. lovely where can people get the file if they want to make one please. :)

  4. Available through SnapDragon or SVG Attic.
