
Friday, December 11, 2015

Gingerbread Boy Hidden Gift Card Tutorial

Camouflage a gift card behind this innocent face! 
Start with the shaped card front, build up with 
2/3 tall back layers that form the slider 'channel' 
with 'whole' back base shape to conceal it. 
Create the 'top of the head' slider that includes finger 'assist' hole 
to move slider, and standard plastic gift card compartment, 
and insert it behind the cookie card front. 
Add the 'icing' accent shapes and small 3d bow 
(as bow tie for boy, hair bow for girl), 
then your little spicy guy or gal is ready to give. 
Measures approx. 6.75" x 7.25". 

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A front cookie shape with 'icing" outline, buttons, face
B one piece bow tie
C lower body back   D body build up shapes (5)
E slider base    F slider build up shapes (3)
G upper back slider build up shape
NOTE than when arranging the shapes on the virtual
cutting mat on-screen, somewhat efficient practice will allow
the slider build up to be 'nested' within the body build up
shapes, as shown here for the Silhouette Cameo
cutting system.
2. Position and attach the 5 build up shapes,
taking care to line up ALL edges as exactly as possible.
3. Position and attach the channel build up shapes
on the inside/back of the lower body back shape,
taking care to line up all outer edges as exactly as possible.
4. Position and attach the 3 slider build up shapes,
taking care to line up ALL edges as exactly as possible.
5. Position and attach the build up assembly onto the
slider base inside surface, lining us edges exactly.
6. Prepare the bow tie shape by adding some curl
to the center portion of each 'loop' extension.
7. Bring the bow loop ends to overlap at the center, one by one,
and glue in place.
8. Wrap the 'knot' extension strip over the front
and continue wrapping to the back. 
Glue the back overlapped portion in place.
9. Prepare the gingerbread boy decorative front
by attaching the icing outline, eyes, mouth and buttons.
Position and attach the bow tie below the mouth, centered.
(To make this cookie into a GIRL, position the
bow tie as a hair bow at one top side of the head.)
10. Position and attach the decor front assembly
(here shown before the bow tie is attached)
to the body build up/back assembly, taking care
to align edges exactly.
11. To assemble the card, insert the slider into the cavity
behind the head, and at center of back partial body. . .
. . . which can be more easily seen here.
Finished card!

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