
Sunday, July 31, 2016

Clam Shell 3d Gift Box

This "clam shell style" box has lid and base 
with attached boxing walls which echo the shell edge 
in simpler angles, connected with the back wall/hinge shape 
laid between to cover wall tab assembly. 
Decorative overlays add elegant touch to lid. 
Thread arrow ribbon through paired punch holes 
on front edge of lid and base as closure. 
A gift card can fit snugly in the base. 
Or, use the optional non-tabbed connector shape 
to use it as a treat holder, jewelry gift box, and more. 
Measures approx. 5" long x 5.5" wide x .75" deep.

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A lid top layer  B lid under layer
C base upper layer   D base lower layer
E lid boxing strip   F base boxing strip
G lid accent shapes
H back wall/interior shape
I back wall outer accent shape
J optional placard main and offset 
2. Identify the various LID and BASE upper & lower
lower/under shapes include the dash cuts
that will allow the boxing wall strips to be positioned
accurately. The LID wall will fit outside the BASE wall,
so position does matter. 
Shown here, the LID under shape includes the 'L'
letter near the bottom of the shape.
The BASE includes an * shape.
3. Prepare the LID (includes the triangle arrow symbol
being shown by pointing finger), and BASE wall
strips by bending back at attachment tabs, rim tabs, and
vertical segment lines.
4. Bend back and glue the (larger) rim tabs
in position on the backside of each wall strip.
Then re-bend on the segment perforations.
5. Apply adhesive to 3 or 4 tabs of the LID wall strip . . .
. . . then position first segments following the
right along the dash cuts on the LID under shape
with tabs directed inward. 
Apply pressure until tabs are secure.
6. For the next sequence of tabs, apply glue to
the tab-width margin "inside" the dash cuts on 
the shell shape where the wall tabs will be positioned.
Then position and adjust, apply pressure until
tabs and wall are secure.
Repeat for the next sequence until all tabs
are in position.
7. Repeat the tab positioning for the BASE
in similar fashion.
Here are the completed LID and BASE units.
8. Prepare the back wall/interior shape by bending
upward (valley folds) as shown at the back wall
perforation lines.
If using the gift card insert shape, bend the
tabs upward.
9. Center the back wall outer accent shape
on the wrong side of the interior insert shape,
and attach.
10. Position the LID and BASE units and orient the
insert to match. Apply adhesive to one side of
the insert, then slide into position and apply
pressure to secure.
If using the gift card insert, take care not to
apply glue to the underside of tabs, or to
adhere them in place.
11. Repeat the positioning and gluing for the
LID end of the insert.
Check to see that the walls will fit together
with the LID wall outside the BASE wall.
Take particular care where the back wall edges
come together.
12. Prepare the accent decoration overlay
by positioning and attaching the blade shapes
to the base shape with offset margin at edges
as shown. Also position and attach the
scalloped arch centered, below the blade ends.
To keep this shape flat when using liquid adhesive,
consider placing under a flat weight during
the drying process.
13. Position and attach the overlay to the
LID upper shape with edge offset margin
all around as shown.
14. Position and attach the upper LID with accents
onto the LID assembly. Also position the BASE
bottom shape to the BASE assembly.
15. Prepare the placard unit, if desired,
then position between the raised tabs of the accent
overlay and attach in place to tabs.
(NOTE that if using tabs and placard, make sure
that the attachment tabs DO NOT get attached
flat during Step 14 above.)

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