
Friday, September 25, 2015

Rectangular & Round Rosette Cards

Two multi-shape cut files can be used to produce
these two fun and dimensional a7 (5x7) cards.
Shown here as Halloween color schemed,
card elements are suitable for any scheme you choose.
Use the plaque and rosette layers as
banner swag embellishments,
or punch a pair of holes at top sides
to string as garland elements alone.
View (LINK) to see a project that uses
parts of these two designs as embellishments
for a fabric pennant flag banner.

This tutorial will explain how the rosettes are constructed,
as well as showing basic card assembly order.
The rectangle rosette card is shown first.
Zoom to the middle to see the round rosette card assembly.

1. Get familiar with the rosette shapes.
TOP: for rectangular rosette, there are right and left shapes, with the crest that creates the rectangle's corners, plus two circle covers
BOTTOM: for the round rosette, there are two interchangeable strips, plus two circles

Each of the sections (rect. & round), includes a connection tab on the end. 
Here, the rectangle rosette end tabs are indicated as being on the RIGHT ends.
The round rosette has the end tab on the left.
2. Fold the accordion pleats of each section, making the ridge or "mountain" fold on the lines that intersect the edge points.

The end tabs always fold up (valley fold).

Join the left and right section pairs by overlapping the non-tab side over the tab, so that the straight plain edge lines up at the opposite tab perforation line.

3. Join the two half sections by overlapping and joining the ends to tabs in the same manner as described in step 2 above, to create the rosette ring.

Allow the steams to set until secure.

4. Place the ring points down on the table surface, then using both hands gradually condense the pleats to force the straight center edge downward . . . 

. . . and into the center.

Push the edges into the center, taking care with the rectangular rosette to particularly apply pressure along the "straights" of the outer shape.

Endeavor to get the center opening as small as possible.

5. Try to hold the rosette in shape with one hand (or get help), then apply quick-grab glue such as the hot glue being used here at the inner "circle" edge.

Then, working quickly . . . 

. . . repeat and adjust the pushing-to-the-center actions to refine the shape, and position the circle cover over the opening.

Continue to adjust and push in toward the center until the adhesive grabs and secures the rosette pleat edges where they touch the circle cover.

6. Turn the rosette face side down, apply glue at the opening edge for the backside, then position and attach the back cover circle.

7. To complete the rectangular rosette card, fold the card base and attach the offset front accent panel.

8. Layer the large plaque and offset inner shapes with the slot openings lined up and edges centered. Thread a length of ribbon down and up through the slot pairs, extend ribbon ends approx. 2 inches or as desired, trim ends.

9. Assembly the rosette, smaller bracket plaque, sawtooth circle, center circle and sentiment banner, then position and attach onto the card.

1. Pleat each of the two sections as shown, making the "mountain" fold at the perforations that bisect the point shapes and the top edge of strip.

APOLOGIES HERE: this the strips here are shown face down by accident (black paper used has identical front and back). End tabs will be on the RIGHT ends.

The tab on the right end of the strip should bend upward (valley fold).

2. Overlap the straight edge of one strip (on left here, shown correctly) over the tab on the right strip, and glue in place.

3. Form the strip assembly into a ring, back side of paper toward the center, to overlap and join the remaining free ends as in step 2 above.

Allow the seam to set until secure.

4. Stand the ring points down on the table surface, then gradually force the pleats to compress and the straight edges into the center.

5. Push the edges all around into the center to condense the center opening as small as possible.

6. Try to hold the rosette in condensed shape with one hand (or get help) while a quick-grab glue like the hot glue shown here is applied at the top surface edge of the opening.

Working quickly, continue to apply pressure to force the rosette center opening to be as small as possible and the pleats to lay uniformly around . . . 

. . . then position and attach the front cover circle.

7. Repeat the process on the backside, pushing inward at outer edge, applying quick-grab glue to the opening edge, then positioning and attaching the back cover circle.

8. To complete the circle rosette card assembly, fold the card base shape along the center perforation, then position and attach the offset front accent panel.

Center and join the large bracket plaque and offset shapes. Attach to the card front.

Assemble the circle, saw tooth circle and center circle onto the pointed strip, then position and attach this over the rosette.

Attach the rosette assembly centered on card front assembly


  1. I don't think I have ever seen a rectangular rosette before. Very cool! I can see that working well on a banner as well. Great cards!

  2. I bought the file from Silhouette Studio Designs ages ago and only now attempted to recreate it. Since Halloween is not a big holiday in Germany and we don't send cards on the occasion, I redesigned it to be a special christmas card.
    As most of your projects, you only want to do this when you know the recipient will recognize how much work & love went into the card. So I thought I'd make this a little bit larger with enough space for a lot of people to sign so it can be a new Mum card during the christmas period.
    Thanks for another fabulous design!

    1. Great idea and nice description of your innovations.
