
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Halloween Witch Canister Wrap Assembly Guide

Add this little spook to your Halloween decor.
Part of a holiday series, this Halloween witch figure
is built on a modified hexagon card stock canister
that comes as part of the cut file
(or use an empty and stripped Crystal Light plastic canister).
Dimensional miniature hat has a built-in flange that fits
into the top of the canister to hold it in place.
Measures just short of 12" tall.
Cut file available now from SnapDragon Snippets
through Silhouette America's online store,
and soon through SnapDragon

1. Identify and cut the shapes. (Clockwise from left) canister opening rim rings and bottom with canister body and overlay; hat crown with band and buckle, hat brim with rim ring and bottom base; hat flange (to help hat stay in place), hair, face with details, nose and nostril shapes; bodice with lacing, cape sides, stars & strap clasp; broom straw, handle and decor shapes.

2. Build the canister. Illustration and explanation for this can be found here. Follow steps 2-6 of the Scarecrow project that has an identical canister.

3. Prepare the front wrap decor shape by bending slightly on the vertical perforation lines. Apply glue to the entire shape backside. Position over the front of the canister body with perf lines aligned at ridge perf lines, with top and bottom edges lined up at canister edges.

NOTE: if your canister body card stock is cut from the pattern you want to show as the witch's "dress", you do not need to use the wrap decor shape.

4. Place the front placket shape (with lacing detail shape positioned already over punch holes) over the canister front, top edge aligned at canister top. Glue in place., folding edges back slightly to attach to and follow the canister edges.

NOTE: a contrast "under placket" shape is included in the cut file, in case you want the punch holes to show through as contrast, instead of the wrap shape as is the case with this model.

5. Prepare the nose shapes by positioning and gluing in place the appropriate left or right nostril shape at the lower inner edge of the main nose shape for both the left and right shapes.

6. Bend the back tabs outward, layer the left and right nose shapes together and glue.

(That hand model really should wash her hands once in a while!)

7. Insert the nose tabs into the center face slot from the front side. Slide in until tab perf lines align at face level.

8. On the face backside, fold the tabs outward and glue in place flat.

9. Complete the face pre-assembly by positioning in place: eyes and contrast liner circles, smile and cheek circles, hair layers and wart circles (there is one on the nose that can't be seen from this angle).

10. Position head assembly, centered, on canister front with canister and head top edges lined up. Glue in place where the two surfaces touch.

11. Position and attach the left and right cape shapes. NOTE that the upper "collar" areas slide under the face slightly, the mid-level curves fall to the sides of the lacing shape, and the bottom straight edges are even at the canister edge. Apply glue to the surface that can attach to the canister (much of these shapes remain flat and un-glued), and attach.

Also attach the "clasp" strap below the chin. Attach the star "buttons" over the strap ends. (See image with step 12 for detail.)

12. Assemble the broom (straw front and back layers glued together at the base common shape area, with handle and decor shapes over the top of that common area). Position the broom with straight slant bottom edge lined up at canister bottom edge. When best positioning determined, glue in place where the surfaces meet.

13. Prepare the crown wedge shape by folding inward slightly at each of the six vertical perforation lines. Also fold the bottom edge tabs outward.

14. Form the crown into a cone shape, bringing the vertical straight end edge to overlap the opposite tab. Apply glue, then line up the edge at tab perf line, adjust for accuracy, then hold until seam is secure.

It may be helpful to assist the narrow point area portion of the seam to attach properly and securely to insert a press-against tool, such as a wooden skewer or knitting needle.

15. Slide the brim "ring", face up, over the crown point. . Apply adhesive to the crown bottom edge tabs on the face sideSlide ring down into position . . .

. . . then place the assembly on a flat surface and press against each of the six edges to join the brim to the crown tabs thoroughly.

16. Prepare the hat flange shape by folding each of the 12 "backside" tabs into place. Apply adhesive to all except the end backside tab that is opposite the end attachment tab, and glue flat. Apply pressure to each until they are secure before proceeding. 

17. Form the flange into a ring, bringing the end attachment tab around to insert under the opposite straight edge. Apply glue to the tab, and also to the end backside tab that remained unglued in step 

18. Adjust the joint for accuracy (flange edge at opposite tab perf line), then glue securely.

19. Prepare to attach the flange ring to the lower brim circle shape by orienting the flange segment lengths to the corresponding slot lengths. The longest segments are front and back

Insert the tabs fully into the slots, front to back. This may take care to insert first tabs slightly, then working around the ring until all are inserted.

20. On the brim backside (yes, this lovely viotet is the backside of my witch black hat!), fold the flange tabs outward and glue each in place, holding and applying pressure until each is secure in place.

21. As a "dry fit" before final assembly, check out how the flange/brim assembly has a definite front and back, so those edges of the upper assembly brim will need to be parallel to the corresponding front and back straight edges of the crown. Once this is understood, apply adhesive to the underside of the hex ring brim shape, then align appropriately with the flange/brim shape.

Place assembly on a flat surface (as in second image of step 15) and apply even smoothing pressure until layers are completely attached. 

22. Apply adhesive to the underside of the brim rim ring, then place it over the crown point, position over the brim's top face surface, adjust, and glue in place.

23. Form the hat band into a ring by bending slightly on all the single perforations. Apply a dot of glue to the face side of the end tab, then overlap opposite end to align at tab perf, adjust and attach.

24. Apply glue to the band backside, then carefully insert it over the crown point and move it downward until it is tightened into place at the "fit" level, approx. 5/8" above brim.

Attach buckle, centered over hat front panel, and also over hat band.

Position completed hat over the canister upper opening, fitting flange neatly behind rim.
Here is a front view of the completed project.
And a view from the side, including hat off.
Watch for the other character canister wraps in this series.
At this date, the collection includes: leprechaun, bunny, Uncle Sam, scarecrow.

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