
Sunday, August 9, 2015

School Locker 3d Box Tutorial

Cheer on older students or teachers 
with this replica half length locker box. 
Measure approx. 6" tall x 3.5" wide x 3.25" deep. 
Features include opening door with vent slots, 
recessed handle bay, 
dimensional handle and mini combination lock, 
hinge (with added stud jewels) details. 

1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A locker box back & right side 
B locker box left side
C locker box top and bottom (2 shapes)
D rim  left shape with accordion build up
E rim right shape with accordion build up
F box front face plate (with opening)
G door liner with closure nib
H door front with vents
I hinges (2)
J knob mechanism recess shape
K knob "box"
L combination lock components
Not shown: back vent contrast liners (2)

2. Prepare the back box left/back, right sides, top and bottom panels with connecting tabs bent back, and vertical perforation line bent back.

Arrange so that the tabs will attach to the appropriate edges as shown (make sure that the vent cuts are oriented as shown (top of image is top of box back) so that they form "U" shapes.

Overlap appropriate straight edges at tab perforation lines and attach to form one cross-shaped panel.

3. If desired, position and attach the contrast vent rectangle covers on the backside of the box shape.

4. Fold the shape into box, overlap the straight edges to the adjacent tab perforation lines, and glue in place.

5. Identify the left/top rim shape (shown at left being hand held) and right bottom rim shape.

NOTE that the left/top shape includes the oval "window" that when folded during preparation will create a recess that the door latch nib will fit into to help keep the door closed.

6. Prepare the rim shapes by folding in "half" on the vertical perforation line. Also fold back the perforation at the top of the widest rectangle strip shape, then backward-forward-backward on the next two perforation lines in accordion fashion. 

These accordion folds will act as build up to give the rim more dimension in front of the locker face place and door.

7. Notice that the miter folds at the rim section ends at at the mid perforation include a square cut where the adjacent miter corner connection will slide into place in a later stage of construction.

8. Apply glue to one accordion-folded panel face visible from the front, re-fold and apply pressure until securely attached all along the rim shape. 

Complete this gluing for long and short segments of each of two rim shapes.

Then, turn the shapes over . . . 

. . . and apply glue to attach the accordion folds under the rim panel section (see image with step 7 above). Apply pressure to glue the accordion panels and the front rim panels into a stack for each (short and long) segment.

NOTE: take care NOT to glue the area next to the squared off cut to the layer beneath it.

9.  Fold the prepare rim shape(s) into inverted "L" to form the miter joint at the corner. As you do this, slide the squared up corner under the miter straight edge into the recess that should have been "preserved" there for this purpose, due to the squared off cut.

Glue the backsides of these small miter surfaces together where they overlap.

10. Arrange the two rim shapes into frame shape to bring the end tab to under-lap the vertical straight edges of the opposite rim side panel section. . . 

. . .  while at the same time tucking the miter squared corner under the miter edge. Glue tab in place.

Repeat for both end seams of rim shapes.

11. Lay the rim face down on table top, apply glue to the under rim surface all around, then position the face place face down inside the rim frame. Apply pressure to attach securely all around next to rim.

12. Apply adhesive to the backside of the rim side panels. Slide the rim into place on the open end of the locker box, just as if it was a lid. Work it all the way on, they apply pressure to all edges to secure.

It may be helpful to place one side box-face side down and apply finger pressure from the inside of the box, then rotate to each of the other three sides.

13. Layer the door front (with vent cuts) over the contrast* door panel, line up all edges that correspond, and join.

*My "contrast" door was cut the same color, so I distressed the areas on the back door what would show through the vents to provide the contrast.

14. Prepare the knob recess panel by bending the inner rectangle of perforation lines forward (valley folds), the outer perforations outward (mountain folds), and by folding the tiny triangle tabs at corners slightly inward toward sides.

15. Push the sides inward so that they are perpendicular to the platform bottom.

16. Apply adhesive carefully around the opening only in the margin that will be covered by the outer flanges of the recess shape.

17. From the face side of the door insert the shape base through the opening until the outer flanges are snug against the door surface.

NOTE the outer flanges should adjust around to form a "continuous" frame.

This is how the recess shape will look from the backside, when inserted.

Fold the tiny triangle tabs toward the sides  and . . . 

. . . glue in place.

18. Prepare the knob box shape by bending back on all perforation lines except the outer tab lines, which fold forward (valley).

19. Form the shape into a box, overlap the side tabs, bend the side ends in and glue in place.

20. From the backside, orient the knob box with the lock hole toward the door's bottom, then insert and push fully in until the recess platform edges rest even with the knob perforation lines.

Fold the outer tabs outward and glue in place to the recess shape.

This is how the recess shape and knob should look when completed.

21.  Position and attach the hinges to the door by matching the punch holes.

22. Position the door into the box frame, adjust for centering, then fold the hinge flanges into place against the rim and glue in place.

23. Identify the pad lock shapes:
top - dial knob build up (6 circles)
middle - dial and build up
bottom - lock body and hook reinforcements

(Ooops! I almost glued these together before getting the shot.)

24. Build the lock by layering the arch reinforcements over the matching part of the body base. Be sure to swing the hook end away. Position and attach plain body circle. Add plain dial circles with "donut" circle on top. Stack and join the knob circles, then position in the donut inner circle and glue in place.

(See completed lock in step 26.)

25. Swing the hook away from lock body slightly to pass end through the knob hole, then reposition the hook "flat"

26. Identify the nib of the door layers. 

To close and "latch" the door in place . . 

. . . apply slight pressure until the nib is pushed behind the rim frame and into the recess of the accordion layers.

You may need to flex the frame outward slightly.

27. If you selected the doors that included the paired punch holes, insert the ribbon lengths and tie knot and bows.

You may also wish to place "stud" jewels over the hinge punch holes as shown here.

Here is the completed locker box. Fill it with school necessaries and treats (it has a large enough capacity to put some cool stuff inside). Then gift it to a student, departing collegiate, or say thank you to a teacher or education, athletics trainer or coach.

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