
Sunday, July 17, 2016

Mannequin Cage Skirt Assembly

Sized to fit  "dressmaker's 3d mannequin" design, 
this cage skirt can also stand alone as the "dome" 
over a miniature nosegay, as part of a vintage-style ensemble, 
or even super special place card holder at a bridal tea 
or fashion show luncheon. 
Measures approx. 8" tall x 4" wide x 3.5" deep. 
Thirty-two (or 30) decorative studs help hide
construction markings.
Decorative pleated peplum adorns back as "bustle" 
with ribbon lacing accent bracket for center back. 

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A right side main cage
B left side main cage with tabs
C & D upper (waist) cage ring
E & F mid cage ring
G peplum "bustle" shape
H lacing placket
2. Prepare the main cage shapes by
bending back slightly at upper "stave" perf marks
as shown.
Also bend slightly at perf marks at or near
middle intersections.
3. Prepare the ring shapes by bending back
slightly at perf marks.
4. Identify the cut shapes and locate the center front
ends of all that are marked with tiny 'F' symbols.
These corresponding ends will be overlapped
and joined at the center front.
5. Prepare the rings by overlapping the straight
end of the right section over the tab to perf cut
of the left section.
Apply a small dab of glue as a temporary
joint, in case these need to be unattached
and adjusted when the final assembly is made.
(Additional adhesive may be added later
if necessary, for a more complete joint.)
6. Overlap and join the main stave sections
at the incorporated rings structures and tabs
in similar manner, with a permanent secure
joint at the center front . . .
. . . which can be identified with the F
symbol cut into the top front stave end.
7. Form the main sections into a tube
to overlap and join the "rings" at center back.
8. Position the mid ring unit center front
at the main section center front,
overlapping and using tiny hole punches
as alignment markings.
Use a temporary dab of glue to allow for
future adjustments as may be needed.
9. Repeat for the top waist ring.
10. Wrap the ring ends toward the back
to overlap, position with punch guide markings
aligned, and temp glue in place at center back stave.
11. Repeat for the center back seam of
the top waist ring and stave, noting that
an angle in the top end of the center back stave
will help guide the required attachment slight angle of
each upper ring end.
12. With vertical staves inside the rings,
position, adjust, then align guide circles
to attach each stave to top ring, then mid ring.
RECOMMENDED: attach top sides, then
side front and side back staves first. Move on to
mid sides, then front & back.
Make adjustments in previously-glued
staves as needed.
NOTE: when using the cage skirt as part of
the mannequin project, some of these joints
at center back should remain unattached
until after the cage is placed over the
body form. See Step 20 for further instructions.
13. Attach a decorative stud or jewel at each
intersection to cover the guide circle cut outs.
(Two at center back top and mid intersections
can be omitted if the bustle accent is being used.)
14. Prepare the peplum bustle by bending
in alternate forward/backward accordion style
as shown. Also bend top tabs back slightly.
15. Bend the pleats at the top of the skirt
and attach in place by applying neat dabs of
adhesive under the folds ONLY near top of pleat.
Reverse the assembly to repeat the application
of glue dabs under the pleat folds on the backside.
16. Fold the top tabs back to overlap 
the pleat folds on the backside
and glue in place to help secure the assembly.
17. Position bustle at top center back
and secure in place using appropriately
strong adhesive at top edge.
18. Prepare the lacing accent shape by
threading a 24" or so length of soft ribbon
through the lacing holes in a configuration
of your choice, then tying with a bow
and leaving fairly long streamers.
19. Position and attach lacing accent
at center of peplum with top edges aligned.
Here is the completed cage skirt.
20. If cage skirt if part of the mannequin
project, leave the top center back joints 
of upper rings, and top of main assembly
unattached . Slide the cage over
the top of the mannequin form . . .
. . . slide down into position with top ring
at waist seam.
Overlap ring ends and attach to staves.
NOTE if may be helpful to use a flat rigid tool
such as this spatula to provide a "press-against"
surface to apply pressure at these final joints.
Position and attach bustle and lacing placket.

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