
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Maple Leaf 3D Box Tutorial

Dimensional maple leaf box is cut and built from card stock
using a purchased design download from SnapDragon Snippets
through the Silhouette America online store.
Separate echoed accent shape goes on the top. Follow the tutorial
steps which follow to prepare the box, then use it to hold treats
or trinkets for yourself or a favorite friend or love one.
This design is especially nice for helping our neighbors to the north
celebrate the maple leaf motif!

If you want to decorate the box lid for individual style,
check out the four maple leaf assortment cut file
that includes a Canadian tribute.

Or decorate the box lid with purchased silk flower blossoms
and ribbon as you see here.

Step 1. Identify and cut the box pieces you will need. In this image is the largest leaf shape for the LID and the echo leaf shape for the lid accent. The boxing strip shapes for LID surround, in the approximate TOP, RIGHT, BOTTOM & LEFT positions where they will be attached. Small symbols within end tabs show which ends join. The BASE has nearly the same cut shapes, including a leaf shape that is slightly smaller than the LID, with wider boxing strips that also have symbols to match for glue-up order.
Here you can see the difference in sizes of the larger LID leaf and the slightly smaller BASE leaf shapes.

(The BASE will be illustrated in these steps.)                                                                           Step 2. Join the boxing strips in symbol-matched order into one long strip, starting with bottom strip (square & hexagon). Fold the strips at perforations following the outward (points) or inward (valleys) folding direction that matches the leaf shape. One good way to do this is to find the center of the bottom strip that aligns at the bottom of the stem, then match the perforations and the angles workings away from center on each side. Fold top rim tabs back and glue in place at each section between perforations, LEAVING  the "no-tab" end unglued.

Re-fold and pinch to crease the strip to give folds a crisp crease.

Step 3. Attach tab to backside of BASE leaf shape stem. apply pressure until glue is secure. 
 Step 4. Apply glue to the pair of tabs next to the stem. Fold/push back into alignment with corresponding edges of leaf shape and attach to backside.

 Fold/push back into alignment with corresponding edges of leaf shape and attach to backside.

Apply pressure until glue is secure. Once the "solo" end pair of edges are attached, work on the opposite side of the stem to attach pairs of strip tabs to corresponding leaf edges.

As the construction continues, use a long skinny tool like a knitting needle to help provide pressure along the tab(s) being glued into place.

Step 5. Continue to glue the edge tabs to the BASE leaf shape working in pairs. When you reach the end of the strip, apply glue to the last bottom tab AND to the end tab at the same time. Slide the tabs and edges into place simultaneously, and apply  pressure until glue is secure.

NOTE that the rim reinforcement tab at the upper left remains unfolded. It will be folded and glued in place in the next step.

Step 6. Apply glue and fold the last rim tab over into place. Hold in place. 

Step 7. Repeat the process in Steps 2-6 for the LID. When complete, apply glue to the accent leaf shape and attach to the outside top surface.

Step 8. Slide the BASE shape into the LID to complete the box.

Here is the box with both top and bottom pieces in place.
This is how the completed box looks from the back.

 Hope you had fun constructing your box.
We'd be happy to hear your suggestions for other 3D boxes
or other shapes that you would like to see in the online store.


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