
Friday, August 5, 2016

Sub Surfacing 3d Box

Only the "above the surface" portion of the 
submarine makes an appearance to deliver
a hidden gift card or other treat. 
Sturdy construction provides an underside compartment 
hiding a thin "message" or gift card tray. 
Con tower holds multi-layer cross fin and tubular periscope 
(use a 5/16" wooden dowel to assist construction). 
Tail assembly is composed of two lower side platforms 
with center propeller stand. 
Accent panels decorate tail platforms and prop stand, 
with rivet trim strips along lower edge. 
Measures approx. 7" long x 2.75" wide x 4.125" tall.

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A main hull body with long strip accents
 B nose arch support
C nose assembly   D  con tower
E top con tower fin 
(front edge notched) with tip accents
F con tower fin build up shapes (7)
G periscope tube
H aft arch support with base
I aft side platforms (l & r)
J platform star accents with liner (l & r)
K prop support with side accents
L hull short accent strips (5 med, 2 short)
M propeller with accent
N propeller stem circles (7)
O propeller front large, small circles
P base tray    Q gift card insert
2. Prepare the hull main shape by bending back
on upper (shown left here) vertical perforation lines,
tabs, undercarriage side flange tabs.
At interior cross perforation lines . . .
. . . follow this diagram to fold both fore and aft lines
(at upper and lower portions of the window)
forward or back. NOTE these structures will create
tube "box" forms that help define the interior space
to hold base tray in position.

3. Apply adhesive to the narrowest division, then . . .
. . . re-position into the box form with the extending
lip as shown.
The back "wall" of the tube remains unattached at the
back (right in this picture) at this point in assembly.
Complete this gluing and forming step for
both front and back areas of hull.
4. Fold the inner long tab back behind the main
hull "roof" panel and glue in place.
5. Fold the other long flange next to opening
back (upward) at each of the single hash perf marks.
NOTE: this flange becomes the backing or support
for the hull's lowest, narrowest vertical wall
on the outside of hull assembly on this side.
Wrap the hull roof into an arch to bring the
opposite flange tab into position to wrap
to the inside of the hull cavity,
while also lining up the first narrow wall panel
(with end tabs) into position on top 
of the bent-upward flange.
Attach flange behind wall section.
Also attach edge flange to the inside of the
Here is how the hull cavity should appear
at this point in assembly, with fold edges
on long sides of openings,
interior lip-tube box assemblies
on short ends.
6. Prepare the nose arch support (left)
and the aft arch support with base as shown
with flange tab or trapezoid base bent forward,
edge tabs bent back.
(Photo shows these shapes from their backsides.)
7. Prepare left and right side platforms by bending
three side walls back, connected side wall and tab
back, edge flanges (eventually) inward.
Glue appropriate wall tabs in place . . .
. . .to achieve the form shown.
8. Orient left and right to match up to left and right
sides of aft arch support base, then insert inner side
and back tabs into corresponding slots.
On underside . . .
. . . bend the tabs inward and glue in place.
Also bend the edge tabs around base edges
and glue in place.
Attach both left and right platforms.
9. Prepare to attach aft arch with base assembly
by applying glue to interior back wall of tube support
and to arch tabs, then . . .
. . . side arch edges under hull edges until
hull aligns at tab perforation edges.
Secure tabs and tube back wall in place,
inserting fingers into hull bottom opening
to apply appropriate pressure.
10. Apply glue to the underside of platform base
. . . 
. . .and to back short wall of platform boxes,
then apply pressure to secure all surfaces together.
11. In similar fashion, position and attach nose arch
into forward hull opening . . .
. . . positioning the bottom arch flange tab's perf line
exactly at the angle of hull wall base
(at wall tab perf line).
12. Before positioning arch tabs, apply glue to
the back wall of interior tube box, then . . .
. . . slide arch support into opening and secure
tabs and interior tube box.
13. Prepare the nose assembly shape by bending
back at ALL tabs, vertical (short) wall perfs,
cross perforation lines as shown.
14. Bend the center and first side wall into position
to bring the straight edge to overlap the corresponding
tab to perforation lines, and attach in place.
Re-position to attach next segment tab and edge, etc.

