
Sunday, October 9, 2016

Witch Double Diamond Card

Complex folds on the card base 
(sections are joined to create 15x5 rectangle) 
bring the center diamond medallion forward 
as stage for slightly offset base square, 
three layered circles and witch silhouette. 
Accent shapes add color to side panels exposed 
when card is unfolded to act as its own display stand. 
When closed, card measures somewhat larger than 5x5.
Make your card an extra special gift by creating
this sized-to-fit box envelop, with enough depth
to accommodate the folds and built-up layers

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A main double diamond card base (2 panels joined)
B side accent rectangles  C mid triangle accents
D front accent square panel
E sawtooth circle  F lace edge circle
G plain circle  H witch silhouette
2. Prepare the main panel (side extension
already attached) by bending and fold creasing
the base on the perforation lines:
4 vertical lines as MOUNTAIN folds
4 diagonal lines as VALLEY folds
3. Attach the accent shapes, offset centered,
in the corresponding panels.
4. Fold the card into its double diamond configuration
by directing the upper and lower diamonds back
and inward as shown.
5. Position the center square over the middle
panel of the card, lining up center guide circle punches.
NOTE that the square accent is slightly larger
than the square panel of the card base.
6. Assembly the circle medallion assembly:
sawtooth circle bottom, lacy circle middle,
plain circle top, using center guide circles
to help with alignment.
NOTE: the sample uses foam squares between
the lacy circle and the sawtooth, and
between the sawtooth and the accent square
in the next stem, for extra dimension.
7. Position and attach the circle medallion assembly
onto the card front, matching center circle punches.
8. Position and attach the witch silhouette over the
medallion assembly (hiding circle punch hole).
Here is the completed card, with the side panels
extending back to provide a self-stand or easel.
If desired, the bottom point of the accent square
can be square cut off, to allow even more stable standing.


  1. This is so cool! I LOVE that base! I can see it being used for so many other things.

  2. Great card! Love the fun fold card base!
