
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Holly 3d Cluster & 3d Pinecone Assembly Guide

Dimensional decorations made of paper
fit to embellish a host of woodland or holiday objects:
3d candy cane box, packages, pillar candles, glass cylinders, etc.

Each holly leaf can be "built" with added back full layer
that encloses a short length of floral wire
so they can be bent and "posed" as you choose.
Pinecone is constructed as shaped "petals" that thread
onto a triangle post with narrow "collar" strips between
to simulate the real thing.
Measures approx. 2" tall x 1.875" wide  1.875" deep.
(Reduce original file shapes at 90%
to use with the 3d candy cane and holly cluster.)

(The pine cone tutorial is shown first,
with the holly leaf assembly shown after.)

1. Identify and cut the shapes:

The numbers shown here correspond to the layout as the cut file opens. The order of the numbers during assembly begins with #1 stem, and then works from 13 down to 2 as construction proceeds. The eight A collar spacer strips are wrapped around the stem between numbers 11 thru 3, to provide shape and realism.

NOTE: tiny line-cut numbers (3-9) are included on the cut shapes for reference, but their small size may make them difficult to read. 10-13 are identifiable because they gradate in size from 10 largest to 13 smallest, and all have more pointed "petal" shapes.

For that reason, you may wish to pay attention to how you re-arrange the on-screen shapes onto your cutting mat, and then when you remove cut shapes from the mat into a stack in number order.

2. Prepare the stem shape #1 by folding on the long perforations to form a tube. 

Also bend the two tiny tabs near the top punch tabs downward.

SHAPING: Adding curl and bending the shapes will be very helpful in making the pine cone look realistic.

3. Curl the pointed ends of the stem shape using a rounded shaft tool such as this spatula tool, a knitting needle, or a bamboo skewer. The curl should roll back.

4. Apply adhesive to the face side of the section at right edge that includes a punch hole tab at the top (this is actually the gluing tab for the tube). Overlap the opposite straight edge so that it aligns with the first perforation line.

Apply pressure while holding the stem in its tube shape until the seam is secure.

5. Apply a dab of glue to the backside of one of the punch hole tabs, then press the two together until connected.

6. Prepare the petal shapes 3-13 by pressing the center triangular opening tabs toward the back.

One way to do this is by inserting a pointed tool such as this spatula through from face side 

7. Bend to separate each of the petals of the smaller top shapes to make sure each will curl individually.

8. Use a tool to curl each petal as fully as possible toward the back, using a tool as previously described.

9. Bend each of the petals back for larger shapes.

Also add curl to each individual petal, as much curl as is possible without tearing.

10. Additional shaping can be added by using a firm pad and a large scale stylus tool such as the one shown here by McGill

Working from the backside, press and slide the stylus ball across the middle of each petal shape, both small . . . 

. . . and large.

Here is a link to follow for more information about the "Paper Blossom" shaping techniques and the McGill tools

11. Before inserting the stem through each of the petal shapes, apply adhesive around and inside the triangular opening.

12. Insert the pointed end of the stem through from the face side of petal shape #13, and slide it up until is rests beneath the tiny top tabs.

13. Repeat the glue application, 
inserting and sliding into position for petal rings #12. . . 

. . . and #11.

14. Between each of the next series of petal rings, a collar space strip will be wrapped around the stem and glued in place.

Bend the collar on the tiny perforation lines into a 'U' shape (it will become a triangle shape when glued in place).

15. Apply glue to the inside surface of the strip, then position in place flush below shape #11 and wrap around stem. Hold in place until secure.

16. Slide shape #10 into place, then a collar, then #9, then a collar, etc, until all shape except #2 have been added to the form.

As the pine cone takes shape, continue to curl the petals inward into "cone" shape.

Also NOTE that as the stem pointed tips continually pass through the glue-filled triangle opening, the points should begin to be drawn together into a pointy shape. If this doesn't happen on its own, press and glue together with finger tips.

17. Apply outward curl to the three tips of shape #2. Bend on the perforations.

18. Apply glue to the underneath side of #2, then wrap it around the stem.

The tips of stem and #2 should be approximately even.

Here is the completed dimensional pine cone.

1. Identify and cut the shapes:

There are left and right sets for the shorter upper leaf and the longer stem but smaller lower leaf.

Each leaf set includes:
opt. base whole shape with perf fold/guide            line (marked in image with *; and shown        here face side down)
upper whole shape
half shape
left & right variegated top accept shapes

Shown here (top down): right upper, left & right upper, left & right lower

(Shorter leaf will be demonstrated; assembly is nearly identical for either short or stem'd.)

2. If you are making "wired" leaves, you will want to cut and prepare the optional perf line base shape.

Bend in half along the middle perforated line to form a trough that will help to position the floral wire.

For the lower leaves with the long stems, fold carefuly all along the narrow stem portion.

3. Cut a short length of floral wire that will lay just short of the leaf tip and end where the perforation line ends.

4. Position and attach it in the perf line trough.

NOTE: the best glue might be hot glue because it grabs so quickly. Run a carefuly, neat narrow bead along the trough, then quickly place and allow glue to harden.

5. Apply glue to the underside of the top whole leaf shape, then position, adjust so that all edges line up, and glue in place.

6. Apply glue and attach the half contrast accent shape.

(This image makes the two greens appear very similar; you may choose higher contrast.)

7. Position and attach the high contrast upper shape halves (intended to simulate colorful variegated holly).

(Apologies for out of focus shots!)

Before the adhesives dry and harden, bend the wire and layers into a more life-like form.

Here is another shot showing the molded/bent leaf holding its shape.

Form the cluster by overlapping the loop punch holes of longer and shorter pairs of leaves, and attaching with glue, if desired. (This may make it easier to work with.)

For the decorative cluster on the 3d candy cane, these units were previewed, then side pairs attached. The side units and center single leaf were then tied with double baker's twine, and hot glued neatly above the hang hole collar and pine cones.



  2. I love it, just made one for a center piece for my daughter's woodland birthday party, thanks!
