
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Jet through Clouds "You Soar" Penny Slider Card

Create this fun interactive card for someone who enjoys air flight,
or who has just accomplished something worth celebrating.
Layered card front includes the stair-step slot
that allows the miniature jet (attached with foam square to a penny behind)
to be lifted to increasingly higher altitudes.

This tutorial will show the simple assembly steps
to create the interactive part of the card.

1. Cut the front card layers and elements, including:
A. card base with horizontal perforation line
B. cloud show-thru layer with cut channel 
C. front layer with channel & cloud cuts
D. base banner layer with word silhouette
E. banner top layer
F. word cut outs "you" and "soar!"
G. 3 smaller cloud shape cut outs

Assemble the card as it appears here, taking care to align channel edges of each layer.

2. Cut and assemble the jet moving part layers, including:
A. jet base echo shape with position cutout
B. jet echo upper base shape
C. jet body
D. jet contrast upper hull
E. contrast tail
F. left and right jet engines & rims

(Other options include wing and tail contrast shapes, available as part of the cut file.)

3. Trim a 1/4" foam dimension square to remove corners, resulting in roughly octagonal shape (roundish).

4. Attach the modified foam square over the jet base shape cutout on the backside of the assembled jet.

5. Position the foam square within the edges of the channel on the card front . . . 

. . . so that it extends through to the back of the card front.

6. Securely attach a penny to the backside of the foam square. Hot glue is a good solution for this, but take care that excess glue does not join the jet and penny to the card layers. Once the glue is set, make sure that the penny and jet unit can move freely in the slot.

In place of a penny, you can use the backside cover circle provided, cut in many layers then joined together.

7. Glue the penny cover over the penny on the inside of the card as a cosmetic touch.

Now you "fly" move the jet up its channel, so that it really does SOAR!

Starting at lower right . . .

. . . zooming to mid altitude . . .

. . . climbing higher . . . 

. . . until it almost soars off the card!


  1. I love this card but have a Zing cutting, Can you get it inan SVG file format?

    1. You can purchase this design through (if it is not currently there, it can be loaded. Just let me know you still are interested) and through SVG Attic .com. Purchase and download as an svg file format.
