
Friday, March 27, 2015

Suitcase 3d Gift Card Box Assembly Guide

Send someone special off on their "journey"
with this memorable gift card container svg design,
new from SnapDragon Snippets.
Box is styled as a match box with outer shell
decorated with strapping, corner reinforcements,
and handle, and inner box tray with gift card platform.
Big enough, but not too big, 
it measures approx. 5” wide x 3.75” tall x 1.25” deep.
Attach layered tag that includes top frame shape
with "journey" word cutout welded in place
to make positioning the contrast cut word a cinch.

1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A main suitcase body
B inner tray
C gift card insert
D outer banding strips (2)
E handle
F corner reinforcement shapes
G tray end panel

2. Fold the main body shape on all perforations. All folds are "mountain" folds (backside folds toward backside).

3. Position outer banding strips so that center (shorter) section perforations line up with corresponding top panel edges, and hole punches lin up.

Glue the center PORTION only . . .

. . . so that ends remain free. They will be attached once the box is closer to its final form.

4. Prepare the handle shape by bending the end sections upward slightly. Add some curl to the center section by running it along a cylinder or tool handle.

5. Position and attach the handle where the punch holes will line up at top section of main body shape.

Attach decorative brads through punch holes.

6. Fold the body shape into its finished box shape, then apply adhesive to the underside of the banding strip end sections and attach in place.

7. Connect the back bottom straight edge to the bottom flange/tab, overlaping to the tab's perforation line, and adjusting to make sure that ends of each edge line up.

8. Attach the left end of the box by applying glue to the side flaps and the end tab, then tucking the tab behind the back box edge.

It may be helpful to insert a long tool such as the eraser end of a new pencil into the interior of the box to apply pressure at the short and long tabs.

9. At the right end of the box (the tray sliding opening) press and glue each of the edge tabs back and toward the inside of the box.

10. Prepare the inner tray box by folding on all perforation lines. Fold the ends and sides up, tuck side tabs behind the end panels, and glue in place.

11. Fold all tray edge tabs to the inside and glue in place.

12. Prepare the optional gift card tray by folding the sides and end tabs back. Fold sides and ends back and attach end tabs behind adjacent panel edges to build the card platform.

13. Insert the gift card corners under the curved slots in the platform.

Insert the platform into the tray box.

14. If your tray paper does not match the main suitcase body paper (and you want it to) position the end panel over the tray end panel and attach in place.

15. To prepare the gift box for giving, insert the tray end into the main box open end and slide into place.

16. Prepare the corner reinforcement shapes by folding on perforations.

Apply adhesive, then attach the shapes:

three-section shapes are attached at the top left main body corners

two-section shapes are attached at the two top tray opening corners, and the two top non-opening corners

one-section shapes are attached at the tray  front bottom corners, and . . .

. . . and at the four corners of the tray end panel.

(NOTE: there are no reinforcement corners on the bottom of the box.)

17. Layer the tag back whole shape with the window shape. Apply eyelet at the punch hole, if desired. Attach the word cutout over the front of the tag to cover the word area cutout on the top tag layer. 

Attach tag with chain, twine or ribbon tot he handle, as desired.

Suitcase gift card box is complete!


  1. I purchased this file and made one for a newlywed gift w/$ inside as they were going on a honeymoon trip to Disney World. It turned out great, thanks to your easy-to-follow instructions.

  2. Hi Jodi! I changed the phrase for the tag on this box and gave a gift card in the suitcase as a normal wedding gift. It turned out great! Thanks for the instructions and the awesome file. :) Posting on my blog this week...

    1. So glad you chose to use our design. You are a favorite designer for us!

  3. Hi Jodi! First I just wanted to let you know I love all your designs. You truly are a step above. I made this Suitcase for my daughters trip to Europe. She loved it. Thank you.
