
Sunday, August 6, 2017

Apple 3D Box with Lid

Apple-shaped box is built as hex-based bottom and lid. 
Dimensional hex stem fits into lid and has 
two-layer shaped leaf that attaches with side tab. 
Accent shapes decorate base and lid. 
Punch holes in base accent panels provide guides 
for darning needle to insert twine through adjacent panels 
as embellishment. Measures approx. 4.25" tall (not including stem) 
x 4.5" wide x 4.25" deep. 

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A Body with tab slot   B Body
C main lid (includes connector tab slot)
D lid shape    E connector tab
F & G top depression shapes
H stem   I leaf and leaf accent
J under-lid hexagon   K under-lid cover
L body bottom hexagon base
M lid top accent
N lid side accents (6)
O body accents (6)
The cut file includes variations for the way that the lid
is held in place on the body.
This is Variation B, and since it is the way the sample
project was prepared, will be the variation described
in this assembly tutorial.
Variation A: cut TWO of the body with the slot,
TWO of the main lid shapes (hexagon "cover"
will be trimmed away from the second lid shape -
see step 15),
and TWO connector tabs.
Variation C: cut TWO body shapes without slot,
ONE of each lid shape (and ignore slot),
and NO tabs.

2. Prepare both body shapes by bending back
all panels and tabs as shown except the top "notched"
inside tab, which is bent forward.
NOTE that one body shape includes the slot
that will accept the connector tab that is
attached to the rim of the lid.
DO NOT bend the narrow "bridge" tab that is next to
the rim panel, which will remain on-plane with the rim
and tuck under the adjacent rim to be glued in place
there, if possible.
3. Overlap one body shape at the adjacent 
body side tab flange, adjust so that cross perforations
line up, and glue in place.
4. Bend the first lower portion of adjacent body panels
inward so that straight edge of one segment
overlaps the neighboring tab to the perf line,
and glue in place.
5. Bend the second portions of panels
inward and complete the tab joint in similar fashion.
6. Repeat steps 4 & 5 all across the body panel
assembly to complete the two tab segment seams.
7. Form the body into a tube to bring the final
edge and opposite flange tab together 
and complete the seam.
8. Bend the segments at lower body
to complete the two short seams.
9. Bend the top panels to the inside of the body,
allowing the "bridge" triangle tab at the side
of the narrow rim panels to be overlapped
by the adjacent panels.
10. Bend each top panel completely inward so that
the bottom notched tab touches the backside
of wall, adjust so that the RIM panel
is perpendicular to the body wall . . .
and glue tab in place.
IF POSSIBLE, place a dab of glue on the "bridge"
tab so it will attach in place.
Apply pressure from the inside to ensure
complete attachment, making sure that
the top panel remains centered as it is
glued in place.
11. Bend the body bottom tabs inward, apply glue
to tabs, then position and secure the bottom
hexagon base in place, with edges lined up
along body panel tab perforation lines.
Place the body assembly on a flat surface,
and apply fingertip pressure along the seams
from the inside.
12. Add some curl to the bottom shaped portion
of the body accent shapes ONLY . . . 
. . . and bend the top flange forward slightly.
13. Apply adhesive to the bottom narrower edge of 
the accent shape, position it flush with
the bottom edge, centered side to side,
and attach.
14. Apply glue to the backside of the top margin
of accent shape, and position at the top of the body
panel, with an offset margin from top edge
equal to the margin of the sides offset,
and glue in place.
The accent will curve gently away from the body 
wall as shown in this image. 
Repeat to position and attach all body accents.
15. Prepare the two lid shapes by
bending back on all panels and edge tabs
as shown.
NOTE that the main shape includes both 
the top hexagon lid as well as the connector
tab slot.
Also NOTE that there is a tiny wedge tab
between wedge panels that IS bend back.
To produce 2 lid shapes that EACH have
slots for connector tabs, measure, mark and trim
a tab from the top hexagon (attached) shape
of the second "main" lid shape as illustrated here:

