
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Delicious Apple 3D Box Tutorial

Not your average gift box,
this realistic delicious apple goes together as full-length "lid"
with octagon cylinder "core" that can be filled with loose candy,
limited size treat, or rolled paper money.
Available from SnapDragon Snippets through
the Silhouette America online store
and soon through SVG Attic and the SnapDragon Snippets website.

Eight segment "wedges" are prepared in pairs, then joined.
Finger space at top opening is eventually covered by
stem "hat", and a mid-height finger hole helps with manipulation,
then is covered by a peel-matching cover
or by the layered artisan sign that can hold the recipient's name
of a message.
Options for decorations include wedges to substitute
that include the hold punch for the brad to hold the sign tag in place,
of a wedge that contains a slot for inserting the bottom "zigzag"
of the wide-eyed bookworm.
Core cylinder has a finger hole opening to aid construction
which can be covered with an octagon paper shape
(or left with hole showing to assist opening later).

1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A Left wedge sections
AA Left wedge with finger hole
B Right wedge sections
BB (not shown) Right wedge with worn slot
C Finger hole cover
D Top apple recess shape 
(this one should be cut from red)
E Stem shapes (3)
F Stem base
G Name tag front and back
H Leaf layers (top and bottom)
I Worm (assembled here)

2. Wedge sections A (or AA) and B will go together in pairs to form apple quarter sections. Identify the B left side and A right side of the pairs by looking at the bottom where the "contour" construction tabs and perforations are. the angled tabs will come together to form the apple contour bottoms. 

Straighter edges will be joined between the quarter sections. 

Here, the A section shown is the AA with the finger hole that will assist construction access for applying pressure to seam areas.

"Extra" shapes in the cut file include the B left and A right wedge shapes that have the optional cut slot for holding the bookworm assembled shape. 

You can choose where in your apple you would like the slot for the worm to be placed, such as just to the left or to the right of the finger hole where the layered tag can be placed. 

Or, alternately, near the front center of the apple, with the finger hole to the back, covered by the plain finger hole cover. 

Of course, the book worm and slot can be left off completely by using the "whole" wedge shapes that DO NOT include the slot.

3. Bend the side tab perforations of the first B (left) wedge back. Fold the horizontal perforations slightly between the sections on the wedge.

4. Fold the bottom two tabs forward.

5. Fold and crease the contour diagonal perforation line so surfaces are face sides together.

6. Bring the bottom contour straight edge to align at the bottom section tab perf line and glue in place as shown.

7. Repeat the folding process for the A (A with slot shown here) right section, including the bringing together and gluing of straight contour edge and opposite tab perf line.

8. Bring the center edges of the B and A together, and line up the long edge of the contour A right lower portion (that is, the second section from the bottom upward) with its opposite B tab perf line. Glue this tab-to-edge seam.

9. Adjust to align the bottom section tab perf line with opposite straight edge, then join with glue.

10. Continue to join the two wedge sections moving upward, one seam section at a time . . .

. . . until all the sections are attached.

11. Join three more B and A pairs to complete four quarter sections.

When working with the finger hole section, take care to fold the narrow side areas at the perforation, so that the seam edges will correspond during the joining process.

12. Align and join two quarter sections in a similar fashion, aligning the second to bottom tab and edge first, then bottom, then working toward the top.

Since this seam is less flexible than the wedge-to-wedge seam, you may need to "splay" the seam edges apart slightly and gently force the glue applicator tip between the edge to apply glue to the tab. Applying glue to multiple tabs ahead of the actual section being joined may be a good solution, if you can work fast enough, and carefully to avoid smearing glue undesireably.

13. Continue aligning and joining the seam until it is completed. Inserting fingers through top opening will allow reach to all portions of the seam. 

Use the side finger hole for further assist.

14. Form the apple top into a ring by folding slightly on each of the radiating perforation lines. Overlap the straight end edge at the end tab perforation line and join, taking care as always to make sure top and bottom edges of each side align as accurately as possible.

15. Prepare the shapes for the three-part stem. Begin by folding the lower tab end portion on the angled perforation lines as outward folds that create side flanges. Also fold the vertical perforation as an outward fold.

16. Apply adhesive to the upper stem halves and to the lower side flanges that will come together then join the backs of a pair of the stem pieces. Add the third stem, with adhesive on all of its halves and flanges. Press the three upper sections and the lower flanges together until glue is secure. 

17. Bend the bottom mini-tabs back, then straighten again.

(Apologies for the lack of focus here!)

18. Insert tab end of stem through triangular opening of stem base, and bend tabs back flush with underneath surface. Glue in place.

19. Fold center tabs of the top apple recess shape inward. Apply adhesive to the stem base, then position and align edges of each as shown, and hold in place until glue is secure.

20.  In a similar process, fold the apple top opening inner tabs toward center, apply adhesive to the under side of top recess shape then position and align and hold in place. Reach fingers through side finger hole to help direct outer and inward pressure to help this shape attach securely.

21. If you are not using the front name tag arrangement, you can prepare the plain finger hole cover. NOTE: this image shows the brad punch, which would probably NOT be needed or used for this simpler construction of the apple.

Apply glue to the edges of the plain shape, position centered over the finger hole and hold in place against the side of the apple form until secure.

22. For the name tag version, center smaller tag and attach to the outer tag with hole punches aligned. apply adhesive to the edges of the tag, then thread a brad through tag hole and then through apple. Reach in to secure brad back prongs once the tag is securely attached in place.

23. Prepare the "core" base or inner box. Fold the shape on the vertical perf and tab lines. Fold the top rim tabs back, then unfold the one opposite the hollow attached octagon on the bottom edge of the shape.

Leaving the end tab unfolded will help side seam construction in the next step.

24. Form the core into a tube, overlapping the straight edge to the opposite tab perforation line. Make sure top and bottom edges of both are lined up properly, then glue in place.

25. Fold the final rim tab back and glue in place

26. On the bottom of the core, fold the tabs to the center and apply adhesive to each. Fold the hollow octagon bottom flap over the tabs and attach. (See next image for more info about this.)

27. Insert finger tips through circle punch out to help apply pressure to tab and octagon edge until each is secure.

You may find it useful to align and attach the side opposite the pre-attached side first, then "squash" adjust the remaining edges to align quickly before adhesive is too dry on remaining edges.

It will also be helpful to insert the flat eraser end of a fairly new pencil into the tube to press from the inside against the tabs and end inside. Place the assembly bottom-down on a flat surface first.

28. Apply adhesive to the hollow octagon shape, then position the bottom whole octagon cover over the core end, align edges, and hold until secure.

29. Insert the core into the bottom opening of the apple body. 

It will push all the way flush with apple bottom, so if you plan to use this as a gift box with contents that won't fall through the hole, consider leaving the base whole shape off to allow recipient easier opening access.

30. Layer the leaf halves, then add some curl to the leaf shape.

31. Glue the end of the leaf stem to one of the faces of the stem. Prepare and attach a second leaf if desired.

31. Assemble the book worm, then insert the bottom "loop" of its body into the slot. Glue in place as desired.

Here is the image of the completed dimensional delicious apple.
Hope you had fun!


  1. Wow! This is most certainly a red delicious apple! You crafted and created it to look so real! I don't know how you do it, but you sure keep creating amazing projects!

  2. so fun!! Thanks for another amazingly awesome 3d project!
