
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Flower Pot Easel Card

Tall card can fold "flat" to fit into 
a standard no. 10 envelope, then transforms 
into an easel (self-standing) card when 
pot bottom edge fits against the semi-circle "stop" tab. 
Build three flowers on stem-colored bases. 
Pot silhouette fits behind the rim attached to card base. 
Accent shapes adorn inner base, pot main and rim. 
Flower centers have button hole punches to tie with decorative twine. 
Two part front tag with heart can attach with mini brad. 
Measures approx. 3.875" wide x 9.125" when flat to send.

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A main card base    B  base accent with 'stop' nib
C pot rim    D pot rim accent
E pot body    F pot accent
G two part tag with heart accent
H-J flower bases (cut 2 of each for strength)
K flower shapes: scallop base, 5-petal, 2-part 'button'
2. Prepare the card base by bending forward (mountain folds)
at the two perforation lines. The narrower panel at
the top will be the pot rim connection panel,
and the bottom panel will hold the base accent
where the 'stop' nib will keep the easel in position.
NOTE: this will mean that the base of the card
will be the backside of the paper.
3. Prepare the base accent shape by bending
the nib upward.
Then . . .
. . . position the accent on the backside bottom panel
with edges offset inward slightly (center it),
and glue in place.
Make sure that the nib is positioned toward the
bottom edge/front of the card base as shown.
4. Assemble the tag and heart, then position
and attach to the pot front accent shape with
mini brad and a dab of glue.
5. Position the pot front accent shape on the
pot base shape with the top edges aligned,
and centered side to side, and glue in place.
6. Prepare the pot rim shape by centering and
attaching the accent shape on the front of
the rim base shape.
NOTE that the rim base include stem position marks.
They are shown here on the front of the card,
but can also be seen from the backside when
they will be used to position the flower stalks.
(See step 11.)
7. Prepare the three flower units by centering
and attaching all four shapes by aligning
the punch holes. NOTE: I applied
glue only around the flower punch holes to
allow edges to have a more dimensional look.
(Buttons were glued edge to edge.)
8. Thread a length of twine through the unit holes
and tie a small bow.
9. Layer the flower base (green) duplicate shapes
to give the stems some extra strength for standing.
10. Position one flower unit on top of stem units,
align scallop edges, and glue edge to edge.
11. Position the center (shortest) flower/stem unit
behind the rim base, backsides of each facing up,
with stem bottom edge flush with bottom/rounded corner
edge, and stem side edges between the center
set of dash marks. Glue together the surfaces that touch.
12. Repeat the positioning process for the two side
flower stems, with bottom edges even at rim bottom,
stems between the side sets of guide marks.
13. Position and attach the rim/flowers unit
by aligning the rim edges with the rim panel
of the card base.
14. Insert the top edge of pot front unit under the
card base rim panel, centered side by side,
and with top edge at the fold.
Glue together the surfaces of rim backside
and pot front side that touch.
This image shows the positioning process
from the FRONT . . .
. . . and this image shows it from the BACK.
(NOTE that the flowers and stems cannot
be seen because they are concealed
under the card base.)
15. Fold the card at the lower - or base back - 
perforation line
as shown here to prepare to send.
In this position, its dimensions will fit into
a standard no. 10 envelope.
(Another view of flat position.)
16. To stand the flowers into easel
form, bend the base at the upper -
or rim edge - perforation line,
and place the pot bottom edge
behind the nib.
Here is the completed easel flowers
in pot card.


  1. Thank you, not only do you design great cards, but your instructions are fantastic, too!

  2. Hi Jodi,
    I absolutely love this!! beautiful!! Thanks for the tutorial.
    When will this file be availble?

    1. It is available NOW through Silhouette America's online store. Very soon through SnapDragon Snippets and then SVG Attic.

    2. Thank you so much Jodi! I love it!!

  3. I just made this and it came out gorgeous! I used bright seasonal patterened paper - my friend will go nuts. Thank you so much for the great tutorial. I never would have figured it out!

  4. This design is great! love the ease of the tutorial! Thank-you

  5. is there an svg file or measurments for this card
