
Sunday, August 21, 2016

Pencil Chubby Hidden Gift Card

Say thank you to an educator, colleague or student. 
Hide a gift card in the recess of the eraser-end 
built-up layers slider, then insert into the shaft compartment. 
Attach tag with "thanks!" welded word using mini brad 
or twine through punch hole in eraser end. 
Measures approx. 4.25" x 7" when closed. 

(This tutorial is under construction.
Please return soon to view the completed assembly guide.)
ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A main pencil "front" panel
B "lead" pencil tip accent   C "paint" accent
D "metal ring and bands" accents
E pencil shaft back/base
F shaft build up shapes (5)
G"eraser" slider/carrier back
H "eraser" slider/carrier build up shapes
I & J "eraser" tip front and back
K "thanks" word cut and tag
2. Prepare the shaft build up by positioning and
attaching the (5) shapes to each other,
one at a time, taking care to match cut edges
as accurately as possible.
NOTE: it may be helpful to use a flattening weight
during the gluing process to prevent warping.
3. Position and attach the shaft build up unit
to the backside of the shaft base/back shape,
taking care to line up matching edges carefully.
4. Prepare the shaft front by positioning and
attaching the accent shapes.
5. Apply adhesive to the face surface of the
build up shape, then position and attach
the shaft front unit, taking care to line up
matching edges carefully.
6. Position and attach the slider build up shapes
to each other in a stack, one at a time,
taking care to line up all cut edges as accurately
as possible.
7. Position and attach the slider build up shape
to the backside of the slider back base,
lining up edges accurately.
8. Position and attach the eraser tip shape
front to the front of the slider assembly.
Position and attach the back tip shape also.
9. To assemble, insert the slider into the channel
created by the build up layers . . . 
. . . insert the gift card into the recess,
then slide the slider into position fully
where it will be hidden.
10. Assemble the tag by positioning and attaching
the "thanks" word cut to the front of the tag.
Position and attach tag to the eraser tip front
using a mini brad through the punch hole,
bend back prongs on back side.
(Or attach with ribbon or twine, etc.)
Here is the completed hidden gift card.

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