
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Ghost Glass Pop Bottle Topper

Dress up vintage-style glass soda bottles with this
ribbon-cinch six-section ghost. 
Attach three back body/head segments to 
the combination front/sides shape, 
push through the "top knot" shape at the head top slot, 
attach arm tabs at back edges of side front sections. 
Decorate face with eye cut out openings, 
nose dot, cheek circles and smile. 
Thread a length of narrow ribbon through "neck" segment slots 
on body shapes, place on bottle neck, cinch up and tie in place. 
Measures approx. 7" tall x 3.5" wide (arm span) x 3" deep. 

1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A main body (front/sides one-cut)
B eye contrast panel
C body back
*D body side back - left
*E body side back - right
(*NOTE these two are shown in reverse position from where they were designed to be)
F & G right and left arms
H top knot
(I ribbon to cinch neck)

2. Prepare the separate and combination body shapes by bending back on perforation lines as shown, with the perf line at panel with slot bent forward (valley).

3. Attach the nose dot, cheek circles and smile on the face panel.

4. On the backside of the face panel, position and attach the eye contrast shape.

5. Position the back and side back shapes with top triangle tabs overlapping the head top hexagon shape, and glue each in place.

NOTE that the center back body shape has a cutout that allows slot to remain open.

6. Prepare the topknot shape by folding in half with face sides together, bending bottom tabs outward. Glue center portions together as shown.

7. From the body assembly backside, insert the topknot through the slot, push all the way in until bottom tabs seat against the backside of the head top hex panel, and glue tabs in place.

(Ghost was designed with curve of topknot facing forward.)

8. Bend the arms tabs forward slightly on perforation. 

Position tab perf line at back edge of each corresponding front side section, in the area between perforation lines in section below ribbon slot.

9. Thread a length of ribbon through the neck slots.

For best cinching later, follow this order - - 

thread front-to-back through left front slot . . . 

. . . front-to-back through side front and side back body sections . . . 

. . . down and up through back slots . . . 

. . . back to front through 
side body sections . . .

. . . and finally back-to-front into final body front slot.

10. Place the ghost over the neck of the bottle "stand", and adjust to prepare to cinch ribbon at neck.

11. Carefully (so paper doesn't tear) pull ribbon ends to tighten, then tie knot and bow, trim ends.

This image shows how the sections adjust around the bottle neck, under- and over-lapping for most snug fit.

Here is the completed ghost bottle topper.


  1. la carte et le petit fantôme rendent magnifiquement bien et là encore sont super faciles à monter, comme toujours que du bonheur !

  2. The ghost is so cute! Such a fun idea!
