
Thursday, August 6, 2015

Santa's Chair 3d Model Assembly Guide

Nostalgic yet whimsical 3d low boy style chair model
conjures childhood memories of December visits to St. Nick.
Legs platform hides the removable "box" tray
that can hold a gift card with optional insert, or other treasure.
Oversize back and exaggerated roll arms,
T box cushion and back cushion, scroll arm accents,
layered tag to hang with ribbon or chair
add to the magic.
Measures 7" wide x 8" tall x 3,75" deep.
1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A chair platform base
B chair back (acts as roll arms back cover)
C inside back "frame"
D roll arms back shapers (l & R)
E inside back cushion "bump out"
F & G cushion side boxing strips *l & r)
H seat T box cushion
I t box cushion side boxing strips (2)
J roll arms (l & r)
K bottom base "box" tray
L optional gift card insert for tray
M roll arms front shaper
*N front arm cover (r) with scroll accent
*O front arm cover (l) with scroll accent
P front base accent
Q Santa tag layers with flourishes
(* NOTE: these were re-cut to match J in finished model)

2. Prepare the legs platform base shape by folding sides downward, tabs inward.

3. Bring the straight side leg edges to overlap the adjacent tab at the perforation line and glue in place. Repeat for all four legs.

4. Get familiar with the roll arm shapes. Long edges have mitered tabs that will attach over the edges of front and back shapers. 

Outside edge (indicated by pointing finger) has two longer tabs and one shorter tab (which will orient toward chair back).
Inside edge  (on left side of image) has three medium tabs.

Here, the outside edge tabs are compared to the platform slots to show how the shorter tab will correspond to the shorter slot that is near the base back. Slots are on the side legs section perforation fold line. The LEFT roll arm shape is shown.

(The inside edge tabs will fit into slots series that are more toward the center of the chair platform.)

5. Prepare the roll arm shapes by bending at each long perforation line (horizontal) to begin to form the arm into its "rolled" shape.

Also bend the side tabs back at perforations.

6. Prepare to attach the first roll arm to the roll front arm shaper. Begin with the RIGHT roll arm shape, which you can identify by finding the outside edge tabs, where the short back tab is at the upper right corner as indicated by the pointing finger.

The tabs that will be first connected to the front right shaper edge is near the thumb in the lower left area of the image.

7. Apply adhesive, then position the bottom longer tab at the lowest inner shaper edge as shown. Crease angle at the perforation line should sit snugly at the shaper cut edge.

Apply pressure and hold until secure (here and throughout). 

NOTE that the connector "strip" between the left and right front arm shapers is shown here; it is NOT part of the arm connection process that is underway.
8. Continue to bend the tabs edge into form that matches the shaper edge to position each tab snugly at shaper edge, with tab edges lined up exactly the the ridges of the shaper (that is, each tab aligns with corresponding shaper edge). Glue each in place.

Shown here is the mid section. Continue in the same fashion until . . . 

. . . all tabs are positioned and attached, including this final "outside" edge end tab.

This is how the right roll arm should look, attached to the right portion of the front shaper.

9. Repeat this process for the opposite, left shaper portion and the other roll arm shape.

10. Invert the assembly to prepare to attach the back right shaper to the roll arm shape.

Here you can see the back shaper piece, along with the backside of the roll arm shape already attached in step 8 above.

(The tabs are folded inward, to make it easier to envision how the shaper will be attached.)

11. Fold the roll arm tabs outward so they are out of the way. Begin at one end (outer lower edge is shown here) to attach each tab to the corresponding edge of the back right shaper.

NOTE that the back shapers have a "tab" style extension at the bottom that will be useful in attaching the arm assembly to the chair base at a later stage. It does not get attached to the roll arm shape.

12. Attach the left back shaper to the appropriate tabs in the same manner.

13. Position the roll arm assembly onto the legs base with the front connector strip at the front of the chair (front is opposite the three slots  which can be seen near the bottom of this image).

