
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Acorn on a Stick Decor Assembly Guide

Autumn and harvest decor acorn "box"
on a stick, in medium (left) and tall sizes.
Base box has build-up platform to stabilize "stick"
(paper hex tube that wraps a 5/16" dowel cut to size).
Acorn box is built as base and lid with accent front,
and attached two-part leaf that attaches to acorn top
with attached punch tab. Acorn has bottom hex hole
to accent pole for display.
Sizes are approx. 10" and 11.75" tall.

1. Identify and cut the box & pole shapes:
A stand box front and top panels
B stand box sides and back
C stand box bottom
D build up to anchor post
E post hex hole cover (bottom)
F pole
G acorn box LID shape
H acorn LID boxing strip upper half
I acorn LID boxing strip lower half
J tie punch hole tabs front & back
K acorn BASE shape
L BASE boxing strip upper half
M BASE boxing strip lower half
N BASE inner pole support

2. Identify and cut the front accent shapes.

These are for the TALL version, and . . .

. . . these are for the MEDIUM version.

(Base box accent shapes are the same for either, as is the base acorn shape. Leaf shapes are mirror image of each other.)

NOTE: construction for the acorn LID and BASE, and box base is identical for both the TALL and MEDIUM "acorn on a stick" designs. The POLE construction is the same as well, except that the medium pole is shorter.

3. Prepare the boxing strips for the LID and BASE by identifying the upper strips (include triangle arrow cutout symbol or 'T' at center), then folding the tabs inward. Also fold the vertical perforations so that they follow the in/out pattern shape of the angles on the acorn edges.

4. Begin at top of LID, align top straight edge with boxing strip segment, adjust as needed to center, then attach.

5. Bend the boxing strip to align each straight edge with corresponding tab perforation line and attach edge to tab. Work along both sides until all are attached.

(Refer to "Shamrock On A Stick" , steps 3 through 6 or 9, a similar project to this one, get more detail on this boxing connection process.)

6. Attach the lower boxing LID strip by lining up the appropriate strip end to overlap the upper strip end tab to perforation line, adjust top to bottom, then glue in place.

7. Continue to bend strip, align straight edge to corresponding perforation line, and attach to attach lower boxing strip completely, including attaching second strip ends.

8. Repeat this same process for the BASE acorn shape and boxing strips.

9. Prepare the punch loop tabs by bending the bottom tabs outward.

Place the curved-top tabs back to back, then glue to attach tops, leaving bottom tabs unattached.

10. Apply glue to the bottom surfaces of the tabs, then position on the top of the acorn LID, short tab to the front, and glue in place.

11. Layer and assemble the accent shapes onto the curved edge foundation acorn.

For the TALL version, attach cap shape, checker rectangle base and checker squares shape, bottom "nut" shape, with accent strip at top.

For the MEDIUM version, refer to the completed project at beginning or end of this tutorial. That design includes same cap shape, lower "nut shape that has two accent strips to place at top edge, equi-distance below punch holes row to match top strip spacing. Behind the "nut" shape, attach the contrast strips for the punch hole "show thru" and highlight "show thru".

12. Complete the BASE box shape by preparing the interior pole support strip, bending the side tabs downward as shown.

13. Position and attach tabs to the interior side walls of the BASE box, placing the tabs in the second segment below the center top shape.

14. Fit the BASE inside the LID. NOTE that this is a snug fit by design.

Once the two are together to form the acorn "block", help them stay together by . . . 

. . . applying glue between the sides as shown, all around.

15. Prepare the base box body by bending front/top and sides/back shapes back on all perforation lines.

16. Join the straight side seam to the sides strip by overlapping at the tab perforation line, adjusting then attaching.

17. Attach the accent shapes to the assembled shape while it is flat at this stage (the sample shown here still needs to have the back accent attached), when you can apply flat pressure all over. 

Or, later, after the box is fully assembled.

18. Fold the base box so that the "side" panels form a tube, then bring the straight side edge to overlap the adjacent tab perforation line and attach.

19. Prepare the pole stabilizer "build up" stack by folding back and forth in accordion fashion, so that hex holes will line up exactly.

Apply glue to the set of "faces" on one side, then press the stack to join these edge.

Next, rotate the stack to apply glue to the remaining "faces" on the opposite side to attach all the layers of the accordion. Apply pressure until the stack is well joined.

NOTE that the box bottom has been modified to eliminate the "trap door" cuts.

20. Position and attach the stack stabilizer on the backside of the box bottom panel.

21. Attach the bottom panel to the tab on the lower edge of the box front panel.

22. Prepare the interior support panel by bending at the halfway perforation line into 'V' shape, and at end tab perforations.

23. With bottom panel bent out of the way, insert the support strip into the base box interior, pointing toward and touching the back panel, and adjust so that the side tabs touch the box inside side walls. Make sure that the support is fully into the space, then glue the tabs in place.

24. Fold the bottom panel into position and attach it to the three bottom tabs.

(This image does not show the stabilizer platform attached as it should be at this stage in assembly.)

25. Prepare pole shape by bending inward on all vertical perforation lines, including tab.

26. Form a tube to bring the long straight edge to overlap the opposite tab line, and glue in place. NOTE it may assist to insert the 5/16" dowel in as a "press against" surface to help glue the seam.

27. Insert the pole tube through the bottom hex opening, through the box and out the top hex hole. Bend the tabs of pole back (outward) and attach to the bottom of the base box.

28. Attach the accent side and top shapes to the base box.

29. Insert the 5/16" dowel through the tube until the bottom cut edge aligns flush with the bottom of the base box.

30. Mark the top of the pole tube onto the dowel length, then remove dowel and cut off excess at mark.

Re-insert the dowel into the tube, again until the bottom end is flush with the box bottom panel.

31. Position and attach the bottom hex hole cover to hide the pole tabs and the hex hole opening.

32. Slide the acorn box onto the tube, taking care to move and adjust until the top of the pole (with dowel) fits through the interior support strip hex hole and extends to the tip of the "cap".

You can apply glue to the top of the pole and the acorn bottom hex opening before inserting the pole to help attach it, if desired.

33. Layer the leaf half over the full base shape. While the glue is still pliable, add some curl to the layered shape by rolling it over a tube tool such as this spatula.

34.  Attach the leaf to the top of the acorn punch tab with twine or ribbon.  

This is the finished tall version.

Here is the medium version. 

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