
Friday, September 25, 2015

Bat Handle Candy Bar Tote Assembly

Quick to create, this candy bar tote
is designed to carry six fun size candy bars.
Measures approx. 2.75" x 1.5" x 4.5".

1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A center support with handle
B side compartments
C accent front panel and sawtooth strip
D optional insert dividers
E bat body/wings base
F bat outline
G body with eye accent liners

2. Fold the center support in half at the handle perforation with back sides together (mountain fold). Also fold the bottom platforms outward.

3. Apply glue to the upright portion and handles, then attach together as shown.

4. Prepare the side compartments by folding back (mountain folds) on all perforations, except fold the front sawtooth panel forward. 

(Complete two compartments.)

5. Apply glue to the side tabs, then fold to bring the straight front and back straight side edges to align with the tab perforation lines, adjust, and attach tabs.

6. Apply adhesive and attach the front accent panel (offset within the front compartment area). Also glue the front sawtooth accent shape to the fold-over panel.

NOTE: the sawtooth accent shape also can fit at the top sawtooth edge; to do this, cut extra sawtooth shapes.

7. To help the front sawtooth flap stay in its desirable forward position, apply a dab of glue at each end under the sawtooth panel, then pinch and hold until the glue is secure.

8. Apply glue to the bottom and back of one compartment, then position it on one side of the handle assembly to attach back of compartment to center support, bottom of compartment to bottom flap.

Repeat for the other compartment on the reverse side of the handle/center support.

9. Prepare the optional divider insert by folding in alternating mountain and valley folds as shown here, . . .

. . . then insert it into the compartment interior. Repeat for the other strip and compartment. (Or, you may choose to omit these inserts; that's ok, too.)

10. Assemble the bat by layering the wings outline onto the base. Attach the eye accent behind the eye cut outs, then attach the body assembly to the wings assembly.

11. Position and attach one bat assembly on the front of the handle assembly, and the other on the back. NOTE that the handle is shaped to line up with the bat silhouette.

Prepare for treat giving by inserting three fun size candy bars into the divided compartments, three on one side and three on the other.


  1. A very cute and functional treat basket. Love it!

  2. I just cut these out tonight and since I have several to make I'm starting early! They are very easy to put together and are so cute! The children in my life will love them! Thank you!