Insert the inner three roll arm tabs into the inner row of slots, and also . . . 

. . . insert the outer tabs into their corresponding legs ridge slots. 

(NOTE the tabs fit snugly into their slots so the insertion process may take some time and patience.)

On the inside, work the tabs fully through, then glue them in place: inner tabs fold toward the chair's center; outer tabs attach to the legs side.

Repeat for the opposite roll arm portion of the assembly.

14. On the back of the base and arms assembly completed in step 13 above, gently lift each of the back shaper "tabs" slightly to apply glue underneath, then . . . 

. . . reposition the tab so that the outer straight edge of tab and base line up exactly. Apply pressure until secure.

15. At the front, position and glue the front connector strip between the roll arms in place onto the "deck" of the platform base. 

Straight edges of strip and platform should line up.

16. Prepare the back cushion main shape by folding the top boxing (attached) strip back, bending on short perpendicular perforation lines, and bending cushion-side mitered tabs back, straight back tabs upward slightly. 

17. Bend the boxing strip to bring the inside tab perforation and the first segment of the cushion cut edge in line, and glue in place.

Repeat for the second segment along this edge, and also for the first two segments on the opposite top edge.

18. Prepare to attach the side boxing strips to the back cushion assembly by identifying the tab symbols for each side and strip.

Here the left tab and strip are shown with the tiny oval matched symbols.

The right tab and strip have a cut 'X'.

Also bend the strips on perforation lines in similar fashion to the prep for the cushion top strip in step 16. 

19. Position the strip end straight edge over the end tab at perforation line, adjust to center it, then glue in place.

Repeat for the opposite side strip and top end edge.

20. Bend the side strip into position to bring the next straight edges (short angled edge, then first long edge shown here) into alignment, then glue in place.

Repeat the process for the remaining edges and tabs along this side, then repeat for the opposite side strip. 

21. Position the cushion assembly on flat surface, and make sure all the edge tabs are bent outward to form a ledge.

Apply adhesive to the face  surfaces of the ledge top tabs, then position the front frame shape over them to attach.

Begin at the top center to make sure the inner frame's cut edges are very snugly at the cushion crease, then work to each side to snug the edges into the creases. Apply pressure to ensure this snug fit.

When secure, apply glue along the side tabs, position and attach sides in similar manner.
Take care to make the bottom edges of frame and cushion line up as closely as possible.

22. Position the cushion front assembly at the back of the arms/platform assembly, and insert the cushion tabs into the slots.

Tabs will be bent and attached to the underside of the platform, however, . . .

. . . first make adjustment as necessary to make sure that the back outside edges of the cushion abut next to the inner edges of the roll arms, and that the tiny tabs at the bottom of the cushion boxing are folded toward the center.  

(Glue the tiny tabs to the platform deck, once the other slot tabs are attached under platform.)

23. Prepare to place and attach the chair back by first attaching the top flourishes (this can be finished later, if desired). Apply glue to the exposed surfaces of the chair assembly back: roll arm shapers and tabs; back cushion frame and tabs; legs section.

Position the back, line up ALL edges that correspond, . . . 

. . . and apply pressure until secure.

This alignment and attachment process will require some diligent and quick work to ensure that the upper edge and punch holes line up, while at the same time the lower back sides, roll arm edges, legs and platform edges continue to line up.

Adjusting in one place may cause misalignment in another, requiring rotating focus and repeated small adjustments to get the best result.

24. Position the front arm covers over the corresponding front arm openings, adjust to ensure that all edges line up as closely as possible, and glue in place.

25. Position and attach the left and right scroll accents, and also the platform center accent shape.

26. Prepare the box T cushion shapes by bending the center and side boxing shapes as shown.

27. Attach the end tab (near short sections) of one of the strips under the center main section side edge, then repeat for the other end and strip.

