
Friday, June 10, 2016

Sewing Machine 3d Box Assembly

Detailed replica sewing machine on platform box 
can hold a gift card on optional insert. 
Measures approx. 5.75" tall (spindle tip) x 5.5" long (base box) 
x 2.75" wide (base box) when closed. 
Details include front end "box", needle stem and needle, 
spool spindle (with purchased spool), 
stitch regulator with level and screw head, 
fly wheel with cutout & dimensional rim 
with stem and end button, box front flourish. 

ASSEMBLY:  1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A & B machine body and back body shapes
C body top center strip
D front box shape   E fly wheel main shape
F fly wheel cover  G fly wheel button
H fly wheel stem tube   I  fly wheel rim (2 pieces)
J spool spindle  K spindle cushion circles
L tension mechanism (3 shapes)
M needle structure box  N needle & overlay
O throat plate top and base
P stitch regulator: base, plate, screw circles & head,
strip handle
Q platform box lid   R scroll & circle accents
S platform box base (cutouts removed in final design)
T platform lid support strips (2)
U gift card insert
2. Prepare the thread stem by bending back 
slightly on vertical perf lines. Also bend back
top tabs and hex tab; bend bottom tabs outward.
3. Form the shape into a tube to overlap the
straight end over the opposite side tab. Glue in place.
NOTE: you may wish to use a fat skewer as a
form inside the tube to provide a "press against"
surface while shaping and gluing.
4. Bend the top tabs inward, hex tab down,
and glue in place.
5. Prepare the machine body shapes by
bending back on all perforation lines and tabs
as shown.
6. Overlap the back side straight edge (on left here)
over the back tab shape (on right), adjust so
that lower edges line up, and glue edge in place.
7. Insert spindle through hex hole on the body top
strip (back to front), push through . . .
. . . to bottom tab perforation lines, then glue 
bottom tabs in place on backside of
top body strip.
8. Position the end tab of the top center strip
under the edges at top of machine body "back"
panel (edges that flank the hexagon opening)
and glue in place.
NOTE that the tabs attached to each body
half on each side should be under the
center body strip.
9. Layer and attach to each other 
the three circle for the
spindle cushion. 
Slide the cushion over the spindle, slide down,
and glue to the center strip.
10. Attach the center strip to the body panel
by bending to bring the straight edge of the body panel
to overlap corresponding tab and line up at that
tab's perforation line, and glue in place.
Continue the bending and alignment process
to position and attach each edge to
corresponding tab, until . . .
. . . all tabs and edges are attached.
Repeat for the other side of center panel
and opposite body panel.
11. Prepare the fly wheel stem by bending back
on all vertical perforation lines, bending forward
at each tab for top and bottom edges.
12. Form the stem into a tube to bring the
straight end edge to overlap opposite straight edge,
adjust for top and bottom alignment,
then glue in place.
13. Prepare the fly wheel main shape by bending
back on each of the 12 outer tabs.
14. Insert stem end tabs through the fly wheel hex
center opening. then . . .
. . .bend tabs outward and glue in place.
15. Position the "place holder" button circle over
the center hole of the fly wheel cover, and glue
in place.
16. Position cover over the matching area of the
main fly wheel, lining up cut out shapes, and outer
edges/perf lines; glue in place.
Stack and glue the button circles together,
then position over the place holder circle on
wheel cover and glue in place to hide the hole.
17. Prepare the fly wheel rim assembly by
joining the strip/ring shape to the strip shape
by overlapping straight end over the tab to perf.
18. Form the strips into a ring and join end tab
and straight edge as in step 17.
19. Bend the ring into position, line up the
center outer edge segment with the
corresponding ring segment, and glue in place.
Then . . .
. . . line up and glue each segment edge at
corresponding perf line until all are joined.
NOTE it may be helpful to turn the rim assembly
face down on flat surface to apply pressure to the
ring & rim tabs being joined.
20. Apply glue to main fly wheel shape tabs,
then insert into the backside of the rim . . .
. . . until the tabs' bottom edges are even with
the back/bottom edge of the rim assembly
as indicated by pointing finger, here.
21. Insert wheel stem remaining tabs end
into the body back hex opening . . .
. . . using a flat tool like the spatula tube shown here
placed against body back wall to provide a
press-against surface, to secure stem tabs
against inner back wall. 
22. Fold the top body free panel into position to
align tab behind opposite wall, and glue in place.
23. Bend body end ("nose") tabs inward,
end panel with circle opening into position,
and glue in place.
24. Fold the lower body wall into position,
