
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hazard Cone Drink Cover Tutorials

If you're planning a "Construction Zone" kids' party
(with trucks and diggers and work guys, and stuff)
this pair of new designs available soon from
SnapDragon Snippets
(through SVG Attic or Silhouette America)
will help you trick out your service table!
Hazard cone drink covers - small for 8 oz. water bottle,
and larger for retro glass bottle soda - 
made to order.
NOTE:  These tutorial steps are for the DELUXE version of short & tall cones.
If preferred, radically simplified (less realistic) construction is also possible.
See Step ? for these options.

1. Identify and cut the shapes.

These are the shapes that are needed for ONE cone: 1 each body tube, top hexagon, upper and lower "square" bases; 8 base edge depth strips (review options later in tutorial); 6 each of two stripe shape sizes.

These are the shapes that are needed for ONE cone: 1 each body tube, top hexagon, upper and lower "hexagon" bases; 6 base edge depth strips (review options later in tutorial); 6 each of two stripe shape sizes.

2. Fold top tabs down at lowest perforations on all six body tube segments. Fold on section perforations.

3. Fold tabs upward at tab upper perforations. Unfold end tab opposite side seam long tab.

4. Glue ONLY the narrow section of each tab to the tube body. Keep the end "shaped" tab portion UNATTACHED. Also, leave the end tab unglued until Step 6.

5. Form the body into a tube by bringing long edges together, then glue the long body tab under the opposite straight edge.

NOTE the top end tab is still free and extended.

6. Glue the final top tab down as for others in Step 2.

Because of the length of the seam, it may prove helpful to use a long tool such as a new pencil as shown in this image, inserted into tube and placed behind the seam to provide a pressure surface to help the seam attach properly.

7. Fold the lower end tabs outward.

8. Fold upper tabs perpendicular into the center of the hexagon tube. Apply adhesive to the upper surface of all tabs. Insert hexagon into shape, adjusting the "tube" shape so that the hexagon sits completely onto the tabs ledge.

Insert fingers through opening to apply pressure to the hexagon and tabs to ensure a complete bond. Also take care that the straight edges of the hex seat snugly next to the tube rim straight edges.

9. Attach the striping shapes to each tube section. Positioning of stripes can vary. Locate the "level" where the side edges of shorter UPPER shape and longer LOWER shapes align with the section edges/perforations. Continue attaching shapes, taking care that they line up from one section to the next, and remain parallel to the upper cone rim.

Top stripe should be 1/2" to 5/8" below upper edge, and lower stripe should be approx. 1/2" below upper stripe.

Top stripe should be approx. 1" to 1 1/8" below upper edge, and lower stripe should be about a stripe's width below upper stripe.

Both base shapes include "cut-on" side edge extensions that will give bases some depth and strength, and more realism. Extra edge depth strips are added between the base shape layers to add even more depth. These can be omitted, if preferred for quicker, simpler construction.

FOR SHORT CONE: (Steps 10-12)
10. Fold base side edge extensions inward and glue in place. Do this for BOTH upper (hexagon opening) and lower (circle opening) base shapes.

11. Fold and glue inside edges together for all 8 base edge depth strips.

12. Position and glue an edge strip to each edge of UPPER and LOWER base shapes, taking care that edges align, and that each is positioned properly to allow miter edges to abut at corners.

13. Fold two-section edge extensions inward (then outward again) so that they lay behind the hexagon base shape of BOTH the upper (hex opening) and lower (circle) bases. Apply adhesive to "between" surfaces so that the stack is completely attached.

TIP: Use finger pressure to all parts of the assembled shape, especially at the corner miter seam, to ensure complete and smooth attachment of edges.

14. Fold and glue each of the 6 extra depth strips, then glue each in place on EITHER the upper or lower base shapes. 

FOR EITHER SIZE: (small cone used in illustrations)

15. Position the upper base face side up and insert the cone top up through opening from the bottom. Adjust, turn, ease down into place around the cone "tube" until the hex opening straight edges sit snugly against the body straight edges. 

16. Apply glue to each tab face side (before or after Step 15), then apply pressure for secure joining.

This is how the tabs look, glued in place under the upper base shape.

17. Apply adhesive to the edges of the lower base shape, then position upper cone assembly over the lower base, line up all edges accurately, then apply pressure for a good joining.

This is how the completed small cone looks from the bottom.

18. When preparing the table setting for the party or celebration, simply place the bottle on the table and slide the cone over the top.

NOTE:  It may be possible to enlarge the small cone to fit over kid juice bottles that are slightly larger than the 8 oz. water bottle for which it was originally sized. For instance, enlarging all shapes being used  by 116-117% may achieve the correct cone size for Tum-E Yummies brand of kid juice bottle. (Complete a test before cutting multiples.)

Here is the tall cone being placed over the tall retro pop bottle.

The tall bottle neck extends much farther out of the top opening than the water bottle in the short cone.

The pop bottle that was used as the "model" for this original design is "Frostie". Most likely the Jones brand, plus Coke, Pepsi, and others will fit the height and opening shapes, too. Creating a proto type to test your particular bottle body shape may be helpful.

consider these options:
A. Use the cone body (either size) along with the top hexagon shape. Fold the bottom tabs inside the "tube" and glue in place (or cut off at perforations with scissors, etc.). Add white accent stripe shapes.

B. Use ONLY the cone body WITHOUT the top hexagon. Fold both top and bottom tabs to the inside of the tube: and glue in place. Add white accent stripe shapes.

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