
Monday, May 15, 2017

Calendar Blocks with Display Tray

Pair of card stock blocks each hold "face plate" stencils 
for all of the numbers required to rotate
to count off 1 thru 31 
for all the months of the year. 
Trio of one-inch logs holds welded word-cuts 
for the twelve months on which the blocks sit 
with "today's" date facing forward. 
Custom display tray has side and back walls,
with a wedge angled platform.
Measures approx. 7.5" wide x 4" deep x 5" tall. 
Interior construction ensures that this perpetual calendar will last. 
(Blocks with logs, and display tray available
in separate files.)

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A block main body (2) 
B main body add-on panel (2)
C & D (see the next frame)
E number face plates - 12 total: 
1 & 2 (two ea.); 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0 & blank
F contrast number liners (11)
G log body (3)   H log int. reinforcements (6)
I log face plates   J month welded word cuts
Block interior support struts will be inserted
into the block hull to prevent side collapse
in "all" directions" and provide stability.
Shown here: struts for ONE block box.
Cutting requirements for calendar blocks PAIR:
C block interior diagonal support struts (4)
D block interior cross struts (8)
K stand upper body (walls wrap, base)
L stand add-on side wall
M & N accent shapes
O optional base build up (3 or more)
P wedge platform
Q platform support struts 1-4
2. Prepare the block body main and add-on shapes
by bending back on all panel edge perforation lines
and flange tab lines.
3. Position and attach the add on shape to main
by overlapping one straight end edge over
one flange tab to perforation, adjusting to ensure
top-to-bottom alignment, then gluing in place.
4. Attach contrast liner behind each of the number
face plates (liner has slight offset smaller).
5. Position and attach the numbers centered 
on the main block panels.
BLOCK 1: 1-5 plus "blank"
BLOCK 2: 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 0
6. Form the block panel into cube shape by
bending adjacent plain edge to overlap
neighboring flange tab perforation line,
and gluing side seam securely.
Repeat for three more side seams.
NOTE: top remains open at this stage.
Prepare 4 interior support struts by bending
the inner edge flange tab back on all cross struts.
Arrange diagonal struts so that 
the slot of one reaches UP, and for the other,
the slot reaches DOWN.
8. For UP strut: position a cross strut along 
the side of the slot with upper and lower edges 
even, and glue flange tab in place.
9. Repeat the attachment of cross strut on
the opposite side of the same diagonal strut,
making sure that they are attached on
opposite sides of the slot opening.
10. Repeat the prep process for the DOWN strut,
noting that the attachment tabs are all on same end.
11. Flatten each diagonal strut assembly to allow
the DOWN and UP slots to fit together as shown,
then slide the two halves together until top and
bottom edges are even.
Open and arrange all the strut "arms" into
intended positions (four diagonal arms with
four shorter cross arms with tabs on same end.
12. With tab ends DOWN, insert the struts 
assembly into the box interior, and push . . . 
. . . fully in to sit snugly against the box bottom,
adjusting diagonal arms into corners.
Square up the cross struts to be perpendicular
to the box sides, and glue tabs in place
to wall backsides.
13. Bend "lid" wall flange tabs inward, then
bend into closed position, tucking tabs
inside the wall edges, between the strut ends,
and glue in place.
Apply pressure along the wall edges
to ensure that the flange tabs attach securely.
14. Repeat steps 6 thru 13 for the second block.
15. Prepare the log box shape by bending
back on all panel, tab and flange perforation lines.
16. Prepare the face plates by centering
and attaching the month word cuts, then
position face plates within the long rectangular
panels of the shape.
(OR, simply position and attach the month names
onto the log body itself.)
16. Form the shape into tube form,
with straight long edge overlapping
opposite tab flange to perforation line,
and glue in place . . . 
. . . NOTING that it is possible to flatten
this shape in order to apply pressure along
the seam to attach securely.
Open back into tube form
17. Prepare the interior support shapes
by bending side tabs forward.
A pair of these supports is used for each log box.
18. Position a support shape at the end opening
of log, and ease it into the log's interior . . . 
. . . gently pushing it inward until the panel
is approximately 1.5" back from the opening edges,
and glue in place.
Repeat for the opposite end of the log.
(Support ends help the logs remain "squared up"
and provide support against collapsing.)
19. Bend the end side tabs inward, then
bend the "lid" into position, tucking its end tab
inside the log end, and glue in place.
20. Repeat steps 15-19 for two more logs.
21. Prepare the platform shape by bending
back on all panel, tab and tab flange perf lines.
22. Form the bottom (wider portion) of the shape
into a tray by bending adjacent sides upward
(and slightly inward for front wedge angled walls)
to overlap straight edge over the adjacent
tab, and glue in place.
Repeat for all four corner side seams.
NOTE: it may be helpful for the angled front seams
to use a flat press-against tool such as a spatula
inserted into the narrow space behind the seam
to apply pressure to ensure good connection.
23. Identify the platform support struts by
the numbers cut into each one.
Bend #2 ends slightly forward, then . . .
Position and attach the ends to the ends of #1
(bend #1 at the middle perf line) to form
a triangle, taking care to line up cut edges 
and slot edges.
Bend #3 and #4 at the middle perforation line.
Position #3 at the left side of the triangle, with
number cut end toward the non-pointed FRONT end,
slots upward, and slide the slots together
until sides of all are even.
Repeat for #4 on opposite side.
This is how the completed support strut unit
should appear when fully assembled.
24. Position the strut unit inside the tray,
centered with tabs downward, then . . . 
. . . glue the tabs in place to the backside of base
to keep it from shifting.
25. Bend the front and side flanges inward,
bend "lid" into position, adjust so that
lid edges square up to flange perf lines,
and glue in place.
26. Prepare the upper walls shape and add-on
shape by bending back on all panel and flange tab
perforation lines.
(This image shows face side downward
against the working surface.)
27. Position and attach the add-on side wall
by overlapping side straight edge over
corresponding flange tab (flange will be
on the back of the back wall).
28. Prepare the optional base build up shapes
(for strength, rigidity and weight) by layering,
carefully aligning all edges, and attaching
the multiple shapes together.
NOTE that if using liquid adhesive, the build-up
shapes should be pressed under a flat weight
during the drying process to prevent warping
or curling.
29. Position and attach the sides and back
accent shapes to the FACE sides of the
wall structure.
30. Position and attach the build up base shapes
over the bottom panel, lining up the three
cut sides that correspond (use weight to flatten
during glue drying process).
31. Form the walls unit into a three-sided
tray by bending the side and bottom panels
together to overlap the straight bottom edge
over the adjacent side panel flange,
and glue in place.
Repeat for the opposite bottom seam.
32. Orient the platform with wedge (pointed) front corners
forward. Position the upper walls unit base over
the platform, line up edges, and glue together.
33. Complete the assembly by placing the three logs
on the inside bottom of the tray,
then position the two blocks on top.
Rotate logs and blocks to indicate
the intended date as the forward face.
NOTE that the "blank" position can be used
as the left block face for single digit dates
1, 2, 6, 7, 8 or 9.
Other "single digit" dates will need to be 
presented as: 03, 04, or 05.

1 comment:

  1. This is absolutely WONDERFUL!! I had written this down years ago as a project that I could make using elements from different sets, but obviously never got around to making one. Now you have made it so much easier for everyone by creating a file for it! Thank you.
