
Sunday, July 17, 2016

Notions 3d Box Assembly

Use heavy card stock plus card or paper accents 
to create sturdy box with flap lid. 
Dimensional outer and compartment walls 
slot or fold together with tabs and flanges. 
Concealed "super magnet discs" plus 19/32" washers 
 hold the lid flap in place against front wall. 
Front "label pull" accent assembly component included, 
or use metal label pull hardware from "Holtz".

Inside, five small and medium compartments can hold 
small scale scissors, measuring tape, short pin cushion, 
bobbins and thread, etc. 
Specially-sized front compartment accepts 
coordinated design "bobbins 3d tote". 
Measures approx. 7.5" wide x 7.5" deep x 2.5" tall. 

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
(walls A & B shown with outer and rim accents)
A back wall (includes arrow symbol in margin)
A wall front (includes circle symbol in margin)
B left wall ('L')             B right wall ('R')
C interior wall    D interior wall
E interior wall
F interior wall with strip with downward shaping
(use this F wall if  incorporating the bobbin tote)
G box base   H box base bottom cover
I front wall inside magnet placement guide
and reinforcement
J box lid with main and flap accent shapes
K under-lid reinforcement frames (3-4)
L front under-flap washer shapes (2)
Not shown: solid under-flap cover
M label pull (paper) hardware and label
2. Identify the positioning of the outer (A & B)
and interior (C-F) walls by locating 
the line of slots (exterior) or paired lines of slots
into which bottom tabs will insert.
This diagram of the base shape shows
wall positions.

