
Sunday, November 19, 2017

Poinsettia 3D Flower Topped Box

Slice-form petals in two sizes and edge styles circle around
a center riser upon which sits a pleated rosette 
plus two-layer twig snowflake. 
Flower can be used as a topper on
this special pentagon decor box 
or gift container, or . . . 
converted into a large decorative
hanging ornament. Measures approx. 6.75" tall x 
6.75" wide x 1.5" deep.

NOTE: This tutorial will present both projects.
Select and follow those steps that apply
to the ornament or box topper version
you are creating.

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A pentagon box base   B accent strips (5)
C pentagon lid   D lid accent shape
E lid accent strips (5)       F riser
G large petals (5 plain bases; 15 perforated)
H small petals (5 plain bases; 20 perforated)
I rosette pleat strips (2) and 2 circle covers
J & K twig snowflake shapes
L snowflake spacer circles (10-12)
M blossom center
N poinsettia ornament base
O poinsettia ornament offset backer
2. Prepare the box BASE by bending back on
all side, tab and flange perforation lines.
3. Position offset accent rectangle panels
within perforations of side walls and glue in place.
4. Prepare the LID in the same manner as
the BASE, bending on perf lines, and
attaching accent shapes, except if you are
adding the poinsettia blossom to the top of
the LID as a topper, DO NOT attach the accent
shape at this point in assembly.
5. Bend the BASE side walls inward to bring 
the straight edge to overlap the opposite tab
and glue the seam. Repeat for the other 4 seams.
6. Repeat step 5 for the LID side walls.
7. Bend the rim flanges for both LID and BASE
inward and glue in place to the backside
of the walls. 
At this point, with accent shapes in place,
the pentagon box is complete. Fit the LID
onto the BASE to close.
8. Prepare the small petal slice-form unit shapes
by bending the 4 petals with perforations 
for one petal unit forward (as valley folds).
There will be 5 total small petals created.
9. Position the first two bent petal shapes with
adjacent halves back-to-back as shown,
and glue the adjoining backsides together,
taking care to line up all corresponding cut edges.
To assist with the alignment, bend the side
extensions back so that the assembly is in stack form,
and adjust if necessary so that all cut edges,
including the center fold lines are precisely aligned.
In this form pressure can be easily applied
for a secure and complete join.

10. Position the 3rd petal unit so that two backside
halves align, then glue in place.
Continue to fold into stack form to check
and adjust, and apply pressure to assist the
gluing process.
11. Position, align and add the 4th petal as
with previous petals.
12. Apply adhesive the petal stack remaining backside
edges, then position over the plain petal base,
align and attach. NOTE that because of the center
joints of the slices and paper thickness, the stack edges 
may be slightly beyond the base edges.
13. Repeat the process for the 5 larger petals,
positioning and joining 3 petals . . . 
. . . then attaching that slice-form assembly
to the plain base shape.
14. Prepare the riser shape by bending back
all walls and tabs as shown.
NOTE that the edge tabs may be easier to
insert into the LID accent slots if left un-bent.
15. Join the 10 seams by bending adjacent wall
segments back to overlap the straight edge
over the adjacent tab, and gluing in place.
16. Position and insert the riser edge tabs
into the LID accent shape slots (for BOX)
-- or -- 
into the ornament BASE (for ORNAMENT),
and push in fully, then . . .
. . . bend tabs outward on the backside,
and glue in place.
17. Position the BOX accent shape over the LID,
center and attach in place.
-- or --
Position the ornament BASE over the
BACKER and attach in place.
18. Position the large petals first, positioning 
point at the pentagon point, and the inward
base centered and abutting at a long riser edge.
Glue in place (hot melt  or quick-grab 
glue recommended).
Position and attach all 5 large petals in this manner.
(NOTE: ornament alignment of large and small
petals units onto the BASE will place tips
at largest outward curves (large) or mid-point
outward curves (small).
19. Position the small petal units by tucking
in between the larger petals, so that the points
are centered along the box edges,
and base ends are abutted at short riser sides.
Position and attach all 5 small petals.
20. Prepare the rosette strips by first bending
the end tabs forward (valley fold) then . . . 
. . . bending at the perforation lines in mountain fold -
valley fold alternating order across the strip.
21. Join the strips into one length by overlapping
straight end over corresponding end tab.
22. Form the strip assembly into a ring and
join the remaining end seam.
23. Compress the pleating into rosette form
by placing shaped edge downward, then
gathering base ends gradually in toward center . . .
. . . until the pleating is flat on surface.
Hold pleating in this shape 
(a extra hand would help) . . .
. . . as hot-melt glue is applied around the center
opening and one of the cover circles is attached.
Immediately apply pressure all around
the pleated circle to force the pleats inward
and help/allow pleats to adjust to regular spacing.
24. Turn the assembly over to repeat the backside 
center circle gluing in place.
25. Position (center) and attach the rosette
onto the riser.
26. Layer the snowflake spacer circles and
glue into a stack. This unit will provide some
spacing and "lift" between the two twig shapes.
Recommended number of shapes is 5-6 each,
depending on the thickness of card stock being
used, and the thickness/spacing desired. 
27. Position and attach one circle spacer assembly
onto the backside of each of the twig snowflake shapes.
28. Position the smaller snowflake (face up for both)
over the larger, with center punch holes aligned . . .
. . . and with arms offset, and glue together.
29. Position and attach snowflake over
rosette unit.
Position and attach the contrast center over
the snowflakes.
NOTE: in the finished model project,
"Mini Prills" beads were also added to the
center circle, and a brad accent was inserted.
Stud accents were added over the large snowflake
end circles.
Here is the completed pentagon with
poinsettia topper project . . .
. . . and the completed ornament.


  1. Oooooooo can't wait to get my sticky fingers on this one :-P

  2. Replies
    1. It has been submitted as a box design and separate poinsettia flower topper design into the Silhouette America online store, and soon through and SVG Attic.

  3. What is the name is of the box, I love this and i have the topper already.