28. Working along the edge of the top main section (bottom has hollowed out finger opening) end the boxing strip into position so that the first short tab perf line corresponds to the T end edge and glue in place.

Bend to position the next section, adjust and glue in place, then long section.

Repeat for the opposite top edge and strip.

29. Repeat the tab attachment for the bottom of the t box cushion, using the opening to reach and apply pressure to the tabs.

30. Fold the opening short tabs inward, then fold the end tab and section into place, inserting the tab behind the straight back edge of the box. Glue in place.

31. Test the t box cushion by sliding it into place on the chair assembly.  Remove, apply glue to cushion underside, then reposition and attach in place.

32. Prepare the chair base box tray by bending and folding on the perforations as shown.

33. Fold the "tray" side edges into position, fold the side tab over the adjacent straight side edge, and glue in place.

Repeat for all four tray corners.

34. Fold the leg panels down to overlap the tray sides. Fold the tab back, then overlap the adjacent leg straight edge to the tab perforation and glue in place.

Repeat for all four corners.

35. To assist the leg panels connection to the tray, bend back the center tabs and glue in place on the bottom of the tray.

36. Prepare the optional gift card insert by folding the edge flanges back.

Attach gift card (not shown) then slide the insert into position in the tray.

NOTE: the tray and chair platform are "rectangles" so there is a right and wrong way to fit them.

37. Prepare the Santa tag by positioning and attaching the various elements onto the front tag panel.

One way to assist with positioning is to make a "template" cut by carefully leaving the tag front design grouped on screen, moving as a unit into place on the screen cutting mat, then cutting from "waste" paper.

Here, the template cutout is centered over the tag front (difficult to see since it blends with the table cover), held in place while positions or guidemarks are transferred with light pencil.

Here you can see better the partial tracing that was completed.

Elements are positioned and glued in place. Sometimes a tool like the spatula tool shown can help to lift into place and make the small adjustments that may be necessary.

Also NOTE that the model tag has used a second overlay contrasting 'S' cutout offset over the 'S' that matches the 'anta' lettering.

38. Layer and attach the front tag to the back, taking care that the punch holes line up.

Attach tag to the chair with ribbon, twine, or ball chain as was done for the model shown.

Insert the box tray base under the bottom of the chair assembly to "close" the box.

Here is the completed chair model.



  2. bonjour,
    j'aimerais savoir quel est le grammage du papier que vous utiliser pour la confection de ce merveilleux fauteuil de Père -Noël, 220 g + -?
    merci beaucoup cordialement martine

    1. Patine, je vous on prie, je ne connais pas comme je peu vouz le dit le "grammage". J'ai utiliser se que je veut dire "textured cardstock". Je trouvais une graphique que indique que le grammage du cet papier est plus de 220 g, come peu tetre 270 (?)

  3. coucou
    je me suis débrouilée avec les paPiers que j'avais, je viens de le terminer! C'EST UNE PURE MERVEILLE! MERCI MERCI BRAVO BRAVO QUEL TALENT! MAIS QUEL TALENT ! FICHIER HYPER BIEN conçu, simple du grand art

  4. I made this today for the gift card my son is giving my daughter for Christmas. I love it! Thank you for such a fun project.

  5. This is a keepsake piece; I can't wait to make it. It looks a little intimidating but I'm up for the challenge.

  6. I love this. I've made 2 of them. They are great. You are so creative. I was wondering what paper you used for this? I found the candy cane paper but none of the rest. I really love your paper choices.

    1. I used papers in my collection, and since most were used up, I can't go back and document for you. So sorry.

  7. I loved your explanation, thank you very much for the help.
    Kisses from Brazil!
    Rosana Loretti

  8. Hello, would you offer a licence which allows me to produce a maximum of 50 of this adorable card holders? Could not find any furtherinformation for that :) Kind regards

  9. We typically do not grant licenses. But if you want to email me with specifics about what you are intending, we can at least have a conversation. Jodi
