
Friday, December 11, 2015

Peppermint Candy Hidden Gift Card Tutorial

Hide a gift card inside this sweet facade. 
Create bottom 2/3 of offset candy shape with 
built up 'channel' layers and 'whole' shape behind. 
Prepare the decorative front candy design with base circle, 
wide and narrow 'stripe' shapes, and center cover circle, 
then attach to candy channel unit. 
Prepare slider with base shape (add separate top shape behind) 
with back base shape, side build up layers. 
Insert slider behind front candy decoration circle. 

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A candy front     B  candy back (base)
C candy body build up shapes (5)
D slider base     E slider build up shapes (3)
F slider top build up shapes (1 for front; 1 for back)
G decorative top build up shape for front
H offset (candy wrapper) shape body
I offset (wrapper) top
J - M candy swirl decor shapes
N tag with punch hole reinforcement/decor
NOTE that the shapes can be arranged for efficient paper use
in prep for cutting by nesting the shapes as shown on this layout
for the Silhouette Cameo cutting system.
At LEFT, C shapes are rotated with F or G shape also fit inside.
At RIGHT, one E shape is nested inside the cavity of a C shape.
2. Position and attach each of the 5 build up body shapes,
one by one, taking care to line up edges and punch holes
as exactly as possible.
3. Position and attach the front body base shape onto the front
of the build up assembly (note that the punch hole is top right),
taking care to line up the shapes as exactly as possible.
Of course, only apply adhesive to the surfaces that will touch.
4. Turn the assembly over to attach the back base shape
to the build up assembly, as was done for the front in step 3.
5. Position and attach the 3 slider build up shapes,
taking care to align all edge as exactly as possible.
6. Position and attach the slider build up assembly
on the inside/back of the slider base shape,
taking care to line up the outer edges as exactly as possible.
7. Position and attach the F top build up shapes,
one on the front, one on the back. 
Position and attach the final "face" top shape on the front.
8. Position the offset wrap decor shape on the top of the
slider assembly, lining up the bottom straight edges of
decor and previously-attached buildup shape.
9. Assemble the candy center by centering
and attaching the narrow stripes swirl, then the
wider stripes swirl, with the optional center circle on top.
10. Position and attach the candy center on top of
the "wrapper" decor shape, lining up the large curve
edges of each. NOTE that . . . 
. . . punch holes should line up . . .
. . . and that the candy circle assembly will extend above the
main card assembly (here shown from the back).
11. Complete the card by inserting the slider end
into the cavity behind the candy decor shape. . .
. . . and push in, taking care at the candy overlap edge.
Insert the card while the slider is out, or before it is pushed in.
12. Layer the tag with its decorative "reinforcement" ring,
then attach with twine or very narrow ribbon at the punch hole.
Here the hidden gift card peppermint candy
is complete and ready to give.

1 comment:

  1. What weight paper did you use for this design? I'm rather new to the world of silhouette and die cutting so I don't tend to have too much knowledge about what products are used. Thank you for your help.
