
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Feathered Star Quilt Block Construction Tutorial

If you purchased and downloaded cut file 
#54066 feathered star 12x12 block for sewing print & cut,
prior to 1-22-14, please NOTE that a correction for sizing was made.
Please delete the previous file version and re-download (after 1-22-14)
PRIOR to printing, cutting and attempting to piece the design.

Traditional feathered star quilt block in a 12"x12" size 
for patchwork stitching is now available from SnapDragon Snippets
through the Silhouette America online store.
The downloadable file contains the full size templates needed
to construct (piece) the block, provided in three different forms:
a. Print&Cut labeled templates with cut lines layered with outer print lines
b. templates WITHOUT the seam allowances, for sizing ease
c. templates for this 12"x12" block that have 1/4" seam allowances added.

Use accurate 1/4" seam allowances throughout.
Transfer and use alignment markings to keep patchwork straight.

Step 1. Cut the patches you will need for one 12"x12" block. Colors listed will correspond to this color sample arrangement, with the "background" shapes as darker value, and a scrappy appearance.

A - one med. blue
B - 4 and 4 reversed from varied med. blue
C - 4 from background dark blue (make sure straight of grain is parallel to the long "top" edge
D - 4 from dark blue background
E - 8 from cream scraps
F - 32 from cream scraps
F - 36 from dark blue background
G - 8 from med. blue

Step 2. Transfer the location "dots" from the A, B & C printed template shapes to the corresponding patch backsides for positioning assistance.

Step 3. Build the sawtooth "stacks" using E, F & G patches.
Shown left to right, assemble 4 of each:
short simple
long simple
short diamond
long diamond

For machine paper foundation piecers, MPF diagrams in pdf format for printing are available for these "stacks" by emailing a request to Jodi at hearthsewnpatterns(at)yahoo(dot)com .

Step 4. Align the "simple" stacks, short then long to the appropriate edges of C triangle, pinning the seamline crossing point at the marked dot for each. As you stitch the seams for each stack, end the stitching about half way across the end triangle edge. (This seam will be completed near the end of the block construction.) Press seams toward C after each is stitched.

Step 5. Join the short diamond stack (bottom of this illustration) to the appropriate edge of D square, and the long stack as shown in sequence, using the guidemark to align the diamond-to-F patches. Press seams toward D after each seam is stitched.

Step 6. Mark a dot on the backside of each E corner at 1/4" seamline intersections.

(NOTE: this illustration is for general location purposes only. Illustrations are shown without seam allowances for graphic clarity. The marked dot should be where 1/4" seam allowances cross, and on the backside of the patches.)

Step 7. Join a double B unit at the corner of each C  unit as shown. Pin to match corner seamline dots, then stitch one patch edge to the dot, stopping and locking the seam as for an inset seam. Align and pin the other patch edge and stitch; press seams toward the center.

Step 8. Assemble the center block section by joining A square between two C sections. Press seams toward center.

Step 9. Assemble a top and a bottom section of block by joining one C section between two D sections as shown; press seams toward center. NOTE that the C corners at unstitched portion of the seams should be held out of the way to align and join the seam edges (at the diamond tips area). Press seams toward center.

Step 10. Join the center section (from Step 8) between the top and bottom sections (from Step 9). Hold the unstitched portions of the seams out of the way in the same manner as for Step 9. Press seams toward center.

Step 11. Reposition each unstitched portion of C triangle tip so that corner crossing seamline point aligns at diamond point crossing seamline point. Stitch the remaining portions of the seam at all eight area where this is needed.


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