
Monday, April 25, 2016

Teddy Bear 3d Jointed Figure Tutorial

Button jointed, sitting bear 
(partially articulated; legs are glued in sitting position) 
is constructed of dimensional units with sturdy card stock
Assembly is completed with narrow ribbon or twine threaded
 through two-hole 5/8" - 3/4" buttons at arm and leg joints. 
Interior stabilizer tubes provide strength and channel for threading.
Measures approximately 13.75" (sitting as shown). 
(NOTE this design requires TWO file downloads
to obtain all the shapes that compose the bear.)

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
Body Unit: A body side/front    B tummy accent
C body side/back     D shoulder post (tube)
E hips post    F  tail
G back (finger hole) cover     H   seat cover
Head Unit: I head front with top & bottom panels
J bottom cover     K  head back     L back cover   
M ear left & right with inner ear accents
N muzzle   O muzzle accents, nose, eyes (2)
Leg & Foot Unit (2 ea.):   P upper leg
Q leg/hip tube (marked X)    R leg under covers
S lower leg     T  ankle tube (marked X)
U  foot     V  (upper leg) knee tube (marked X)
W paw accents   
Arm Unit: (left & right)
X  arm   Y elbow crook boxing strip
Z arm shoulder tube
AA upper arm cover  
BB lower arm cover & paw accent
2. Prepare the head front shape by bending
back on all perforation lines for panels and
tabs as shown.
3. Prepare head back by bending back on all
perforation lines for panels and tabs as shown.
4. Assemble the head front by bringing 
straight edges to overlap adjacent tab/flange 
to perforation line and glue in place. Do this for
the 4 section seams, like the lower front side
seam shown here . . . 
. . . and the upper front side seam shown here,
as well as the same front side seams on
the other half of the head front unit.
This is the front unit after the Step 4 assembly.
5. Assemble the head back unit by bending
to bring straight edge to overlap the adjacent
tab/flange for the long seam and three shorter
seams on each side of the head back.
Do this for the long side back seam shown here . . .
. . . and for the lower seams like the seam 
shown here . . .
. . . and the upper seam shown here.
Here is the head back unit after 
Step 5 is complete.
6. Join the head front and head back at
the side seams, one at a time, by
overlapping the straight edge of front head
at the corresponding tab/flange to
align with perforation line, and gluing
in place. NOTE that it will be helpful
to reach fingers into the openings
to apply pressure along the seam from
front and back, here and throughout
7. Bend the assembly to align the
remaining edges to overlap tabs to
complete lower . . .
. . . and upper portions
of side seams on both halves of head unit.
8. Prepare the muzzle shape by bending back
on all perforation lines for panels and tabs,
EXCEPT leave tabs at extreme top and bottom
unbent (to assist with insertion into head slots).
9. Prepare the muzzle accent shapes by attaching
nose at top of muzzle front, and attaching
muzzle contrast behind so that color shows
through whisker hole and center line.
10. Position muzzle accent 
(centered, with offset margin around)
on muzzle face panel section of muzzle shape,
and glue in place.
11. Assemble top of the muzzle unit by 
bending segments to align angle seam 
straight edge and adjacent
tab perforation line for all upper seams.
Also, align muzzle face panel edge at 
corresponding segment tab and glue in place.
12. Continue muzzle assembly in similar manner
by bending, joining seams along bottom
of unit, as shown here . . .
. . . then complete final seams by tucking
upper tab of lower side panel under the
muzzle face edge while overlapping the
lower side seam straight edge to tab perf
to join, for both left and right sides.
13. Position the completed muzzle at the head front
and insert edge tabs into corresponding slots
on head front, working them all gradually in
until muzzle fits flush against head front
and angled lower front surfaces.
On the inside of the head, bend the tabs outward
and glue in place.
14. Prepare the ear shape by bending rim flanges
at outer (rounded) edges back, as well as
perforation lines that are "parallel" to flange lines.
The "arrow" symbol cut indicates the TOP tab.
NOTE it may be helpful to leave end and center
tabs along the lower edge un-bent until later.
Also bend back the narrow wedge tabs between
segments, as indicated here . . .
. . . taking care to finger crease these wedge tabs
all the way to the "corner" angle.
15. Assemble the ear by bending to bring 
the short seam straight edge to overlap
the adjacent wedge tab perf line, and glue in place.
Complete the six seams, for both left & right ears.
16. Apply glue to underside of rim flanges,
then bend to the inside of the ear and glue
in place.
17. Position the appropriate inner ear accent
shape inside the ear unit, with center tab
edges lined up, curved edge offset within
the ear main panel, and glue in place,
