
Saturday, February 6, 2016

Castle Renaissance 3d Model Assembly

Large fairy tale fortress with renaissance styling (re-styling)
is built as components: eight corner towers with cupola domes, 
frame rims, front octagon mid towers, 
side windows and upper balcony, 
front Gothic arch portico, 
back panel with portcullis trap door with circle twine closure, 
card slot, crenelated/arch battlements with heart and 
mini brad decoration and jewel post, 
fold-over pennant flags mounted on bamboo skewers. 
 Finished size is approx. 15.5" tall x 11.75" wide x 11.75" wide. 
Elements from a separate design, 
the 'Birthday/Celebrate Swag' card
can be used to decorate the front of the castle
with personalized oval.
View a tutorial on using a home printer to personalize
cut shapes HERE

NOTE: Some assembly images have been borrowed
from the similar design "Castle 3d Model" tutorial,
and may show slightly different details.

1. Identify and cut the shapes in the quantities
shown here:




2. Identify the front panel (with the 'F' cut between
upper slots), the two side panels, and the back panel.
3. Position and attach the window frame trim 
to front and sides.
4. Prepare the balcony shapes by bending back
on all perforations, except the side and bottom tabs, 
which bend forward.
5. Bend the bottom panel to bring the straight edge to overlap
the tabs to perforation lines, and glue each in place
for both sides, and both balcony units.
6. Insert the tabs through corresponding slots
in the wall panel . . . 
. . . bend tabs outward/downward on the backside,
and glue in place.
7. Layer the "stone" swag base and overlay
(NOTE in the sample project, these were intended
to represent the bas relief of carved architectural stone;
you may choose to cut from higher contrast).
Position on the balcony front panel with top
edges even and centered, then add the top trim bar.
8. Bend the hinge reinforcement shape forward
on the perforation line. Position the fold/line centered
and exactly along the perf line of the wall, and glue in place
where it overlaps the wall and the trap door accent shapes.
9. Layer a pair of circle closures and glue together.
Position and attach one unit (only glue tiny margin
around cut hole to allow for twine wrapping)
over the punch on the wall shape.
10. Cut a length (approx. 8 or 9 inches long)
and thread one end through the door punch hole,
then secure a generous 1/4" tail on the backside.
Knot the free end to keep it from unraveling.