3. Prepare the walls by bending back (downward)
at perforations, and also bend tabs outward.
(NOTE: it may be an equally good choice to leave
the tabs un-bent so that they may more easily
be inserted into slots, then bend outward
(valley fold) after that.)
4. Begin with Wall D, insert tabs into slots
on the face side of the BASE shape . . .
. . . then bend tabs outward and glue in place
on the base shape backside.
NOTE: make sure that the tabs remain fully 
inserted so that the tab perf lines fall
right at the slot edge.
Once the tabs adhesive begins to grab,
reverse the base shape on a flat surface
and apply pressure from the front over the tabs
to fully secure.
5. Prepare modified Wall F (if using this version)
by bending walls back as for other wall shapes,
but also bending cutout tabs inward, and
rim tabs inward.
6. Apply adhesive to the opening tabs,
then position the strip (bend upward at
strip perforations) into place. First attach
the strip ends to the rim tabs, then to the
remaining flange tabs.
It may be helpful to position a tool such as
this colored pencil shaft behind each section
of the added wall and tabs to provide
a "press against" surface to help secure in place.
7. Position Wall F and insert bottom tabs into
corresponding slots in base. Bend tabs back
and glue to the backside of the base shape.
8. Position Wall E at its corresponding slots,
then slide it into position by fitting the cutout
around the end of Wall F as shown.
Insert tabs into base, bend outward on
backside, attach tabs as previously done.
9. Once Wall E is secure, adjust it slightly away
from Wall F to apply a dab of adhesive
on F's rim where the underside of E's rim
will return into position.
Slide E back into place and apply pressure
there to secure.
10. Position Wall C in same manner,
slotting wall cutouts over Walls D & E, securing tabs,
applying dab of glue under intersection, etc.
 as was done in step 9 above.
11. Prepare outer Walls A and B by positioning
and attaching the outer wall accent shape
and the rim shape as shown.
NOTE that the rims of the A shapes will NOT
have the mitered ends; center it just the same
and the B wall overlaps should end up right where
the miter cut end edges are.
12. Further prepare the Wall A front by
positioning and attaching the magnet positioning
guide shape, on the underside
of the outside (non-cutout) front wall, 
centered between outer side cut edges
as well as between rim perforation line
and bottom flange tab perforation line.
13. Position and glue in place (hot glue
or other substantial glue recommended)
a super magnet disc in each of the
circle cutouts.
NOTE these magnets will correspond
with the metal washers placed in the
lid front flap layers to provide the
magnetic snap closure, if desired.
14. Position one side Wall B (Left shown here)
into appropriate position, insert inner wall
bottom tabs into corresponding slots,
with wall cutouts fit around walls,
and connection tabs at the top
of the wall cutout area bent back.
On Base backside, bend tabs toward center
and glue in place.
15. On the backside of the B wall assembly,
apply adhesive at the end of the rim of the
protruding wall shape so that the connection tab
there can bond. Allow that bond to occur
naturally when the outer wall is completely in position.
16. Fold the outer wall portion of Wall B unit
into position to wrap the bottom flange inward
at the corresponding Base edge.
The Base edge should seat snugly into the perforation
angle of the tab, and be centered so that the
mitered corner edge intersects exactly at
the center of the Base corner.
Apply pressure all along the flange tab edge
as the glue is drying and grabbing so that
this snug position is maintained ALL ALONG
the entire edge, and particularly at CORNERS.
17. Position and attach the second Wall B unit
in similar manner.
18. Position first Wall A similarly, but also
slot the inner wall end flange tabs of each B into
the slots in A as shown here. When in place,
bend the tabs toward the center and attach
in place, applying pressure to the area
from the inside of the box at corresponding
19. Bend end tabs of Wall Bs inward and
apply adhesive.
Bend the outer wall portion of Wall A into 
position to wrap the flange around Base edge . . .
. . .as previously done for Wall Bs.
Apply pressure along flange as before, and also . . .
along wall ends to secure B end tabs
 as well as possible from the outside. This process
may require a few extra moments to assure
a good seam along all three sides involved.
20. Attach second Wall A in similar manner.
21. Position and attach the bottom cover
over the exposed construction on the base.
22. Prepare the LID shape by positioning
and attaching the offset center square accent
and both flap offset accent shapes.
23. Prepare the LID front flap washer reinforcement
shapes by layering and attaching the two
flap shapes with circle cutouts.
24. Prepare the Lid shape by bending back at
front and back perforation lines.
Position and attach the reinforcement unit
on the backside of the Lid shape, matching
outer cut edges exactly.
25. Position and attach the washers inside
the reinforcement circle cutouts using the
appropriately strong, quick grab glue.
26. Eventjually complete the Lid flap construction
 - after Step 32 - by positioning and attaching 
the whole flap reinforcement
shape over the backside to hide the washer
27. Prepare the under-lid buildup frame shapes
by layering and attaching carefully to make sure
all outer edges line up as exactly as possible.
Also, use heavy flat weight (if possible) to ensure
that there is no warping of this buildup shape
while adhesive is drying.
NOTE: this build up frame will correspond with
the inner rim edge of the outer box walls
to help secure the lid in place when closed.
28. Position the frame onto the backside
of the Lid, centered from side to side
and from front to back, and securely
attach in place. Use heavy weights again.
29. Prepare the paper label tab "hardware"
by layering and attaching the under carrier shapes
as shown here.
30. Attach the under-shapes to the backside of
the main label bracket, matching side and
lower edges exactly.
31. Bend the tab back at the top of the
lower bracket reinforcement shape, then
attach the "pull" portion of main shape and
lower shapes with edges matched
(leave tab free).
32. Position the paper pull over the front flap
with punch holes of each aligned,
and with the bottom tab positioned below,
flat against flap. Secure in place with
adhesive on the bottom tab and buildup
edges of the bracket. Also attach mini brads
through punch holes.
. . . select the metal hardware Label Pull 
from Jim Holtz shown here . . .
. . . to position and attach with appropriate adhesive
in position, then add decorative mini brads at punch holes.
33. Position the lid assembly and attach the
back flap to the back wall using appropriately
strong adhesive. 
(Hot glue or Fabri-Tack recommended.)
34. Insert the optional label shape into the
label pull.
35. Prepare and insert the optional bobbins tote
into the space created by Wall F at box front.
NOTE this will be a snug fit.
36. Close the box in the usual fashion,
and note that the front flap will "snap to"
as the hidden washers and magnets attract.
Here are views of the completed notions box.


  1. Oh how fun! I love that this is beautiful as well as functional!

