
Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Sunflower Hidden Gift Card Holder

Bracket-shaped petals in two sizes, 
with rim and echo accent shapes, add-on leaf, 
two-layer center circle, "hello sunshine" tie-on tag. 
Slide the top two large petals upward to reveal 
the hidden compartment for standard gift card. 
Main flower shape and "slider" have multiple layers for strength. 
Measures approx. 6.5" wide x 6" tall when closed. 

(Tag assembly follows the card assembly
at Step 17.)
ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A main (large petals, lower) card front base
B main compartment build up shapes (5)
C main card back base
D slider build up (3)
E slider back layer      F slider upper back   
G slider upper front accent
H main front with accents
I small petals front accent & rim accent
J slider accents   K flower middle circles (2 sizes)
L leaf main, build up for strength, accent half
NOT SHOWN: build up circles for smaller petal 
shape (see step 10).
M tag base 
N positioning guide (cut to match tag)
O individual "sunshine" letters
P "hello" welded word cut
2. Prepare the main (lower) build up by layering
and attaching, one by one, the build up shapes,
taking care that all cut edges line up as
precisely as possible, taking special care
that the 'U' shaped interior edges match exactly.
It will be helpful to press the build up assembly
-- here and throughout the process --
under something heavy and flat while the glue
is drying, such as a wooden box, fabric-covered
cast-off free weight bars, cast-off re-purposed iron, etc.
This will keep all glued-up shapes flat and prevent
undesirable curling or warping.
3. Position and attach the interior build up stack
onto the backside of the main back panel,
matching outer cut edges precisely.
4. Position the main front panel over the
build-up/back assembly, match edges, and
attach in place.
5. Prepare the slider by layering, one by one,
the slider compartment shapes, aligning
edges precisely, particularly the interior edges,
and glue in place.
6. Position and attach the slider interior shape
build up stack over the slider back layer.
7. Position and attach the upper front
"petals" portion shape over the front of slider . . .
. . . then turn the assembly over and attach
the back upper petals shape at the top.
8. Prepare the large petals shape, 
slider upper shape, and smaller petals shape
by positioning and attaching the accent trims.
9. Position and attach the main large front accent
assembly over the main base (compartment)
assembly, matching edges that should align.
10. Layer and attach the 3 to 4 build up circles.
11. Position the build up circle assembly
behind the smaller petal assembly,
centering by matching up the hole punches.
(This build up will provide some space to make
inserting the slider into 
the base's compartment easier.)
12. Apply adhesive to the circle build up
exposed surface ONLY, then . . .
. . . position over the base assembly, matching
center holes, and apply pressure to the circle stack
area to attach. Then . . . 
. . . layer and attach the inner and outer 
circle centers, and position & attach
over the small petals assembly.
13. Position and attach the accent assembly 
to the upper petal portion of the slider.
14. Test the function and fit of the slider
by inserting it behind the smaller petal layers
and into the channel between front and back
of the main large petals assembly . . . 
. . . and push it fully in.
14. Layer and attach the 2 main leaf shapes,
then position and attach the half accent shape,
matching the side edges that should align.
15. Position and attach the leaf to the side
as desired. (This image shows one mid-side
position; the final project has the leaf
nearer the side bottom.)
16. To "fill" the sunflower, pull the slider out
to insert gift card into the recess, then . . .
. . . push the slider in again to hide the card.
17. Position the letters positioning guide
on the front of the tag.
NOTE: if the guide shape is cut from card stock
that matches the tag, it will become invisible.
18. Position and attach the individual letters
for 'sunshine' word exactly over the guide letters.
19. Finish the tag by positioning and attaching
the 'hello' welded word cut, adding twine, etc.
Position and tie the tag through the punch hole
on the hidden gift card slider petal.

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