
Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Suncatcher Christmas Ornaments

Presenting an easy hands-on "can't wait 'til Christmas"
activity starter for youngsters. 
Use the round or star-shaped hollow frames with 
top hang hole to frame a classic production of
opaque "show-thru" suncatcher as an ornament
made with wax paper, diluted white craft glue
 and pieces of colored tissue paper.  
Display at a window or on the Christmas tree. 
Ornaments measure approx. 4.25” wide (round) 
and 4.75” wide (star).

ASSEMBLY PROCESS:  1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A front and back round ornament frames
B front and back star ornament frames
C optional mini star confetti (quantity as desired)
2. Prepare the decoupage work area. First, trace
(or print) the shape you have selected to make on
a base sheet of type or scrap paper. Next,
cut or tear an oversized sheet of wax paper.
Tape the shape outline on your work board or table,
then center the wax paper over the tracing or copy
and securely tape edges so they won't migrate or
curl and get in the way. Also cut many small random
shapes from 2 or more coordinated colors of
tissue paper. (NOTE these items are often available
for low cost at a "Dollar"-type store.)
3. Pour/squirt the mod podge (diluted glue) into a small
washable or disposable bowl or cup. Use an inexpensive
small paint brush or foam brush to apply a good
coverage layer of "paint glue" over the area of
the shape -- in this image the star -- and a little bit
beyond the outline.
4. Randomly place the tissue paper pieces over
the painted area, shooting for almost complete
coverage of the shape. NOTE that it is ok if there
are uncovered areas.
Use the brush to paint more mod podge over 
the tissue pieces to keep them in place.
5. Once you have covered the shape with glue and
tissue paper pieces to your liking, you may also
position the mini stars on top, and paint over these too.
6. Allow the glue paint to dry thoroughly. This may take
a couple of hours.
7. Position the frame shape over the area you like
best, and trace with pencil or pen the outline where
you will cut out the shape, trimming approx. 1/8"
inside the traced circle. NOTE that you do not need
to trace the hanger tab.
8. Trim as described and discard the surrounding
wax paper waste.
9. Beginning with the FRONT frame, apply glue
to the backside and inner circle edge of the frame,
 and to the outer circle trimmed edge, then . . .
. . . position and glue the layers together.
Check the backside to make sure that the wax
paper edge is within the frame outer edge.
Apply pressure all around to secure.
10. Repeat the gluing process for the back frame . . .
. . . applying glue only to the inward surface of back frame.
Press flat under a heavy, thick book volume or something
like that until glue is thoroughly dried.
11. Add a large "jump ring" through the ornament
hole, if desired and one is available. Then . . .
. . . add a decorative hook at top through jump ring.
Add a twine or ribbon bow at top stem if desired.
Here are the two ornaments from this design file.

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