
Friday, September 4, 2015

Halloween Witch Hat Tussy Mussy

Inverted witch hat becomes a candy or treat holder 
with under-brim holes for threading ribbon loops for hanging. 
Tall triangle accent panels, pleated medallion 
with "31" and spider on strand with contrast eye liner. 
Hang from peg or tree branch. Measures approx. 3.5" wide x 2.75" tall. 

(This tutorial is under construction.
Please return soon to view assembly steps.)
1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A crown
B crown accent triangles
C brim base
D top brim accent with ribbon holes
E medallion pleated strip
F medallion cover circles
G medallion decor (31 circle; spider & eyes)

2. Prepare the crown shape by bending back on all radiating perforation lines, also bending bottom tabs up.

3. Position and attach accent triangles to each section, placing straight bottom edge at tab perforation line, offset centered side to side.

4. Fold crown into a cone shape to bring the straight edge to overlap the tab to perforation line. Glue edge to tab.

5. Insert crown assembly through brim hex opening, and push completely in so that hex straight edges seat at tab perforation lines. Glue bottom of brim to top of tabs.

Place assembly flat on table top and apply pressure along crown where tabs are underneath.

6. Thread ribbon lengths through holes of ring so that ends extend outward from both sides of the two pairs of holes. Center the ribbon lengths.

7. Position and attach ribbon-laced top circle over top of brim, taking care to keep ribbon ends free (underneath ribbon between holes will be attached in place). 

Make sure that the holes are centered along two opposite straight edges of the hex opening, with the inner circle edge matching up with the center of hex edges, hiding the majority of the hex opening edge. 

8. Gather ribbon ends and tie into a knot so that cup hangs evenly.

9. Prepare the medallion pleat strip by accordion folding with the "mountain" folds through the center of the long points.

10. Bend the strip to form a ring to bring the straight end to overlap the end tab to perforation line. Glue edge to tab.

11. Stand the ring up on pointed ends, then surround the pleats with fingers and slowly press the upper straight edge inward . . .

. . . until the pleats fan out and the medallion lays flat.

Adjust the pleats evenly around the circle, and . . . 

. . . press inward on all  sides to tighten the center circle as closely as possible. 

While holding this positioning as well as possible, apply hot glue (or equiv. quick dry adhesive) to the center, and attach one of the cover circles (centered) over the hole. Hold in place until glue cools/dries enough to be secure.

12. Glue the second cover circle in place at medallion center on the backside.

13. Prepare the accent shapes:

a. position numbers on scalloped circle

b. attach contrast shape behind spider eyes

d. attach spider "stem" to underside of scallop circle

14. Attach accent assembly to pleated medallion.

15. Position and attach medallion assembly to one of the "front" panels.

Here is the completed cup ready to fill and hang.

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