
Monday, February 15, 2016

Balloon Spiral Hexagon Card

Send your birthday greetings with this unique
hexagon shaped card.
ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A main card base shape
B inner accent shapes center and (6) flaps
C layered inner message panel & word cuts
D balloon accent base and overlay (6)
2. Prepare the main card base by bending back
on flap perforation lines.
3. Position (center) inner middle accent shape
and attach to the card inside.
Position and attach all flap accents
(NOTE that the accent rounded 'tab' edges
should line up, with wedge edges slightly offset.
4. Layer and attach the message panel
with word cuts.
Position and attach, centered within the
hexagon perforation lines.
5. Layer the balloon base shape with the
overlay offset within, and attach. Complete 6.
Prepare to attach balloons to the flap fronts
by folding two adjacent flaps into position
to reveal the triangular area where the balloon
should be centered, with balloon toward
the flat "top" edge, and string toward the
narrow point area, as shown.
6. Continue to fold the flaps into place,
identify the triangle, then position and attach balloon.
7. To close the card, fold first flap into position,
then, working in clockwise order, fold the adjacent
flaps into position, until . . . 
. . . one flap remains.
Flex the flap slightly to tuck the "circle tab"
edges under the adjacent flap straight edge,
and work inside until the card is flat.
Here is the completed card.

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