
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Yankee Sam Stick Figure Project

Yankee Sam Stick Figure is a 2013 design
available from Silhouette America,
and soon to be available as part of a kit
from SVG Attic.

NOTE: If you purchased and downloaded this design from Silhouette America
prior to June 3, 2014, please re-download the improved version.

This post will demonstrate the assembly of this large (approx. 16" tall)
design that can be hung from peg or "potted" stick
to be a fun addition to your summer holiday decor.

1. Identify and cut the pieces.

2. Assemble the parts into units for the front layers:

These steps include:
a. folding arms and enclosing within sleeves; b. folding shoes and enclosing within pants; 
c. attaching lapels on coat fronts and folding over coat; d. attaching face halves, then layering  with front hair and goatee; e, assembling hat assembled; f. placing pant front and vest pieces onto body front

3. Assemble the parts into units for the back layers.

These steps include:
a. placing back pants over lower part of body; b. assembling back hat; c. attaching button circles on coat back

4. Glue the body front assembly to the body back assembly. Take care to align edges as accurately as possible.

5. Apply glue to the backside of the jacket, ONLY across the shoulders and down the sides where the jacket touches the body.

6. Attach legs in place (right and left) with giant decorative brads.

7. Apply adhesive to the jacket fronts across the shoulder and arm area and ONLY near the side edges where the fronts will align with the edges of the jacket back. Position and hold until secure.

8. Attach arms in place with giant brads. (NOTE that thumbs are up.)

9. Position and glue  the front head (face, beard, hair unit) over the round head shaping of the front body base, overlapping the lower portion of the unit so that the second scallop "valley" falls at the lapel edge as indicated in this image.

10. Position and glue in place the back head unit, matching corresponding edges with the front face/head unit already in place.

11. Position and glue the front hat in place, aligning the hole punches of each layer to determine the level where the lower hat edge is placed.

12. Position and glue the back hat in place on the back of figure, so that holes line up and edges match.
Here is the completed stick figure
with moving arms and legs.
Attach a hanging ribbon or cord through top hang hole,
then include Sam in your holiday decor by hanging it 
from a peg or knob, or wreath stand, etc.

In this vignette, a special stand has been created
by measuring and cutting a narrow molding stick
(screen door molding or large paint stirring stick, etc.),
attaching wooden discs at top front and back, 
painting stick, "planting" it in plaster of paris in a decorative box.

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