
Friday, September 11, 2015

Cauldron Hidden Gift Card Holder Assembly

Seemingly toxic greeting card of witch's cauldron 
with bubbling green froth at top reveals itself as friendly and fun 
when the bubble insert is slid out to disclose a hidden gift card. 
Measures approx. 6x6 when closed. 
Layers of cauldron build up the inner channel 
where the multi-layer carrier is inserted. 
Layered, tie-on tag conveys message "concoctions" 
to encourage recipient to dream something up. 

1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A front cauldron base shape
B rim base (shows as rim side)
C rim top
D cauldron build up layers (5)
E cauldron back shape
F bubbles slider back
G bubbles build up layers (3)
H bubbles base, mid base and circles
I tag layers & "concoctions" word cut
J spider and eye contrast underlay

2. Assemble the cauldron front unit with rim base and rim.

3. Assemble the build-up layers by carefully lining up layers as the 5 shapes are stacked and glued together.

4. Attach the build-up assembly onto the backside of the back cauldron shape, taking care to line up all outer edges as precisely as possible.

5. Prepare the tag by layering tag base and face shapes, word cutout, spider with contrast eye shape behind eye cutouts.

6. Attach label assembly to the front of the cauldron by threading ribbon or twine (or both as here in the sample) through the pair of punch holes in the front base.

7. Assemble the slider (card carrier) build up layers by stacking and gluing together, taking care to line up all outer and inner edges as precisely as possible.

8. Attach the build up stack onto the backside of the slider back layer, taking the same care to line up edges.

9. Prepare the bubbles assembly by starting with the "whole" bubbles base shape, then attaching the multi-shape mid-shapes, then attaching the single circles on top.

Here is the assembly completed.

10. Position and attach the bubbles assembly on top of the slider assembly.

11. Assemble the finished card by placing the gift card in the recess of the slider, then . . . 

. . . insert the slider into the channel . . . 

. . . and slide the slider down until it stops with bubbles near the top of the cauldron rim.


  1. I really, REALLY like this card, Jodi! Those different colors of bubbles are fantastic. I could see those embellished with different shades of green gems, enamel dots, buttons, etc. for extra fun and interest.

  2. I'm a little late to this party :-), but I'm loving this card! Making one this year for my son with a Starbucks gift card inside. Thank you for the easy to follow tutorial.
