
Friday, March 10, 2017

Hidden Bins 3D Box

Rectangular box decorated with two offset panels 
measures approx. 5" tall x 3.375" wide x 3.375" deep. 
Sides open in clamshell fashion - 
split diagonally at top and bottom panels - 
to reveal . . . 
. . . three bins (two on left, one on right). 
Decorate the top with designs of choice. 
Or, use the coordinated size decorative additions 
"vine leaf scallop cir flourish" and "flower 3D daisy curl petals". 

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A left box body   B right box body
C bin "tray" shapes
D body side accent shapes (4)
  E side overlay accents (4)
F top accent shapes with overlays  (2 each)
G drawer front accents and overlays (3 each)
G flower "doily" accent
H leaf swirl accent
I stem to raise center flower (10-12)
J flower contrast base
K flower petals  L flower center (with brad)
2. Prepare the body shapes by bending back
on all panel and flange tab perforation lines.
3. Identify the wide flange tab which is the back
"hinge" tab.
Also identify the top of the box by locating
the 'T' cut marks in the top flange (attached
to the triangle ceiling panel).
Right side (Body 2) also includes the arrow head
cutout shape for identification.
4. While the body shapes are flat, position and attach
the accent shapes and overlays, noting
that overlays are offset within the edges of accent
shapes, which in turn are offset within the edges
of the wall panels.
CEILING PANEL accents, however, have diagonal
cut edges that should line up at the diagonal tab
perforation line, noted by pointing finger in image below.
5. Form the Body 1 - Right half into a triangular
tray form by bending up to align a wall end tag
perforation edge overlapped by straight plain
edge of top panel, and attach edge to tab.
6. Bend wide top flange under and glue in place. 
Repeat for similar bottom flange.
7. Bend narrow side front tab inward
and glue in place.
8. Complete steps 5-7 for the opposite half.
9. Position the two back "spine" edges together,
tuck the wide flange inside the straight back
edge, opposite, line up edge with flange perforation
line, and glue in place.
NOTE that it may be helpful to place the assembly
on a flat surface to apply finger pressure 
across the seam.
10. Prepare the bin shapes by bending back on all
perforation lines at panel and flange edges.
Identify the front upper edge flange
on the bin shapes by locating the
wide flange.
11. Position and attach the accent shapes
and overlays to the "front" panel of each
of the three bins.
12. Form each bin into tray form by bending
sides and front back to line up the straight
side front edge over the adjacent perforation
line, and glue in place.
Form the remaining side seams in similar manner,
complete seams. 
13. Position the first bin on the bottom of the
right (shows as left when viewed from front)
half of the box hull, with bottom, back and left walls
flush to the inside walls of hull, and glue in place.
14. Position and attach the second drawer shape
flush under the top wall of body shape A.
15. Locate the dash cut marks on the B left half box,
then position and attach . . . 
. . . the back and side panels flush against left
wall and back.
Close the box by carefully sliding the two halves
together, making sure that the three bins do not
 inhibit each other.  
Here is the completed, closed box.
(NOTE how the optional center punch tab
overlaps the opposite side when closed.)
16. Prepare the top flower by separating
the divided petal . . .
. . . lifting and curling slightly.
Also add curl to the tips of the base petal.
17. Position and attach the main and base petals,
spinning to offset the points, as shown.
18. Position and attach the circles, one by one, in a stack
to form the stem that will raise the flower slightly.
19. Position and attach the stem on the backside
of the main flower.
20. Position and attach the flower center
on front of main assembly, offsetting petals.
Here is the completed flower unit,
shown with regular size brad at center.

21. Position the "doily" shape centered
(use punch holes as guide) on top of
leaf swirl.
Then position the flower on top, centered
using punch hole in same manner.
22. Position and attach cluster/swirl unit
on top of the box ONLY to the tab half,
using circle tab as guide to align centers.

Here is hidden bins box open,
and closed.

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