except . . .
. . . leave center tabs unattached so they can
be bent in different directions when ear
is being attached to head.
Complete for both ears.
(NOTE that the inner ears for this model
have been distressed and colored using
edge darkening accent ink, with blended
opaque pink with reg. red accent ink.)
18. Align the appropriate left or right ear at
the upper side edge of head, and insert the
tabs into corresponding slots in the head.
It may be helpful to insert top tab last.
On the inside of the head, bend the tabs
forward (one of center tabs bends back)
and glue in place to the inner surface.
19. Layer eye and underlay accent "show thru"
shapes . . .
. . . then position on the front of the head
above muzzle and glue in place.
20. Bend the head bottom "frame" panel into
position, align and attach long edge and
corresponding tab/flange, then adjust and
attach remaining edges and tabs all around.
21. Position and attach bottom "cover", with
"star" tabs pushed outward.
22. Bend the top panel into position and
attach to corresponding tabs
in similar manner.
23. Prepare the body units by bending back
on all panel and tab perforation lines.
Here is the body right side/front unit . . .
and here is the body left side/back unit.
24. Assemble the body in similar manner
to the head, bending to align straight seam
edge to adjacent tab perforation line,
for each segment of the seam, on all sides
that require seaming.
Here, the first upper segment of seam
is joined . . .
. . . then the top segment.
Complete all seam segments on both
body halves.
25. Join the body halve along one side seam,
by aligning the corresponding seam edge
and tab, overlapping and completing seam.
Then move upward and downward to complete
the other seam segments.
26. Form the body into a tube to bring 
opposite side edge(s) and tab perforation line(s)
together, overlap and complete segment seams.
27. Bend the body bottom panel into position,
adjust to align straight edges and tab perf lines,
then glue to complete seams.
28. Prepare the hip post (tube) by carefully
folding and creasing 
along long perforation lines.
(Leave end tab unbent for ease in inserting
through tube openings.)
Form into a tube to bring the straight long edge 
to overlap the opposite flange perf line, and glue
in place.
NOTE that the tube can be flattened to
assist in the gluing of the flange tab,
as shown here.
(All post tubes are prepared in similar manner.)
29. Insert tube through hip tube opening on
one side of body unit . . .
. . . slide through interior to insert through
opposite side opening. . .
Bend end tabs outward and glue in place.
Repeat for opposite tube end.
30. Bend top panel into position, adjust for
edge alignment, and glue in place.
31. Repeat the tube prep, insertion and end tab
gluing process for the shoulder tube,
except should tube has angled ends to
line up more appropriately with body shaping.
Shorter side of tube should be inserted as
TOP position, and end tab may need to
be bent back for gluing
independent of it's perforation.
32. Prepare the tummy accent shape by
bending back at the horizontal perforations.
(Center slot line remains unbent,
intended to suggest a stitched seam.)
Position tummy, centered side to side,
onto body front, with bends aligned.
33. Prepare the tail shape by bending back on
all panel and tab perforation lines
except bottom edge rounded tabs
should be bent upward.
34. Assemble the tail by bending the "boxing"
strip perpendicular to tail bottom panel
to align and attach straight edges with 
boxing tab perf lines, one by one. 
Also bend side panels back to align and join
short seams, first on one side, then . . .
. . . on the opposite side.
Bend remaining boxing tabs inward.
This is how the tail unit should appear at the
end of Step 34.
35. Bend the tail front panel into position
to align edges with boxing perf lines,
adjust, and glue all tabs and edges . . .
. . . including the end angled edges.
End tabs should remain unattached,
to allow them to be bent in opposite directions
to be attached inside body.
36. Insert end tabs of completed tail unit
into body back slot, bend tabs up or down
separately, and glue in place.
37. Position the head over the body
(orient so head and body FRONTS
correspond) with star tabs inserted into
the hex opening at body top panel.
Then . . .
. . . bend triangle tabs back on the inside of body
and glue in place.
To further secure attachment, use a quick-grab
adhesive such as Fabri-Tack liquid or hot glue gun
applied discreetly between head and body.
38. Apply glue at edges, then position and
attach finger hole covers: head back,
body back and body seat.
(Complete one each left & right.)
39. Prepare the arm units by bending back on
all perforation lines for panels and tabs.
Also prepare the arm crook "add on" strip
by bending tab flanges back, bending
forward at vertical perf line.
40. Identify the edge at arm crook where
add-on strip will attach . . .