11. Position the circle closure unit over the door punch hole
and secure by attaching a small eyelet/rivet through all.
Also attach a rivet through the wall circle closure unit.
This is how the closure and trap door
should look when completed.
12. Layout the front, sides and back panels
in order of connection. Bend right side flange tabs back.
Overlap straight edge of one panel to the perf tab line
of the adjacent panel and glue in place.
Repeat until all four panels are joined into the
castle "tube".
13. Prepare the tower shapes by bending back on
long vertical perforation lines, then bend tabs forward.
At top, bend the first perf lines forward, the second
perf lines back. These will form the rim and ledge.
14. Form the shape into a tube to overlap straight edge
to tab flange perf line and join side seam.
Repeat for 8 towers.
15. At top, bend the edges in to form the rim,
with end tabs perpendicular to tower wall.
Glue the rim margins in place to the wall backside.
16. Insert the hollow reinforcement into the top
recess, and glue in place.
17. Position and glue the whole reinforcement
shape in place.
19. At bottom, bend the reinforcement shape
edge flanges forward, apply glue to the backside
of flanges, then insert into the bottom opening . . . 
. . . and push into place to align bottom cut edges 
of reinforcement and of tower.
20. Insert tower tabs through slots at edges of
each castle wall panel, push into place so that
tower back wall is completely flush with wall,
bend tabs outward, and glue in place on backside.
Repeat for all 8 towers.
21. Glue roof overlay in place.
22. Position roof unit into place and insert center
wall tabs through corresponding roof slots.
Side tabs will bend over the roof shaped edge.
Bend tabs toward center and glue in place.
NOTE: it may prove helpful to provide a "press-against"
surface behind the wall tabs being glued.
A small block such as the one shown can be
held in place from the interior castle space.
23. Prepare the tower cones by bending back on all
perforation lines. Form the cone shape into a pyramid
to bring the straight side edge to overlap the opposite
tab perforation line, and glue side seam.
Bend top (punch hole panel) down into place and glue.
Bend bottom flanges back and glue to cone inside surface
24. Apply glue (a slightly more viscous or quick-grab
glue may be advisable here, such as Fabri Tack)
in a thin bead around edges of whole reinforcement,
then position the cone within the rim, and hold until secure.
(Cupola domes will be added later.
Also, it may be advisable to hold the attachment
of tower cones until after the castle floor shape is attached.)
25. Prepare the tower shape by bending back slightly
on all vertical perforation lines except the line
between the two narrowest sections on the left end.
Also bend top tab perf lines forward,
second perf lines row back, to form the rim and ledge
like the tall towers, step 15. 
26. Form the tower shape into a tube and join side seam.
27. Bend rim segments back and glue to the
backside of the tower.
Bend end tabs inward toward interior to form ledge.
28. Apply glue to the ledges, then position the
hollow reinforcement ring into the opening . . .
. . . and attach to the ledge tabs, taking special care
to force the back right angles of the ring into the
angles of the tower.
Apply pressure to ring and tabs until secure.
29. Apply adhesive to the top surface of the
reinforcement ring, then position and attach the whole
reinforcement shape.
30. Prepare the bottom reinforcement shape
by bending the edge flanges back at right angle.
At bottom of tower, insert the reinforcement
into the tube opening.
Push inward until bottom edges of each
line up all around. Apply pressure until secure.
31. Prepare top accent trim shape by bending
back at all perf lines.
32. Position shape, centered over tower face
between the two window faces,
bending back tabs over tower rim,
and glue in place.
33. Prepare mid trim shape by bending back
on perforations.
Position and attach approx. 1.25" below window 
cutouts, centered below upper trim.
34. Thoroughly apply a quick-grab adhesive
such as Fabri Tack being used here
to the narrow sections, and to sections
beyond on each side. Then immediately . . .
. . . position between on set of front side tall towers.
Take care to push into place completely, so tower
faces seat against main castle structure, and
tall tower walls, and that bottom edges of each are aligned.
35. Prepare main portico shape by bending:
a) back on vertical perforations and side, top tabs;
b) back at bottom horizontal line (rim line);
c) forward at top horizontal line (roof line)
and narrow roof rim tabs.
36. Apply glue to narrow margin between the two
horizontal perf lines, then bend back to form
center front roof rim.
37. Bend the sides and roof edges to line up,
and glue rim flanges to corresponding edges.
38. Prepare arch build up by layering the 6
partial arch shapes into one shape, taking
care to line up all edges as exactly as possible
(here and throughout).
Press to ensure flatness.
39. Position whole front arch shape on top
of build up shape.
40. Position decorative front arch and clover accent
shapes onto arch build up.
(NOTE: originally, these accent shapes were intended
to be architectural bas relief shapes, intentionally
cut from matching card stock. In the final
project, they were replaced with contrast shapes.)
41. Bend the portico rim build up strips in accordion
fashion, then apply glue to faces to create a stack.
Repeat to for 4 stacks.
42. Position and attach a stack aligned with roof cut edge
and at front side vertical perf line, and . . .