align lower edge at front perf line at bottom,
and glue in place.
25. Prepare the front end box by bending back
on all perforation lines.
26. Build the shape into a box by bending side
walls up, straight edge over adjacent tab,
and glue in place. Repeat for four corners.
27. Bend the back panel with rectangular
opening into position and glue in place.
28. Insert the "nose" end of machine body
through the back of the end box opening,
push into place so that front of body "nose" touches
inner wall of box, and glue in place
NOTE that the opening in end box is closer
to the top of box.
29. Prepare the needle box by bending back
on all perforation lines.
30. Form the central portion in to a tube
to overlap straight edge at tab perf line,
and glue in place.
31. Prepare the needle shape by bending back
on vertical center line, bending tabs forward.
Glue the long portions together, back to back.
32. Position  the needle overlay over the
front of the needle below the tab, edges lined up.
NOTE if desired, you can reverse the shape
on the cutting screen and cut out another overlay
for the BACK of the needle.
33. Insert the needle through the slot of the
box bottom until tabs are flush, then
glue tabs in place.
34. Bend the box bottom "lid" into position and
tuck the tab into the box, and glue lid in place.
35. Position the open top flanges of the needle box
on each side of the bottom of the front box as
shown, centering it front to back, and glue
flanges in place.
36. Position a painted or stained 1/2" wooden 
"button" (screw head cover) in the front box
circle cut out and glue in place.
(NOTE: in place of the wooden button,
you can cut a second fly wheel button
sequence as seen in steps 15-16
and glue that over the hole.)
37. Prepare the stitch regulator accent assembly
by layering and gluing the the three front plates 
into one stack. Then position the stack and glue
over the contrast (black) base oval.
38. Prepare the lever shape by bending in half,
also bending the "knob" end under. Apply glue to half,
(but NOT to the end tabs)
then re-bend and glue half, apply glue between
knob layers, re-bend and glue.
39. Insert tab ends through base slot,
then bend the tabs outward on backside
and glue in place.
40. Layer and glue the 3 screw base circles 
into a stack, glue the half circles across
from each other. Position and attach
the screw head unit in the cut out circle.
This is the completed stitch regulator unit.
41. Position and attach the stitch regulator unit
on the front machine body as shown.
42. Prepare the platform lid by bending back on
all perforations. Also position and attach the
flourish (main shape with center circle)
on the front panel of the box.
Also prepare the base in similar fashion.
43. Form the lid into a box shape by bending
adjacent sides upward to glue each corner seam.
Also form the base and complete corner seams
in similar fashion.
44. Prepare the throat plate by layering the top shape
over the larger base shape, with square outward end
lined up at end perforation line, sides lined up
at dash cuts. Glue in place.
NOTE: for needle hole contrast, you may wish
to "ink" inside the hole once shapes are attached.
45. Bend end flange down.
Apply glue to the arch margin around top shape,
also on end tab . . .
. . . then position the unit from the lid underside
into the opening, with flange attaching to the platform's
left end.
Apply pressure to ensure attachment where
glue was applied, including front platform panel.
46. Prepare the tension control accent unit
by layering the swirl and center circle onto the
base circle. Position and attach on the upper
arm of the machine body as shown.
47. Insert the machine body lower edge tabs
into the corresponding slot of the platform lid . . .
. . . and on the underside of lid, bend tabs outward
and glue in place.
Here is the completed LID assembly.
48. Prepare the two lid support strips by
bending back the tabs.
49. Slot the two strips together at the center
to form an X.
Adjust the bending direction of tabs
if necessary so that they bend inward.
50. Position the support X inside the lid
and glue the tabs to the backside.
51. Place the optional gift card insert
into the platform base . . .
. . . then place the machine with platform onto the
base to close the box and complete the project.
Here is the completed project.
If you are interested in a final "found" object
detail, here is the package of wooden spools
that is the right scale (approx.) and that fits
onto the spool spindle.
Purchased from Hobby Lobby.


  1. Is this file on the website? I cannot seem to find it. Help Please

    1. This file is available through three outlets:, SVG Attic as part of the "Parlor Patchwork" set, and through Silhouette America's online store.

  2. This is just wow, wow, WOW! I LOVE it so much and hope to make it in the near future!

  3. What is the type and weight of paper you used for this? Thank you!

  4. Probably textured cardstock is what I used.