16. Position and attach the two lid "halves"
at the center seam as shown.
17. Bend the upper segment of adjacent lid walls
inward to overlap straight edge at narrow wedge tab
perforation line, and glue in place.
Repeat across the assembly to complete
5 section seams.
18. Position and attach the lid hexagon
accent shape, offset from outer straight edge
and aligned with the hexagon opening.
19. Form the lid into a cup shape to bring the final
side and segment edges and tabs together,
then overlap and join the seams in sequence.
20. Bend the hexagon "lid" into position
with straight edges aligned at tab perf lines,
and glue in place.
To assist with the seam joining, invert the lid
assembly on a flat surface, and apply finger tip
pressure along tab seams from the backside/inside.
21. Prepare the two sections of apple box top
indentation as shown: bend back outer flanges;
bend all other panels and tabs forward on perf lines.
22. Position the smaller shape (includes
the center attached hexagon) so that one of the
mid side straight edges corresponds to
the same mid side segment, overlapping
short straight edge over the adjacent tab,
and join.. Repeat this joining step for the other
side of the smaller shape's tab and corresponding
straight edge to form one unit.
23. Bend the center hexagon down into position
over the inner tabs, and attach in place.
24. Position the indentation shape behind the larger
hexagon opening of the main lid assembly so that
the edge flanges can attach to the undersides
of the hex opening edges . . . 
. . . with the perforation lines lined up with
hex opening straight edges. Attach in position.
25. Prepare the lid bottom edge rim by bending
the first perforation line (at tab) forward, then
bending the rim edge perforation back, as shown.
Repeat all around rim.
26. Insert the connector tab squared end
into the rim slot (or slots if making Variation B)
and adjust to have the perforation lines at
the tab perf line. Glue in place.
27. Apply adhesive in the narrow panel that
will attach behind lid wall . . . 
. . . then apply pressure to attach the narrow
panel to the backside of lid wall.
Edge flange tabs must remain unattached.
28. Bend tab flanges to perpendicular, then
apply glue to top surfaces.
Position the under-lid hexagon shape into
the bottom of the lid . . .
. . . and line up the straight cut edges at the tab perf
lines all around.
NOTE it may be easier to first align and 
attach one edge and flange to help 
hold positioning, then bend hex into place
to align and attach the remaining edges . . . 
. . . using fingertip pressure along tabs
by reaching into the circle opening.
20. Prepare the stem post shape by bending back
on all perforation lines except the bottom tabs
which are bent forward.
31. Form the stem into a tube to bring
the straight side edge to overlap the flange tab
to the perforation line opposite, and glue in place.
32. Push the "lid" tabs inward toward center
then bend the "lid" hex down, tucking the tabs
into the tube, and glue in place.
33. Prepare the insert stem bottom end
into lid opening by compressing the bottom
tabs toward the center, then . . . 
. . . insert end tabs into the lid's recess opening.
On the underside/inside of lid bend the tabs
outward and glue to the inside surface.
34. Prepare side accent shape by bending slightly
at perforation lines, then positioning, offset,
over the side panels of the lid and 
attaching as shown.
35. Position and attach the under-lid cover
over the opening.
36. To test the lid and body connection,
orient the body and lid so that the tab(s)
line up with the slot(s), then gently insert
and slide lid together.
37. Attach the leaf accent onto the leaf base
with center vein cut edges lined up.
Add curl to the center of the leaf (backward curl) . . .
. . . and to the tip of the lead (forward curl)
using a round rod tool such as this pen shaft.
Bend the end tab back.
38. Position and attach end tab along one face
of the stem about half way up.
39. To add the twine ridge bow embellishment,
first use a sharp medium large crewel needle
to poke holes through the body wall where
accent punch holes indicate.
NOTE that the needle should be angled toward
the space between the interior flanges
to avoid poking holes through them.
40. Thread a length of twine onto the needle
and insert through from front, then from
back through the second side hole . . . 
. . . then trim to length and tie the knot and bow.
Add a ribbon bow tied around stem, if desired.
Here is the completed apple box project.

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