. . . second stack centered between the perforation lines
of the next section, as shown.
Repeat on the other side of the portico assembly.
43. Prepare the roof trim shapes by bending back
on all perforation lines.
44. Apply glue to the backside of the rim of portico,
and to the top of the build up stacks.
Position rim accent over the rim, lining up
vertical perf lines, and abutting the angled front accent
edge at the arch edge.
Glue in place. Repeat for opposite side.
45. Position portico assembly onto the front panel
and insert top flanges through corresponding
slots on front panel.
On backside, bend tabs back and glue in place.
Apply glue to the side tabs, bend portico into final
position between front tall towers and attach to
front panel.
46. Prepare the build up for battlement by
exactly layering for (4) battlements:
6 small reinforcement shapes,
and 3 large reinforcement shapes.
47. Attach small to backside of large, lining up
bottom and side edges exactly.
48. Position and attach the build up assemblies from step 47
on backside of rampart face, centering between
side tab perf lines, with top edges lined up exactly.
49. Position and attach a heart over each punch hole . . .
. . . and attach a mini brad accent.
Bend side tabs back and glue underside
to the side of the build up stacks.
50. Apply glue to the underside of the buildup ridge . . .
. . . and to the side tabs . . .
. . . then slide the rampart assembly into position
between the tall towers so that the build up ridge
sits upon the edge of the roof panel, and the
side tabs attach to the tall towers, with tab back edge
and tower perf corner line up.
Repeat for all 4 ramparts.
51. Fold the floor panel edge flanges back.
Orient the panel so that the non-shaped edge
aligns with the castle back wall.
Slide into position with the edge flanges tucked
inside the wall edges, and glue in place.
NOTE: it will be helpful to open the trap door
to reach one hand inside to apply pressure.
52. OPTIONAL: for added strength if the castle will be
used as a Valentine deposit box for school, for instance,
it can be made to be sturdier by sliding the bottomless
castle hull over a seam-taped 8x8x8 corrugated cardboard box.
(Ours was purchased at a UPS store.)
If you choose to include the box, insert it in a "dry fit"
to mark the location of the trap door opening,
and the depository slot, then remove box and
neatly cut away the areas marked.
You will also want to use the optional window liners
so that it is NOT the cardboard box that is seen
through the window openings.
53. Prepare the 8 domes by bending back slightly
at the center "square" perf cuts.
Add curl to the center of each section by running
the paper between thumb and a rod tool
such as this spatula handle.
This image shows the amount of
curl added.
54. Position and glue the top square to the top
of the cone, taking care to orient the
heart cut out toward the outside face of the
Apply a bead of adhesive inside the tower rim
all around, then flex each section to tuck the
bottom edge inside the rim.
55. Prepare frame rim shape by bending back
on all perf lines and tabs.
56. Bend sides back to form a tray, tuck tab
behind adjacent straight side edge, and glue in place.
Complete all four corners of 8 frame rims.
57. Bend bottom flanges toward the center,
with miter cut sides the top layers.
Apply dab of adhesive under each corner,
then fold and hold corner edges in place
until secure.
NOTE: it may help to insert a flat tool like a
spatula blade under the corner layers to
provide a press-against surface during gluing.
58. Apply a bead of adhesive along the tower
rim edge, then place a frame over the top
of the dome assembly. Move into position so that
the top square opening rests snugly on the tower rim.
Appy all 8 towers.
59. Prepare the pennant flag shapes by adding
some curl to the center area where perforation
lines indicate. This will assist with the "wrap"
around the flag stick. Then . . .
. . . bend the pennant around the top of the bamboo skewer
at the top and glue in place, then glue the backsides 
of the pennant halves together. 
In the model, the inner pennants use
4.5" long cut skewer sticks, and outer use 3.5" long,
cut to retain the pointed end.
(Sticks were also painted with acrylic paint.)
Finish the pennants by adding the "waving in wind"
curl: add curl forward in the area next to the stick . . .
. . . and add curl backward near the points.
60. Apply a dab of glue to the flag stick tip,
then insert through the cupola/cone hole,
push through until tip anchors in the hole punch
of the tower reinforcement top.
Here's a front view of the completed castle.


  1. This looks like it would be fun to build! Going to try it!

  2. What type of paper did you use?

  3. Heavy cardstock for the body, regular cardstock weights for the accents.

  4. hi, i am currently building this now, but im confused as to where the 24 jewel post build up squares go? they arent in the instructions anywhere x

    1. Sorry that got left off. They are stacked into four stacks of 6 shaped and glued into the stacks. Then they are positioned at top center wall on all four sides. You can see it on the Celebrate banner image best, near center top.

  5. I'm soooooo excited! I bought this design because next year my son will be getting married in a castle wedding venue & I ̶n̶e̶e̶d̶e̶d̶ wanted this for rehearsal dinner décor. However, I would like to light up the interior with battery-operated string led lights. (I'm planning on using vellum over the window openings) Do you have any illumination recommendations? Fortunately I have a year to plan & build this thing!