then position straight edge of add-on along
tab perf line . . .
. . . and attach.
41. Assemble the arm by bending sides up
to line up straight edges at adjacent perf lines,
and attach.
 Join seam all around arm until . . .
. . . side panels are completely attached.
42. Bend arm front panel tabs inward . . .
. . . then bend top into position with tabs tucked
inside the side edges, and glue in place.
NOTE: insert fingers through backside
openings to apply pressure to edges.
43. Prepare arm shoulder tube 
(shortest tube shape), insert through openings,
bend back and attach end tabs.
44. Prepare the lower arm covers by attaching
paw accent shape at end, edges slightly offset.
NOTE that the arm cover AND the paw accent
have a slight corner; use these to identify
the shapes that go together.
45. Position both arm covers over the
openings, as shown.
(NOTE that the "corner" position of the
paw accent and cover are in the 
"thumbs-up" position on the arm.)
46. Prepare the leg unit by bending back on all
perf line for panels and tab flanges.
47. Bend the "boxing" strip long end into position 
to line up straight edges of one side with 
corresponding tab perforation lines, then glue 
each tab in place along one side.
Repeat the alignment process for tabs 
on short "boxing" strip segments, tucking
end tab under opposite straight end edge
to glue in place.
48. Bend the second side into position,
adjust to line up seam edge segment with
corresponding tab, and glue all in place.
49. Prepare hip end and knee end tubes,
then insert into and through tube openings
to complete attachment of both for each upper leg.
50. Position and attach the finger opening cover.
51. Prepare the lower leg shapes by bending
back on all vertical perforation lines.
52. Bend the lower leg into a tube to overlap
the straight long edge over the opposite
tab to perf line and glue in place.
53. Prepare, insert and attach a tube
into the lower tube opening of each
lower leg.
54. Prepare each foot shape by bending
back on all panel and tab perforation lines.
55. Layer the paw outline on top of the
paw base for two feet.
Position one on the center panel of each foot
shape, center, and glue in place.
Take care that the toes are oriented
toward the two-section front end of the foot shape.
56. Bend the front and back sections into position
to line up the side straight edges at their
corresponding tab perf lines, and glue in place
to form foot shape.
57. Identify the front of the lower leg,
which has a higher cross edge
a indicated . . .
. . . then insert the lower leg into the
prepared foot unit, front of leg oriented
to the toe end of the foot.
Apply glue between the foot and leg
to attach.
59. Insert the upper leg between the rounded
flanges of the lower leg top to line up the
punch holes and the tube at knee position . . .
. . . and also lining up the knee front cross edge
closely to the upper front straight edge
of lower leg, as shown.
Apply glue between the rounded flanges of
the lower leg and the upper leg to join.
60. Position each leg at sides of lower body
(toes forward to match tummy position -
image shows from backside) to roughly
line up the hip tubes.
Thread two 15-18" lengths of narrow ribbon
or twine onto a long doll needle and pass
through all tubes, make exposed ends even.
61. Thread each end through separate holes
of joint button, tie knot and bow. Trim ends.
(Apply dab of clear glue to secure bow.)
Repeat for the opposite side.
62. Repeat this process with arms at
shoulder joint tubes of body.
63. Thread pairs of ribbon (or twine) lengths
through knee, ankle joints, then each
end through button on each side of joint
in similar fashion to hip joint,
tie knot and bow, trim, glue.
Here is the completed bear showing
backside of figure.

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