
Sunday, April 3, 2016

Teddy Bear Shaped 3d Box

Dimensional gift box has flush-fitting lid and base
so bear can stand on his own when closed.
Loop bow tie can be placed as "hair bow"
for a box decorated as a teddy "girl".
Optional flat insert can hold a standard gift card.
Or fill with small gift or goodies.
Measures approx. 6.75" tall x 5" wide x 1.25" deep.

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A lid bear shape  B top boxing strip
C right side boxing strip  D bottom boxing strip
E left side boxing strip
F base bear shape  G base top boxing strip
H base left side boxing strip  I base bottom boxing strip
J base left side boxing strip
K optional gift card insert
L bear body assembly ( main, body/head, head)
with muzzle, tummy, eyes, nose, smile, ear contrast)
M bow tie/bow main loops   N bow/bow tie knot
NOT SHOWN: bow tie knot center contrast
2. Prepare to assemble the box LID and box BASE
by becoming familiar with the symbols on the end
tabs of the boxing strips. These symbol cuts can assist
in identifying where the strips are positioned around LID
or BASE main shape.
NOTE that symbols are shown nearest the angle
where the seam of adjacent boxing strips will be.

Here is the LID shape illustration of symbols.
Top triangle "arrow" point indicates top center of LID.

Here is the BASE shape illustration of symbols
Top triangle "arrow" and "B" (BASE) indicates
top center of BASE
3. Prepare the LID top center boxing strip by bending
the vertical perforations as shown.
(NOTE that straight cuts - or non-wedge - on the 
connection tab edge [1/4" wide] will bend back
or "outward".)
Also bend connection tab and rim tabs back.
One way to assist in knowing which way to
prepare the boxing strip is to form it roughly
to match the edge of the main bear LID shape
to which it will be attached, as shown here.
NOTE the circle cutout symbol in the connection tab
near top boxing strip. This corresponds to the
same symbol at the "top" end tab of the right side
boxing strip. 
(Compare to the LID symbols illustration above.)
4. Position the center top segment of the top boxing strip
at the center top edge of the main LID shape as shown,
and attach tab to the back of the LID shape.
(NOTE again that connection tab are 1/4" wide;
rim tabs are slightly wider and have very regular wedge cuts.)
5. Bend the boxing strip to line up the next segment tab
to the corresponding main LID edge, and glue in place.

As the gluing proceeds, it may be helpful to turn the
assembly face side down on flat surface to apply
finger pressure to the tab area being joined.
6. Follow this procedure to completed all the segments
of the top boxing strip.
7. Identify and prepare the next boxing strip in sequence.
For this tutorial, the right side strip will be attached next.
This strip has the circle symbol at the top end tab,
and the dash mark near the bottom end.
8. Attach the end tab of second strip behind
the end edge of the first strip.
9. Bend the strip to align the segments, one by one,
to the corresponding edges of the main shape,
and glue in place.
10. Prepare the next boxing strip.
For this tutorial, it is the bottom strip
which includes dash mark (to attach to end of
right side strip) and square.
11. Attach the end tab of the new strip
to the end of the side strip, then continue
to align and attach each of the segments
of this strip as previously done.
12. Prepare and attach the left side strip
which includes the square symbol which includes
the square symbol the the X symbol.
Align and attach most of the segments of
this final boxing strip.
13. With a couple of segments still to be
attached, first align and attach the end tab
to the end edge of the first (top) strip that was
attached. Then complete the final tab attachment
in the usual fashion.
14. Bend down each of the rim tabs and glue
in place to the inside of the LID boxing strips.
15. Construct the box's BASE in similar fashion.
NOTE that the BASE boxing strips have
double symbols, and the top center symbols
include a stylized 'B' to identify it as "BASE".
16. Prepare the boxing strips . . .
. . . then, position and attach the strip segments
in the same manner as for the LID.
Also, bend the rim tab back and glue
to the inside of the BASE to complete its assembly.
17. Prepare the bear assembly shapes
Layer the head/body onto the full shape,
then layer the head.
Add muzzle with smile, tummy.
18. Place the eye shapes into the 
eye hole recesses, push down, and attach.
Attach the nose.
19. Position (center with equal offset all around)
the body assembly onto the LID front,
and attach in place.
20. Position and attach the contrast ear shapes
into the ear openings.
21. Prepare the bow or bow tie by adding some 
curl to the center of each side loop.
22. Bend the side loops back so that the
end tabs overlap at the center back,
and glue in place.
23. Position the knot over the center of the loops
unit, bend top and bottom tabs to the bow backside,
overlap and glue in place.
Position and attach the center contrast accent
on the front of the knot. (See photo in step 26.)
24. Position the bow tie and attach the center only.
NOTE that the bow tie can alternately be . . .
. . . a girl bear's head bow.
25. Prepare and insert the optional
gift card insert, if desired.
26. To close the box, fit the LID over the BASE.
NOTE that the many angles make this
a more involved process than it would be for
a simpler box shape.
Here is the completed box.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. how does one purchase this teddy bear box

  3. Our svg designs are now available only through the Silhouette America's online store.
