
Monday, January 9, 2017

Snowflake 3D Northern Cross Star

Four body shapes are built-up of approx. 8 layers
 of card stock to resemble balsa wood,
(model uses 6 kraft and 1 each front & back 
white cardstock) then fit together with slots or spaces. 
(Since the fit is intentionally tight, a thickness testing
shape and slot are included to create a mock up
to determine final number of layers to cut.)
Hang as an ornament with twine or 
ribbon thru the top hole, or use square block stand. 
Measures approx. 9.5" tall x 6.625"  wide x  (without stand). 

ASSEMBLY:  1. Identify and cut* the shapes:
(*a test assembly is suggested; see step 2)
A main center arm( f, b, 6 build up)
B secondary center arm (f, b, 6 build up)
C horizontal arm (f, b, 6 build up)
D diagonal arms (4 arms; f & b, 6 build up for each)
E main stand lid  F under-lid shape
G slot opening collar (6)
H accent lid top square shapes (5)
I ring accent shapes (5)
J main stand base
K base liner L slot opening collar (6)
M build-up thickness test square with slot
N build-up lozenge (8 or as determined)
NOT SHOWN: stand lid side panel accents (4)
(see step 15.)
NOTE: extra cutouts in E and J sides
were removed in final design
2. To be sure, test for the number of in-between
"build-up" shapes required to allow the snowflake
members to fit together snugly.
Glue together into one stack the build-up shapes 
(with front and back, if using contrast) 
using the same card stock planned for the project.
TIP:Since weights for flattening will be 
recommended for the actual snowflake arms, 
use them when preparing the lozenge, as well.
3. Fit the lozenge into the test square slot . . .
. . . to make sure it fits well, and snugly
(along long slot edges.
Once build-up layers quantity is confirmed,
cut the shapes required for the snowflake star.
4. Assemble each of the separate arms
by gluing together the layers, taking CARE
to adjust ALL edges to make sure they line up
as precisely as possible.
NOTE: For the largest A shapes, it may be
advisable to apply adhesive to each arm in a
separate step, beginning perhaps at top,
then positioning and attaching that portion
with the next layer, then applying adhesive
to the next section and positioning, etc.
You may wish to build the first 4 shapes,
weight it to flatten while drying, then 
finish the stack with weighting for final product.
WEIGHTS:  It is strongly advisable to
use flat weights placed on top of the built-up
arm layers, lid accents, collars, etc.
to help avoid warping and curling while liquid
adhesive dries thoroughly.
The "built-up" process will require time.
Here are the completed arm elements,
showing the built-up thickness.
5. Assemble the snowflake by inserting the bottom
of B arm into the interior bottom of A,
slotting the two shapes together and
sliding nearly as far down as possible,
before . . . 
. . . swinging the top portion into position
to slot the top edges of A and B together.
Slide B up slightly . . .
. . . to align the crossing slots at the center
as shown.
6. Position C arm horizontally and insert
between the "back" slot of B, then
push it toward the center of A/B through the
center crossing horizontal slots . . .
. . . until C is fully in with the front ends
lining up as shown.
7. Add the diagonal D arms at the
diagonal slots of A
(adding adhesive as needed . . . 
. . . at the bottom edge of D,
 as well as where D's slot inner edges
touch A).
8. Prepare the stand box LID by bending back
on all perforations for side panels and tabs.
(NOTE: the triangle openings were removed
in the final design.)
9. Prepare the stand box BASE 
in the same manner.
(NOTE: circle openings were removed
in the final design.)
10. Prepare the slot opening collars build up
by stacking 6 shapes together, taking particular
care that the slot edges line up exactly.
Prepare a LID collar and a BASE collar this way.
11. Position each collar (G or L) onto the
underside of LID or BASE insert (F or K),
taking care to align collar and insert slot
openings precisely.
12. Attach the LID accent ring shapes together
in a stack, precisely aligned.
13. Attach the LID accent square shapes
together in a stack, precisely aligned.
14. Position and attach the ring accent stack onto
the face of main LID shape, aligning circle edges
precisely. Position and attach the square
accent stack, centered around circle,and
offset evenly in from top panel perforation edges.
15. Position and attach the side panel accent
rectangles, centered, onto each side panel.
16. Position and attach the stand lid and base
inserts (with collars) to the underside of
the LID (shown, with punch hole) and BASE,
centered within perforations square of each.
If possible, use weights to help attach
the inserts and help avoid warping and curling.
17. Form the BASE into a tray shape by
bending tabs back/inward, bending sides back,
then attach tabs to adjacent sides.
18. Position the LID over the top of the formed
BASE, taking care that the BASE slot and
LID slot are oriented in the same direction (parallel).
Wrap the LID tab sides around the corresponding
BASE sides, and attaching sides and tabs
in position.
Bend remaining LID sides into position
and attach.
18. To complete the snowflake ornament,
insert a length of twine, cord or ribbon
through the top punch hole.
OR, if using the stand, insert the snowflake
bottom end through the lid slot,
push through the stand so that the end
seats into the base slot, too.
NOTE: if you desire to disassemble the
snowflake from its stand for storage, etc.,
the fit should be or may be snug enough
to stay in place without gluing.
Here is the completed snowflake star.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! This is so cool! I really though it was wood when I saw the first picture and I thought how the heck did she cut that? Lol!
