
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Fireman 3d Boot Treats Tote

Small boot tote can be filled with goodies
for the guests at your fire man party or even.
Easy box construction with decorative shapes layered and added.
Finished size is approx. 6" tall x 4" wide x 1.5" deep.

1. Identify and cut the shapes.
A boot main body
B boot front boxing
C left & right decorative boot front base
D left and right accent shapes
E hang tag emblem components

2. Prepare the boxing shape by slightly folding on the perforations into 'S' curve as shown. This curving roughtly follows the front contour of the main body shape.

Fold the tabs back from the center section.

3. Align and attach the top tab at the top of the shaped front edge of main body piece. 

4. Continue to align the remaining tabs by adjusting the boxing strip to match the body edge to the perforation edge, then gluing to attach tabs one by one. 

5. Repeat for the opposite edge.

It may be helpful to insert a pencil or other rod-shaped tool to provide a pressure surface inside to help press the tab against the edge to which it is being attached.

6. Assemble the left and right decorative boot fronts by layering the white and red stripe, then attaching the rim strip, the sole strip, and the stripe assembly with corresponding edges lined up.

It may be helpful during the gluing process to position and attach the boot front, then turn the boot over and press against the inside of the boot to apply pressure to ensure that the entire boot front attaches smoothly and flat.

7. On the bottom of the boot, fold the side tabs inward, slot tab inward, then latch tab. Flex the latch tab to allow hook shape to slide into the slot. Adjust bottom shape back to a rectangle so that all pieces are relaxed into normal position.

8. Attach optional handle reinforcement shapes to the inside surface, taking care to line up handle and tote opening edges.

Here is the boot completed to this point.

9. Prepare the optional name or I.D. tag by layering and attaching the base shape with the offset inner shape and the upper shape. Use the hang hole punch to thread ribbon or chain through, then attach to one of the handles.

This tag could be used to "print and cut" a name tag onto the offset base shape so that each party child could have a personalized boot treat tote. Or, attach sequence numbers of other mono-clues as part of a seek & find rescuer scavenger hunt.

1 comment:

  1. Do you think a toddler size 2t shirt would fit in the tote? Id like to make it as the gift bag for my newphews birthday. His dad is a fire fighter.
