
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Rosette 3D July 4

Pleated rosette circle with sawtooth edge 
has scalloped and plain center circles 
with "July 4th" word cuts. 
Measures almost 4" in diameter. 
Versatile element for patriotic decorating. 
Sized to fit companion 
"Patriotic 3D Tussie Mussie Cone" design. 

ASSEMBLY: 1. Identify and cut the shapes:
A pleated strips (2)
B cover circles to secure pleating
C outer scallop circle
D inner scallop circle with July 4th in place
2. Pleat the strips by bending at perforations
in alternating order, with "mountain" folds
running through saw tooth POINTS and
"valley" folds corresponding with 
between-point dips.
3. Join the strips end to end by overlapping
the plain straight end edge over the opposite
end tab.
4. Form the strip unit into a ring to overlap
and join the remaining ends, plain edge
over the opposite tab.
5. Place the ring sawtooth end down on flat surface
and begin to gather the top end pleats into
the center while at the same time 
pressing downward . . .
. . . to flatten the rosette pleats.
6. Press the pleats inward to reduce the center
opening "hole" to the smallest and most regular
size possible. Then hold in place . . . 
. . . while applying hot melt glue around
the center opening in an area not to exceed
the cover circles. Then quickly . . . 
. . . position (centered) a cover circle
over the opening and glue. Continue to
apply toward-the-center pressure
around pleating, then hold in place
until glue cools and pleats are held secure.
7. Repeat the process of gluing the cover circle
in position on the rosette backside,
applying pressure to flatten the pleating.
8. Position and attach the "July 4th" lettering
to the center circle shape
(consider using the "waste" cutout to help
lightly mark positioning).
9. Center and join scallop and plain circles,
then position and attach to the front
of the pleated rosette.
This rosette design can be used in many
decorative projects.
Here is is the focal point of the patriotic
tussie mussie decorated cone.
You can find the tutorial for this project

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