15. Bend the nose top panel back to align the
straight edge at the top tab perforation of side section
as shown, and attach in place.
Repeat the steps to complete the front side and top
seams for the other side of nose.
16. Bend the back tabs inward, bend the back wall
over the tabs, align edges and glue all in place.
17. Bend the bottom tabs (2 side and 1 back) inward, 
bend the bottom panel over the tabs, 
align and glue in place.
NOTE it may be helpful to insert a blade tool 
through bottom opening and under back tab
(and sides) to provide a "press against"
surface to assist in attaching walls and tabs.
18. Apply glue to the nose assembly back wall,
and base, and underside of hull top tab,
then slide nose assembly into position
to snugly fit and attach to hull.
19. Bend the bottom front and back hull tabs
over the nose and aft platforms and glue in place.
20. Prepare the aft platform accents by
attaching the contrast liner shapes behind
the star windows.
21. Position the accents over the aft platforms
and attach in place.
22. Prepare the propeller stand by bending
back all tabs and wall perforation lines as shown,
except, bend the "arch" wall (upper left here)
cross perf lines forward slightly, with end tab back.
23. Bend the bottom and side walls up to
overlap straight edge and tab and glue in place.
24. Bend arch tabs inward (on the side being worked
in step 23 above), then position arch wall strip,
with end tab tucked under corresponding end wall,
and attach each tab in place.
(Remaining wall of assembly will be positioned
and attached further along int the assembly.)
25. Assemble the propeller with overlay,
front large and small accent circles.
Also position and attach the 7 stem circles
to each other to form stem stack.
26. Position and attach the stack to the backside
of the propeller.
27. Position the propeller assembly over the
back vertical wall of stand with holes aligned,
then . . .  
insert mini brad and bend tongs back on the
inside of the stand.
28. Bend arch tabs of remaining stand wall
inward, then bend wall into place to tuck
and attach all remaining tabs and edges
to form closed stand box.
29. Position and attach stand wide wall accents.
30. Apply glue to the bottom and short back wall
of stand, then slide into position between the
side platforms.
(This will be a snug fit.)
31. Prepare conning tower shape by bending
back on all wall and tab perforations as shown.
32. Form shape into a tube to bring the
side straight edge to overlap the opposite tab
perforation line, and glue in place.
33. Bend the top tabs inward, "lid" down into
place, adjust edges to match wall top perf edges,
and attach in place.
34. Position con tower on hull roof and insert
tabs into corresponding slots.
On the inside, bend tabs outward and attach
to hull underside.
35. Position and attach the hull lower edge
long and short strips (extra short strips at
back) along appropriate edges.
36. Identify the top fin shape by locating the
notch in the front edge.
(Making sure fin faces forward 
will allow hex holes to line up for
periscope insertion later.)
Position and attach fin shapes, one at a time, together
with edges aligned as precisely as possible,
to form a thick fin.
37. With front of fin oriented to sub front,
slide the fin into and through the con tower slot
until into centered position
(hash marks on fin should align with con tower
side walls).
Apply a little glue to the underside
of fin where con tower walls touch,
to attach fin in place.
38. Attach fin tip accents.
39. Prepare the periscope tube shape by
bending back on all wall perf lines and tabs. 
Carefully bend back the very small and
uniquely-shaped tabs along the edges
of the "hook" segments.
40. Form the shape into a tube, wrapping it
around a "press against" form such as
the 5/16" wooden dowel shown here.
Overlap the straight edge over the tabs
and attach along those seams.
NOTE: take care to form the tube as accurately
as possible to ensure that it can fit through the
con tower, fin and hull hex openings.
41. Begin to form the hook shape by applying
glue at the center underside tab 
of long tube section . . .
. . . then bending assembly at the back perf line
between long and first short segment
as far as it will comfortably go
to overlap the straight underside of small segment
over the long segment tab.
Insert a rod tool such as this wooden meat skewer,
into position under the tab and edge to
apply pressure to secure the seam.
42. Repeat the tab seam process for the
remaining two short segments,
applying glue to tab . . .
. . . and bending, using a tool to press and
secure each of the remaining two segment seams.
43. Bend the "cap" tabs inward, apply glue
to tabs, then tuck into the hook end of tube
and secure in place.
44. Prepare the insert the periscope tube
by "gathering" bottom end tabs together
into a form narrower than the tube
(to help them not get caught as it is
45. Orient the periscope so that the hook faces forward,
then insert periscope bottom through the
con tower top hex hole, through fin opening,
and through hull roof, until . . .
. . . the tabs are fully exposed on the hull inside.
Bend outward and attach in place.
46. Prepare the base tray by bending back at
all side wall, rim and corner tab perf lines.
47. Form the shape into a tray by bending sides
up and overlapping wall straight edge at corner
tab perf line. Complete all four corner seams.
49. Bend the rim flange tabs to the inside
and glue each in place. Take the time needed
to apply uniform pressure along each to
minimize warping.
50. If desired, position gift card onto the insert
as shown, then place the insert into tray.
51. Position the tray into the opening
in hull bottom as shown.
Interior tube box lip will assist the tray
to stay in position, along with the snug fit.
Here is the completed surfacing sub box.

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