
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Cross 3d Box with Swirly Overlay Assembly Guide

Prepare this large scale 3d box
to commemorate the First Communion of a special child,
fill it with goodies, or insert the gift card platform
for a card gift.
Box measures approx. 7” wide x 9.25” tall x .75” deep
and is prepared as base with lid.
Elaborate yet delicate overlay
provides places for adornment with studs or jewels.

1. Identify and cut the shapes.
A cross lid shape
B lid boxing strips (ctr top, left, right/bottom)
C cross bass shape
D base boxing strips (ctr top, left, right/btm)
E lid offset decor shape with swirly cross
F insert shape
(not shown: support cross strips)

2. This assembly will begin with the LID. You will know which of the cross shapes is the LID because it is slightly larger than the BASE.

3. Prepare the lid boxing strips by folding the top tabs and bottom flanges back, and folding on all vertical perforation lines.

4. Locate the center top strip segment finding the "CT' cut in the tab. This section will be positioned at the top of the cross LID section. Also note that each boxing strip includes tiny symbol cutouts at ends to help identify how the ends of the strips will join up.

5. Lay out the cross shape with the prepared boxing strips to envision how they will be arranged. Use the symbol cutouts to help get the strips in the right order.

(Shown here is the BASE shape which has paired symbol cutouts to distinguish it from the LID which has singles.)

6. Position the "CT" LID strip tab at the top of the cross LID shape. Line up the cross straight edge with the perforation line, and adjust to make sure that the sides of the center edge line up at the section side perforation folds.

Glue in place.

7. Line up by folding and adjusting, then glue each of the remaining tabs and corresponding straight section edges of the top of the cross . . . 

. . . until all the tabs of the top strip are joined.

8. Note that the tab on the right end of the top center strip has the circle symbol.The right/bottom strip that will include top tab will include the circle symbol also.

Overlap the right strip end, adjust top to bottom, then glue in place.

9. Position, adjust and glue the tabs of the side strip to the corresponding edges of the cross shape in similar manner as for the top strip.

10. Attach left strip side edge to right strip end tab, and attach strip tabs to cross edges. As final tabs are attached, also attach final end tab and top end.

11. Fold LID strip bottom flanges back and glue in place.

12. Repeat the process of attaching BASE strips to cross shape in similar fashion.

13. Position and attach the decorative cross shape on the front of the offset decor cross shape.

14. Position and attach this assembly to the LID. It may be helpful to turn the LID face down on flat work surface to apply pressure from the backside to ensure a thorough join.

(To include the gift card platform, cross strip supports have been provided. Skip this step if you are not using the platform.)

15. Fold the end tabs of two cross strips back. 

"Join" the strips by sliding the center slots over each other to form an X.

16. Place the cross support into the BASE interior and line up the end tabs against the angled side sections of boxing strips as shown. Center the tabs then glue in place.

17. Prepare the insert shape by folding all tabs back. Overlap each tab side edge with the adjacent wedge tab's perf line and glue in place.

18. Place the insert into the lid and push down completely. The center of the platform will rest on top of the cross supports.

Insert the gift card (or prepare a sentiment card that measures approx. 3.375" x 2.125" and insert that) between the half circle tabs. Note that the card will lay on the diagonal.

Place the LID over the BASE to finish the box.

Embellish the lid as you choose. Here the lid is shown with glitter studs placed in some of the best places, but you may find different or additional places that will accept accents, including within the arches, between the arch "valleys", within the larger curls, etc.

Two final finished images are provided for reference.

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