
Friday, March 31, 2017

Bunny Jointed Hidden Gift Card

Stuffed animal replica measures approx. 
11.25" tall x 7" wide with button joint arms and legs. 
Great for Easter giving or birthday surprises. 
Pull slider head upward from body to reveal 
a compartment for a standard gift card.
All components are composed of multiple layers
for strength. Paper shapes included for "regular"
nose, or use the alternate shapes that provide
a recess to insert the back of a 1/2" painted 
wooden mushroom button, as shown in model.

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A slider full length back (1)
B slider card recess shapes (3)
C slider head back (1)
D slider head bottom layers (2)
E slider head top layers (2)
F body back layer (1)
G body interior build up layers (5)
H body front (1)   I tummy accent
J left & right arms (6 each)
K left & right legs (6 each)
L tail discs (1 each of 3)
M ear accents   N eyes and nose/whiskers underlay*
(*NOTE that the model is constructed using
the wood button painted plug; a paper shape
version of the nose with whiskers underlay
are included with the cut file.)
2. Prepare the body build up by carefully layering
and gluing the 5 U-shaped rims, one by one,
until all are joined into a thick shape.
Take care to align all edges as precisely as possible,
especially on the inside U shape where the
slider will need to push into place.
NOTE: it will be helpful to use some kind of
flat weight during all of the shape build-up steps
placed on top of and covering the glued-up units
to help each remain flat, avoid warping or curling.
(See image after step 3 for an example.)
3. Position and attach the body build up on the
backside of the body BACK shape, taking care
to match the outer edges and punch holes
as precisely a possible (HERE and throughout).
Use some kind of heavy flat weight placed on top
of the glued-up unit to ensure that it remains
completely flat while the glue is drying,
to avoid warping or curling.
Do this for each glued-up shape in the project.
The weight shown here is a fabric-covered
cast-off free from an exercise machine.
Other options include a flattening iron from
cooking ware, antique flat iron, flat-bottomed
wooden boxes, etc.
4. Position the tummy accent over the body front
with the punch holes aligned, and glue in place.
NOTE that the TOP of the tummy is a somewhat
flattened curve (also find a cut arrow symbol
in the upper left joint extension near punch hole
that will indicate UP).
5. Position the body front over the body build up unit,
and glue in place to the U-shaped surface,
taking care to carefully and precisely align
outer and upper edges and punch holes.
6. Prepare each of the arms (l & r) . . . 
. . .and legs (l & r) by layering
 the 6 shapes of each, one by one, with edges
and punch holes aligned precisely. Press with
weights until glue is completely dried.

7. Layer the three tail "discs", centered,
and glue together.
NOTE that the "nibs" on the top layer can be
lifted slightly for more dimension by using
a thin blade tool such as the spatula tip.
8. Position and attach the tail unit to the back
of the body, centered approximately as shown.
9. Position, align edges and attach the 3 slider 
buildup shapes, and press under weight while drying.
10. Position, align edges, and attach the slider
build up frame onto the backside of the slider back.
11. Layer and attach the (slider) head mid layers (2).
12. Layer and attach the (slider) head front (2) layers.
13. Layer and attach the head build up mid layers
and the head front layers together.
14. Position and attach the head front build up
onto the slider main unit, taking care to align
the head area outer edges and nose recess
edges of each.
Also position and attach the head back shape
onto the back of the slider unit.
15. Place the ear accent shapes into the corresponding
recesses in the head front and glue in place.
(Also apply stamp or other color for cheeks,
if desired.)
16. Position the eye accents into their
corresponding recesses.
Also layer the whisker shapes (optional, for dimension)
then position and attach at the button cutout edges.
(NOTE: If using the regular paper cut nose,
the nose/whiskers shapes are layered, then
the "pink" accent nose is over-laid, then
positioned and attached, centered, below
the eye recesses.)
17. If using the wood button plug, paint/stain
to desired color, then position the backside "stem"
into the nose recess and glue securely in place.
(NOTE: the head/slider unit is shown inserted
in this image; more information shown in
following steps.)
18. Position legs and arms units in their appropriate
places around body, then align punch holes
of arm or leg and body, insert regular size brad
through punch holes, and bend prongs back
on the backside to secure.
19. Complete final assembly by inserting the bottom
edge of the slider into the body slot between
the front and back body shapes.
Insert the gift card into the slider recess
(secure with double-stick tape or equivalent
if necessary), then . . . 
. . . continue to push the slider into place fully.
Here is the completed bunny with slider
in place and well hidden.
To further embellish (and hide the neck seam)
tie a ribbon bow around bunny's neck.

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