
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

3d Miniature Skis & Poles Construction Tutorial

Just the right pair to embellish lots of winter paper crafts, cards, gift tags and more.
Now available from SnapDragon Snippets through the
Silhouette America online store,
this miniature set of skis and poles is constructed from cardstock.
Skis measure approx. 6" long in their downloaded size. 
Scale larger if desired for bigger impact.

Step 1. Identify and cut the pieces. Shown here are pieces for a pair of skis and poles.

At left: runners (2) base layers, upper runner, toe cuff and heel strap. 
At right: poles, grips, basket circles (2), basket support

Step 2. Add curl to the runner tips by applying pressure between finger and thumb while drawing tip through in a circular shape. 

Curl both pairs of base runners, taking care that the pair has a matching slope.

Step 3. Apply glue and layer lower with middle runner (lower will be a very slight bit longer).

Step 4. Add curl to toe cuff.

Step 5. Insert center tab through upper runner at slot. On backside, apply glue to the tab and fold to adhere to underside of runner.

Step 6. Apply glue to the under side of one tab. Curve cuff side around until tab perforation aligns with straight edge of runner. Adjust the cuff back toward the tab/slot as much as possible, then apply pressure to glue in place.

Repeat for the other side tab.

To assist with the gluing in the narrow space inside of cuff, use the eraser end of a new pencil inserted inside, to provide a pressure surface to push against until glue is secure.

This is what the backside of the upper runner should look like at this stage.

Step 7. Add curl to the heel strap. Fold the end "tabs" back at the angled perforations. 

Step 8. Apply dab of glue to the underside of one end tab, then position it as closely to the toe cuff edge as possible, with perf fold snug against runner straight edge. Hold in place until glue is secure.

Curl the strap around and complete the same step for opposite end and side.

This image shows how the underside looks with the toe and heel binding shapes in place.

Step 8. Apply glue to the underside of runner, then position on top of base assembly, center side to side and align straight ends, then apply pressure to completed runner.

Step 9. Fold the pole shaft on the three long perforations.
 Step 10. Apply glue to the long tab (without a point at the end), then fold the shaft into its triangular form with the tab inserted behind the opposite edge.

Apply pressure all along the shaft while at the same time forcing the tab into place as the glue cures. The goal is to achieve a tightly formed triangular shaft with shaft straight edge even with tab perforation.

Step 11. Add a dab of glue inside of tips, then push tips together to form a point. It will be helpful to move the finger pressure around the point repeatedly until glue is secure and edges meet and adhere.

Step 12. Join the two basket circle shapes. Take care that center and other openings align exactly. If your cardstock has a face and a back side, take care that the pieces are placed back to back.

Step 13. Insert the tip end through basket triangle center hole. Carefully slide the basket up approx. 1/2".

 Step 14. Fold the basket support strip at perforations. Apply glue to backside, then wrap and attach to pole just above tip cut edge.

When secure, slide the basket down to rest at the top of the strip.

Step 15. Repeat the folding and wrapping process for the hand grip, positioning it slightly below the wrist strap holes as shown.

Step 16. As a finishing touch, as desired, insert a 5-6" piece of cord (I am using rolled leather cord) through the two holes, then bring ends together and tie an overhand knot. Trim excess.

And just like that, your skis and poles are done.

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